
The openstack module provides support for managing various resources on OpenStack, including virtual machines, networks, routers, ...

This guide explains how to start virtual machines on OpenStack.


This tutorial requires you to have an account on an OpenStack. The example below loads the required credentials from environment variables, just like the OpenStack command line tools. Additionally, the following parameters are also required:

ssh_public_key Your public ssh key (the key itself, not the name of the file it is in)
network_name The name of the Openstack network to connect the VM to
subnet_name The name of the Openstack subnet to connect the VM to
network_address The network address of the subnet above
flavor_name The name of the Openstack flavor to create the VM from
image_id The ID of the Openstack image to boot the VM from
os The OS of the image

The model below exposes these parameters at the top of the code snippet.

Creating machines

import openstack
import ssh
import redhat
import ubuntu

## Edit this parameters
image_id = ""
network_name = ""
subnet_name = ""
network_address = ""

flavor_name = ""

# change OS parameter to match the actual image. If an OS is not modelled in an existing module,
# std::linux can be used for example. However, other modules might not have support for a
# generic os definition such as std::linux
os = redhat::fedora23
## End edit

# register ssh key
ssh_key = ssh::Key(name="mykey", public_key=ssh_public_key)

# Define the OpenStack provider to use
provider = openstack::Provider(name="iaas_openstack", connection_url=std::get_env("OS_AUTH_URL"),

# Define the project/tenant to boot the VM in, but do not let inmanta manage it
project = openstack::Project(provider=provider, name=provider.tenant, description="", enabled=true,

# Define the network objects to connect the virtual machine to but again, do not manage them
net = openstack::Network(provider=provider, project=project, name=network_name, managed=false)
subnet = openstack::Subnet(provider=provider, project=project, network=net, dhcp=true, managed=false
                           name=subnet_name, network_address=network_address)

# Define the virtual machine
vm = openstack::Host(provider=provider, project=project, key_pair=ssh_key, name="testhost",
                     image=image_id, os=os, flavor=flavor_name, user_data="", subnet=subnet)

Getting the agent on the machine

The user_data attribute of the openstack::Host entity can inject a shell script that is executed at first boot of the virtual machine (through cloud-init). Below is an example script to install the inmanta agent (from RPM) and let it connect back to the management server.


hostname {{ name }}
setenforce 0

cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/inmanta.repo <<EOF
name=Copr repo for inmanta owned by bartvanbrabant

dnf install -y python3-inmanta-agent

cat > /etc/inmanta/agent.cfg <<EOF
heartbeat-interval = 60
fact-expire = 60
environment={{ env_id }}

systemctl start inmanta-agent
systemctl enable inmanta-agent

Pushing config to the machine

To install config:

#put a file on the machine
std::ConfigFile(host = host1, path="/tmp/test", content="I did it!")

Actual usage

Creating instances of openstack::Host, as shown above requires many parameters and relations, creating a model that is hard to read. Often, these parameters are all the same within a single model. This means that Inmanta can encapsulate this complexity.

In a larger model, a new Host type can encapsulate all settings that are the same for all hosts. Additionally, an entity that represents the infrastructure can hold shared configuration such as the provider, monitoring, shared networks, global parameters,...)

For example (full source here)

Applied to the example above the main file is reduced to:

import mymodule
import ssh
import redhat
import ubuntu

## Edit this parameters
image_id = ""
network_name = ""
subnet_name = ""
network_address = ""

flavor_name = ""

# change OS parameter to match the actual image. If an OS is not modelled in an existing module,
# std::linux can be used for example. However, other modules might not have support for a
# generic os definition such as std::linux
os = redhat::fedora23
## End edit

# register ssh key
ssh_key = ssh::Key(name="mykey", public_key=ssh_public_key)

# create the cluster
cluster = mymodule::MyCluster(network_name=network_name, subnet_name=subnet_name,
                              image_id=image_id, flavor=flavor_name, key=ssh_key,
                              network_address=network_address, os=os)

# make a vm!
host1 = mymodule::MyHost(name="testhost", cluster=cluster)

With the following module:

import openstack
import ssh

entity MyCluster:
        A cluster object that represents all shared config and infrastructure,
        including connecting to OpenStack.
    string network_name
    string subnet_name
    string network_address
    string image_id 
    string flavor

#input: the ssh key for all VMs
MyCluster.key [1] -- ssh::Key

#input: the OS for all VMs
MyCluster.os [1] -- std::OS

#internal: objects needed to construct hosts
MyCluster.provider [1] -- openstack::Provider
MyCluster.project [1] -- openstack::Project [1] -- openstack::Network
MyCluster.subnet [1] -- openstack::Subnet

implementation connection for MyCluster:
    # Define the OpenStack provider to use
    self.provider = openstack::Provider(name="iaas_openstack",

    # Define the project/tenant to boot the VM in, but do not let inmanta manage it
    self.project = openstack::Project(provider=self.provider, name=self.provider.tenant,
                                      description="", enabled=true, managed=false)

    # Define the network objects to connect the virtual machine to but again, do not manage them = openstack::Network(provider=self.provider, project=self.project,
                                  name=self.network_name, managed=false)
    self.subnet = openstack::Subnet(provider=self.provider, project=self.project,
                          , dhcp=true, name=self.subnet_name,
                                    network_address=self.network_address, managed=false)

implement MyCluster using connection

#define our own host type
entity MyHost extends openstack::Host:

#input: the cluster object
MyCluster.hosts [0:] -- MyHost.cluster [1]

implementation myhost for MyHost:
    #wire up all config for agent injection
    env_name = std::environment_name()
    env_id = std::environment()
    env_server = std::environment_server()
    port = std::server_port()

    #wire up all config for vm creation
    self.provider = cluster.provider
    self.project = cluster.project
    self.image = cluster.image_id
    self.subnet = cluster.subnet
    self.user_data = std::template("mymodule/user_data.tmpl")
    self.key_pair = cluster.key
    self.os = cluster.os
    self.flavor = cluster.flavor

# use our implemenation
# and also the catchall std::hostDefaults
# and the openstackVM implementation that sets the ip and create the eth0 port
implement MyHost using myhost, std::hostDefaults, openstack::openstackVM, openstack::eth0Port

If this were not an example, we would make the following changes:

  • hardcode the image_id and os (and perhaps flavor) into the defintion of myhost.
  • the parameters on top would be moved to either a form or filled in directly into the constructor.
  • use std::password to store passwords, to prevent accidential check-ins with passwords in the source