Module mongodb


entity mongodb::Database

Parents: std::State

Mongodb database

attribute bool purged=False
attribute string name
relation mongodb::MongoDB server [1]

other end: mongodb::MongoDB.databases [0:*]

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity mongodb::MongoDB

Parents: ip::services::Server

Set up a single mongodb server

attribute bool smallfiles=False
attribute ip::ip bindip=''
relation mongodb::ReplicaSet rs_slave [0:1]

other end: mongodb::ReplicaSet.slave_servers [2:*]

relation mongodb::Database databases [0:*]

other end: mongodb::Database.server [1]

relation mongodb::ReplicaSet rs_master [0:1]

other end: mongodb::ReplicaSet.master_server [1]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity mongodb::ReplicaSet

Parents: std::Entity

A mongo replica set

attribute string name='rs01'
relation mongodb::MongoDB master_server [1]

other end: mongodb::MongoDB.rs_master [0:1]

relation mongodb::MongoDB slave_servers [2:*]

other end: mongodb::MongoDB.rs_slave [0:1]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:


implementation mongodb::mongoServerEpel
implementation mongodb::mongoServerFedora
implementation mongodb::mongoServerMaster
implementation mongodb::mongoServerUbuntu


class mongodb.Database
A mongodb database


class mongodb.DatabaseHandler

A handler to manage database on a mongodb server and snapshot/restore

(this handler currently does nothing because mongo creates its database lazily)