Module collectd


entity collectd::Agent

Parents: collectd::NetworkInput, collectd::NetworkOutput

A collectd agent that collects metrics

attribute bool forward=False

Instruct the network plugin to forward inputs to outputs

attribute string _plugin_config_path
attribute string _service_name
relation collectd::Plugin plugins [0:*]

other end: collectd::Plugin.agent [1]

relation collectd::Type types [0:*]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity collectd::NetworkInput

Parents: ip::services::Server

A collectd network input: accepts metrics using the collectd network protocol.

relation collectd::NetworkOutput outputs [0:*]

other end: collectd::NetworkOutput.inputs [0:*]

entity collectd::NetworkOutput

Parents: ip::services::BaseClient

A collectd network output: sends metrics over the network using the collect protocol.

relation collectd::NetworkInput inputs [0:*]

other end: collectd::NetworkInput.outputs [0:*]

entity collectd::Plugin

Parents: std::Entity

A collectd plugin that collects metrics

attribute string name
attribute string config
attribute number interval=0
attribute number load_order=10
relation collectd::Agent agent [1]

other end: collectd::Agent.plugins [0:*]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

entity collectd::Type

Parents: std::Entity

Add a new type to a custom types db

attribute string name
attribute string min='U'
attribute string type
attribute string max='U'

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity collectd::Varnish

Parents: collectd::Plugin

Enable the Varnish collectd plugin

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity collectd::graphite::GraphiteWriter

Parents: collectd::Plugin

A plugin to write metrics to graphite

attribute string escape_character='_'
attribute string prefix=''
attribute string postfix=''
relation graphite::Carbon carbon [1]

other end: graphite::Carbon.collectd_writer [0:*]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity collectd::plugins::CPU

Parents: collectd::Plugin

Collectd CPU plugin.

attribute bool valuespercentage=False

This option is only considered when both, ReportByCpu and ReportByState are set to true. In this case, by default, metrics will be reported as Jiffies. By setting this option to true, you can request percentage values in the un-aggregated (per-CPU, per-state) mode as well.

attribute bool reportbycpu=True

When set to true, the default, reports per-CPU (per-core) metrics. When set to false, instead of reporting metrics for individual CPUs, only a global sum of CPU states is emitted.

attribute bool reportbystate=True

When set to true, the default, reports per-state metrics, e.g. “system”, “user” and “idle”. When set to false, aggregates (sums) all non-idle states into one “active” metric.

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity collectd::plugins::Df

Parents: collectd::Plugin

Disk free plugin

attribute bool reportinodes=True

Enables or disables reporting of free, reserved and used inodes. Defaults to inode collection being disabled. Enable this option if inodes are a scarce resource for you, usually because many small files are stored on the disk. This is a usual scenario for mail transfer agents and web caches.

attribute string device

Select partitions based on the devicename.

attribute bool ignoreselected=False

Invert the selection: If set to true, all partitions except the ones that match any one of the criteria are collected. By default only selected partitions are collected if a selection is made. If no selection is configured at all, all partitions are selected.

attribute bool valuespercentage=False

Enables or disables reporting of free and used disk space in percentage. Defaults to false. This is useful for deploying collectd on the cloud, where machines with different disk size may exist. Then it is more practical to configure thresholds based on relative disk size.

attribute bool valuesabsolute=True

Enables or disables reporting of free and used disk space in 1K-blocks. Defaults to true.

attribute list mountpoints
attribute bool reportbydevice=False

Report using the device name rather than the mountpoint. i.e. with this false, (the default), it will report a disk as “root”, but with it true, it will be “sda1” (or whichever).

attribute bool reportreserved=True
attribute list fstypes

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity collectd::plugins::Disk

Parents: collectd::Plugin

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity collectd::plugins::Interface

Parents: collectd::Plugin

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity collectd::plugins::SNMP

Parents: collectd::Plugin

relation collectd::plugins::SNMPData data [0:*]
relation collectd::plugins::SNMPHost hosts [0:*]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity collectd::plugins::SNMPData

Parents: std::Entity

attribute bool table=False
attribute number scale=1.0
attribute string instance
attribute string name
attribute string values
attribute string type

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity collectd::plugins::SNMPHost

Parents: std::Entity

attribute string hostname
attribute number interval=10
attribute ip::ip ip
attribute string community
attribute number version
relation collectd::plugins::SNMPData collect [1:*]

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity collectd::plugins::StatsD

Parents: collectd::Plugin

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity collectd::plugins::WriteHttp

Parents: collectd::Plugin

Write http plugin. The default format is JSON.

attribute string format='JSON'
attribute string url

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:


implementation collectd::collectdAgent
implementation collectd::collectdAgentUbuntu
implementation collectd::customTypes
implementation collectd::loadPlugin
implementation collectd::varnish
implementation collectd::graphite::graphiteWriter
implementation collectd::plugins::cpu
implementation collectd::plugins::df
implementation collectd::plugins::disk
implementation collectd::plugins::interface
implementation collectd::plugins::snmp
implementation collectd::plugins::statsd
implementation collectd::plugins::writehttp