Command Reference

All inmanta commands and services are started by the inmanta command. This page provides an overview of all subcommands available:


usage: inmanta [-h] [-p] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [--config-dir CONFIG_DIR]
               [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--log-file-level LOG_FILE_LEVEL]
               [--timed-logs] [-v] [-X] [--version]

Named Arguments


Profile this run of the program

Default: False

-c, --config

Use this config file


The directory containing the Inmanta configuration files

Default: “/etc/inmanta/inmanta.d”


Path to the logfile


Log level for messages going to the logfile: 0=ERROR, 1=WARNING, 2=INFO, 3=DEBUG

Default: 2


Add timestamps to logs

Default: False

-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is only errors,-v warning, -vv info and -vvv debug and -vvvv trace

Default: 0

-X, --extended-errors

Show stack traces for errors

Default: False


Show current version of Inmanta

Default: False



Start the inmanta server

inmanta server [-h]


Start the inmanta agent

inmanta agent [-h]


Compile the project to a configuration model

inmanta compile [-h] [-e ENVIRONMENT] [-X] [--server_address SERVER]
                [--server_port PORT] [--username USER] [--password PASSWORD]
                [--ssl] [--ssl-ca-cert CA_CERT] [-f MAIN_FILE]
Named Arguments

The environment to compile this model for

-X, --extended-errors

Show stack traces for compile errors

Default: False


The address of the server hosting the environment


The port of the server hosting the environment


The username of the server


The password of the server


Enable SSL

Default: False


Certificate authority for SSL


Main file

Default: “”


Print out an overview of all commands

inmanta list-commands [-h]


show a help message and exit

inmanta help [-h] [subcommand]
Positional Arguments

Output help for a particular subcommand

modules (module)

Subcommand to manage modules

inmanta modules [-h] [-m [MODULE]]
Named Arguments
-m, --module

Module to apply this command to


Possible choices: list, do, update, install, status, push, verify, validate, commit, create, freeze


List all modules used in this project in a table

inmanta modules list [-h] [-r]
Named Arguments

Output a list of requires that can be included in project.yml

Default: False


Execute a command on all loaded modules

inmanta modules do [-h] command
Positional Arguments

the command to execute


Update all modules used in this project

inmanta modules update [-h]

Install all modules required for this this project

inmanta modules install [-h]

Run a git status on all modules and report

inmanta modules status [-h]

Run a git push on all modules and report

inmanta modules push [-h]

Verify dependencies and frozen module versions

inmanta modules verify [-h]

Validate the module we are currently in. i.e. try to compile it against an empty main model

inmanta modules validate [-h] [-r REPO] [-n] [-s] [-i] [-w]
Named Arguments
-r, --repo

Additional repo to load modules from

-n, --no-clean

Do not remove the validation project when finished

Default: False

-s, --parse-only

Only parse the module

Default: False

-i, --isolate

Move the module to another directory before cloning. I.e. remove all other modules in the current directory from the search path

Default: False

-w, --workingcopy

Use the actual state of the module instead of the latest tag

Default: False


Commit all changes in the current module.

inmanta modules commit [-h] -m MESSAGE [-r] [--major] [--minor] [--patch]
                       [-v VERSION] [-a]
Named Arguments
-m, --message

Commit message

-r, --release

make a release

Default: True


make a major release

Default: False


make a major release

Default: False


make a major release

Default: False

-v, --version

Version to use on tag

-a, --all

Use commit -a

Default: False


Create a new module

inmanta modules create [-h] name
Positional Arguments

The name of the module


Set all version numbers in project.yml

inmanta modules freeze [-h] [-o OUTFILE] [-r] [--operator OPERATOR]
Named Arguments
-o, --outfile

File in which to put the new project.yml, default is the existing project.yml

-r, --recursive

Freeze dependencies recursively. If not set, freeze_recursive option in project.yml is used,which defaults to False


Comparison operator used to freeze versions, If not set, the freeze_operator option in project.yml is used which defaults to ~=


Subcommand to manage the project

inmanta project [-h] {freeze} ...

Possible choices: freeze


Set all version numbers in project.yml

inmanta project freeze [-h] [-o OUTFILE] [-r] [--operator OPERATOR]
Named Arguments
-o, --outfile

File in which to put the new project.yml, default is the existing project.yml

-r, --recursive

Freeze dependencies recursively. If not set, freeze_recursive option in project.yml is used,which defaults to False


Comparison operator used to freeze versions, If not set, the freeze_operator option in project.yml is used which defaults to ~=


Deploy with a inmanta all-in-one setup

inmanta deploy [-h] [--dry-run] [-f MAIN_FILE] [--dashboard]
Named Arguments

Only report changes

Default: False


Main file

Default: “”


Start the dashboard and keep the server running. The server uses the current project as the source for server recompiles

Default: False


Export the configuration

inmanta export [-h] [-g] [-j JSON] [-e ENVIRONMENT] [-d] [--full] [-m]
               [--server_address SERVER] [--server_port PORT] [--token TOKEN]
               [--ssl] [--ssl-ca-cert CA_CERT] [-X] [-f MAIN_FILE]
               [--metadata METADATA] [--model-export]
               [--export-plugin EXPORT_PLUGIN]
Named Arguments

Dump the dependency graph

Default: False


Do not submit to the server but only store the json that would have been submitted in the supplied file


The environment to compile this model for


Trigger a deploy for the exported version

Default: False


Make the agents execute a full deploy instead of an incremental deploy. Should be used together with the -d option

Default: False


Also export the complete model

Default: False


The address of the server to submit the model to


The port of the server to submit the model to


The token to auth to the server


Enable SSL

Default: False


Certificate authority for SSL

-X, --extended-errors

Show stack traces for compile errors

Default: False


Main file

Default: “”


JSON metadata why this compile happened. If a non-json string is passed it is used as the ‘message’ attribute in the metadata.


Export the configuration model to the server as metadata.

Default: False


Only use this export plugin. This option also disables the execution of the plugins listed in the configuration file in the export setting.


Use inmanta-cli --help