Inmanta API reference


class inmanta.plugins.Context(resolver: inmanta.execute.runtime.Resolver, queue: inmanta.execute.runtime.QueueScheduler, owner: FunctionCall, plugin: Plugin, result: inmanta.execute.runtime.ResultVariable)[source]

An instance of this class is used to pass context to the plugin

emit_expression(stmt: ExpressionStatement) → None[source]

Add a new statement

get_client() → inmanta.protocol.endpoints.Client[source]
get_compiler() → Compiler[source]
get_data_dir() → str[source]

Get the path to the data dir (and create if it does not exist yet

get_environment_id() → str[source]
get_queue_scheduler() → inmanta.execute.runtime.QueueScheduler[source]
get_resolver() → inmanta.execute.runtime.Resolver[source]
get_sync_client() → inmanta.protocol.endpoints.SyncClient[source]
get_type(name: inmanta.ast.LocatableString)[source]

Get a type from the configuration model.

run_sync(function: Callable[..., T], timeout: int = 5) → T[source]

Execute the async function and return its result. This method takes care of starting and stopping the ioloop. The main use for this function is to use the inmanta internal rpc to communicate with the server.

  • function – The async function to execute. This function should return a yieldable object.

  • timeout – A timeout for the async function.


The result of the async call.


ConnectionRefusedError – When the function timeouts this exception is raised.

inmanta.plugins.plugin(function: Callable = None, commands: List[str] = None, emits_statements: bool = False, allow_unknown: bool = False) → None[source]

Python decorator to register functions with inmanta as plugin

  • function – The function to register with inmanta. This is the first argument when it is used as decorator.

  • commands – A list of command paths that need to be available. Inmanta raises an exception when the command is not available.

  • emits_statements – Set to true if this plugin emits new statements that the compiler should execute. This is only required for complex plugins such as integrating a template engine.

  • allow_unknown – Set to true if this plugin accepts Unknown values as valid input.


inmanta.resources.resource(name: str, id_attribute: str, agent: str)[source]

A decorator that registers a new resource. The decorator must be applied to classes that inherit from Resource

  • name – The name of the entity in the configuration model it creates a resources from. For example std::File

  • id_attribute – The attribute of this resource that uniquely identifies a resource on an agent. This attribute can be mapped.

  • agent – This string indicates how the agent of this resource is determined. This string points to an attribute, but it can navigate relations (this value cannot be mapped). For example, the agent argument could be

class inmanta.resources.Resource(_id: inmanta.resources.Id)[source]

Plugins should inherit resource from this class so a resource from a model can be serialized and deserialized.

Such as class is registered when the resource() decorator is used. Each class needs to indicate the fields the resource will have with a class field named “fields”. A metaclass merges all fields lists from the class itself and all superclasses. If a field it not available directly in the model object the serializer will look for static methods in the class with the name “get_$fieldname”.

clone(**kwargs: Any) → inmanta.resources.Resource[source]

Create a clone of this resource. The given kwargs can be used to override attributes.


The cloned resource

class inmanta.resources.PurgeableResource(_id: inmanta.resources.Id)[source]

See std::PurgeableResource for more information.

class inmanta.resources.ManagedResource(_id: inmanta.resources.Id)[source]

See std::ManagedResource for more information.

class inmanta.resources.IgnoreResourceException[source]

Throw this exception when a resource should not be included by the exported.


inmanta.agent.handler.cache(func: T_FUNC = None, ignore: List[str] = [], timeout: int = 5000, for_version: bool = True, cache_none: bool = True, cacheNone: bool = True, call_on_delete: Optional[Callable[Any, None]] = None) → Union[T_FUNC, Callable[T_FUNC, T_FUNC]][source]

decorator for methods in resource handlers to provide caching

this decorator works similar to memoization: when the decorate method is called, its return value is cached, for subsequent calls, the cached value is used instead of the actual value

The name of the method + the arguments of the method form the cache key

If an argument named version is present and for_version is True, the cache entry is flushed after this version has been deployed If an argument named resource is present, it is assumed to be a resource and its ID is used, without the version information

  • timeout – the number of second this cache entry should live

  • for_version – if true, this value is evicted from the cache when this deploy is ready

  • ignore – a list of argument names that should not be part of the cache key

  • cache_none – cache returned none values

  • call_on_delete – A callback function that is called when the value is removed from the cache, with the value as argument.

inmanta.agent.handler.provider(resource_type: str, name: str) → None[source]

A decorator that registers a new handler.

  • resource_type – The type of the resource this handler provides an implementation for. For example, std::File

  • name – A name to reference this provider.

class inmanta.agent.handler.SkipResource[source]

Bases: Exception

A handler should raise this exception when a resource should be skipped. The resource will be marked as skipped instead of failed.

class inmanta.agent.handler.ResourcePurged[source]

If the read_resource() method raises this exception, the agent will mark the current state of the resource as purged.

class inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext(resource: inmanta.resources.Resource, dry_run: bool = False, action_id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, logger: logging.Logger = None)[source]

Context passed to handler methods for state related “things”

add_change(name: str, desired: Any, current: Any = None) → None[source]

Report a change of a field. This field is added to the set of updated fields

  • name – The name of the field that was updated

  • desired – The desired value to which the field was updated (or should be updated)

  • current – The value of the field before it was updated

add_changes(**kwargs: Union[BaseModel, enum.Enum, uuid.UUID, inmanta.types.StrictNonIntBool, int, float, datetime.datetime, str]) → None[source]

Report a list of changes at once as kwargs

  • key – The name of the field that was updated. This field is also added to the set of updated fields

  • value – The desired value of the field.

To report the previous value of the field, use the add_change method

critical(msg: str, *args, **kwargs) → None[source]

Log ‘msg % args’ with severity ‘CRITICAL’.

To pass exception information, use the keyword argument exc_info with a true value, e.g.

logger.critical("Houston, we have a %s", "major disaster", exc_info=1)

debug(msg: str, *args, **kwargs) → None[source]

Log ‘msg % args’ with severity ‘DEBUG’.

To pass exception information, use the keyword argument exc_info with a true value, e.g.

logger.debug("Houston, we have a %s", "thorny problem", exc_info=1)

error(msg: str, *args, **kwargs) → None[source]

Log ‘msg % args’ with severity ‘ERROR’.

To pass exception information, use the keyword argument exc_info with a true value, e.g.

logger.error("Houston, we have a %s", "major problem", exc_info=1)

exception(msg: str, *args, exc_info=True, **kwargs) → None[source]

Convenience method for logging an ERROR with exception information.

fields_updated(fields: str) → None[source]

Report that fields have been updated

info(msg: str, *args, **kwargs) → None[source]

Log ‘msg % args’ with severity ‘INFO’.

To pass exception information, use the keyword argument exc_info with a true value, e.g."Houston, we have a %s", "interesting problem", exc_info=1)

is_dry_run() → bool[source]

Is this a dryrun?

set_status(status: inmanta.const.ResourceState) → None[source]

Set the status of the handler operation.

update_changes(changes: Union[Dict[str,], Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[BaseModel, enum.Enum, uuid.UUID, inmanta.types.StrictNonIntBool, int, float, datetime.datetime, str, None]]], Dict[str, Tuple[Union[BaseModel, enum.Enum, uuid.UUID, inmanta.types.StrictNonIntBool, int, float, datetime.datetime, str], Union[BaseModel, enum.Enum, uuid.UUID, inmanta.types.StrictNonIntBool, int, float, datetime.datetime, str]]]]) → None[source]

Update the changes list with changes


changes – This should be a dict with a value a dict containing “current” and “desired” keys

warning(msg: str, *args, **kwargs) → None[source]

Log ‘msg % args’ with severity ‘WARNING’.

To pass exception information, use the keyword argument exc_info with a true value, e.g.

logger.warning("Houston, we have a %s", "bit of a problem", exc_info=1)

class inmanta.agent.handler.ResourceHandler(agent: inmanta.agent.agent.AgentInstance, io: IOBase = None)[source]

A baseclass for classes that handle resources. New handler are registered with the provider() decorator.

The implementation of a handler should use the self._io instance to execute io operations. This io objects makes abstraction of local or remote operations. See LocalIO for the available operations.

  • agent – The agent that is executing this handler.

  • io – The io object to use.

_diff(current: inmanta.resources.Resource, desired: inmanta.resources.Resource) → Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]][source]

Calculate the diff between the current and desired resource state.

  • current – The current state of the resource

  • desired – The desired state of the resource


A dict with key the name of the field and value another dict with “current” and “desired” as keys for fields that require changes.

available(resource: inmanta.resources.Resource) → bool[source]

Returns true if this handler is available for the given resource


resource – Is this handler available for the given resource?


Available or not?

can_process_events() → bool[source]

Can this handler process events? This is a more generic version of the reload mechanism.

See the ResourceHandler.process_events() for more details about this mechanism.


Return true if this handler processes events.

can_reload() → bool[source]

Can this handler reload?


Return true if this handler needs to reload on requires changes.

check_facts(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource) → dict[source]

This method is called by the agent to query for facts. It runs pre() and post(). This method calls facts() to do the actually querying.

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to query facts for.


A dict with fact names as keys and facts values.

check_resource(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource) → inmanta.resources.Resource[source]

Check the current state of a resource

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to check the current state of.


A resource to represents the current state. Use the clone() to create clone of the given resource that can be modified.

close() → None[source]
do_changes(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource, changes: dict) → None[source]

Do the changes required to bring the resource on this system in the state of the given resource.

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to check the current state of.

  • changes – The changes that need to occur as reported by list_changes()

do_reload(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource) → None[source]

Perform a reload of this resource.

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to reload.

execute(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource, dry_run: bool = False) → None[source]

Update the given resource. This method is called by the agent. Most handlers will not override this method and will only override check_resource(), optionally list_changes() and do_changes()

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to check the current state of.

  • dry_run – True will only determine the required changes but will not execute them.

facts(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource) → dict[source]

Returns facts about this resource. Override this method to implement fact querying. pre() and post() are called before and after this method.

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to query facts for.


A dict with fact names as keys and facts values.

get_client() → inmanta.protocol.endpoints.SessionClient[source]

Get the client instance that identifies itself with the agent session.


A client that is associated with the session of the agent that executes this handler.

get_file(hash_id: str) → Optional[bytes][source]

Retrieve a file from the fileserver identified with the given id. The convention is to use the sha1sum of the content to identify it.


hash_id – The id of the content/file to retrieve from the server.


The content in the form of a bytestring or none is the content does not exist.

list_changes(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource) → Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]][source]

Returns the changes required to bring the resource on this system in the state described in the resource entry. This method calls check_resource()

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to check the current state of.


A dict with key the name of the field and value another dict with “current” and “desired” as keys for fields that require changes.

post(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource) → None[source]

Method executed after an operation. Override this method to run after an operation.

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to query facts for.

pre(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource) → None[source]

Method executed before a handler operation (Facts, dryrun, real deployment, …) is executed. Override this method to run before an operation.

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to query facts for.

process_events(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource, events: dict) → None[source]

Process events generated by changes to required resources. Override this method to process events in a handler.

The default implementation provides the reload mechanism. It will call do_reload when the handler can_reload() and if at least one of the dependents have successfully deployed and there were changes. Make sure to call this method from a subclass if the reload behaviour is required.

This method is called for all dependents of the given resource (inverse of the requires relationship) that have send_event set to true and for which a deploy was started. These are the only conditions, even if all dependents have failed or no changes were deployed. It is up to the handler to filter out irrelevant events.

In case of partial deployments (e.g. incremental deploy), only those resources that are being deployed will produce an event. I.e. it is possible to receive less events then expected.

In case of failure of agent, server or the system being managed, delivery of events can not be guaranteed. Update events can be lost unrecoverably in case the agent or server fails after the update was performed, but before the event was emitted. In the current implementation, start of a new deploy while another is in progress can also causes updates to be lost.

However, while event delivery can not be guaranteed, convergence to the desired state can be reliably detected. If the record of the convergence is lost, it will be retried until it is recorded. For strong behavioral guarantees, it is better to rely on desired state than on events.

Events are best used to accelerate convergence. For example, cross agent dependencies primarily make use of the deployment log on the server to determine if their dependencies are in their desired state. To speed up convergence, events are sent to notify other agents of relevant changes to resources they depend on.

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to process the events for.

  • dict – A dict with events of the resource the given resource requires. The keys of the dict are the resources. Each value is a dict with the items status (const.ResourceState), changes (dict) and change (const.Change). The value is also defined by

run_sync(func: Callable[T]) → T[source]

Run a the given async function on the ioloop of the agent. It will block the current thread until the future resolves.


func – A function that returns a yieldable future.


The result of the async function.

set_cache(cache: inmanta.agent.cache.AgentCache) → None[source]
stat_file(hash_id: str) → bool[source]

Check if a file exists on the server. This method does and async call to the server and blocks on the result.


hash_id – The id of the file on the server. The convention is the use the sha1sum of the content as id.


True if the file is available on the server.

upload_file(hash_id: str, content: bytes) → None[source]

Upload a file to the server

  • hash_id – The id to identify the content. The convention is to use the sha1sum of the content to identify it.

  • content – A byte string with the content

class inmanta.agent.handler.CRUDHandler(agent: inmanta.agent.agent.AgentInstance, io: IOBase = None)[source]

This handler base class requires CRUD methods to be implemented: create, read, update and delete. Such a handler only works on purgeable resources.

available(resource: inmanta.resources.Resource) → bool

Returns true if this handler is available for the given resource


resource – Is this handler available for the given resource?


Available or not?

calculate_diff(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, current: inmanta.resources.Resource, desired: inmanta.resources.Resource) → Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]][source]

Calculate the diff between the current and desired resource state.

  • ctx – Context can be used to get values discovered in the read method. For example, the id used in API calls. This context should also be used to let the handler know what changes were made to the resource.

  • current – The current state of the resource

  • desired – The desired state of the resource


A dict with key the name of the field and value another dict with “current” and “desired” as keys for fields that require changes.

can_process_events() → bool

Can this handler process events? This is a more generic version of the reload mechanism.

See the ResourceHandler.process_events() for more details about this mechanism.


Return true if this handler processes events.

can_reload() → bool

Can this handler reload?


Return true if this handler needs to reload on requires changes.

check_facts(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource) → dict

This method is called by the agent to query for facts. It runs pre() and post(). This method calls facts() to do the actually querying.

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to query facts for.


A dict with fact names as keys and facts values.

check_resource(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource) → inmanta.resources.Resource

Check the current state of a resource

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to check the current state of.


A resource to represents the current state. Use the clone() to create clone of the given resource that can be modified.

close() → None
create_resource(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.PurgeableResource) → None[source]

This method is called by the handler when the resource should be created.

  • context – Context can be used to get values discovered in the read method. For example, the id used in API calls. This context should also be used to let the handler know what changes were made to the resource.

  • resource – The desired resource state.

delete_resource(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.PurgeableResource) → None[source]

This method is called by the handler when the resource should be deleted.

  • ctx – Context can be used to get values discovered in the read method. For example, the id used in API calls. This context should also be used to let the handler know what changes were made to the resource.

  • resource – The desired resource state.

do_changes(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource, changes: dict) → None

Do the changes required to bring the resource on this system in the state of the given resource.

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to check the current state of.

  • changes – The changes that need to occur as reported by list_changes()

do_reload(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource) → None

Perform a reload of this resource.

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to reload.

execute(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource, dry_run: bool = None) → None[source]

Update the given resource. This method is called by the agent. Override the CRUD methods of this class.

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to check the current state of.

  • dry_run – True will only determine the required changes but will not execute them.

facts(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource) → dict

Returns facts about this resource. Override this method to implement fact querying. pre() and post() are called before and after this method.

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to query facts for.


A dict with fact names as keys and facts values.

get_client() → inmanta.protocol.endpoints.SessionClient

Get the client instance that identifies itself with the agent session.


A client that is associated with the session of the agent that executes this handler.

get_file(hash_id: str) → Optional[bytes]

Retrieve a file from the fileserver identified with the given id. The convention is to use the sha1sum of the content to identify it.


hash_id – The id of the content/file to retrieve from the server.


The content in the form of a bytestring or none is the content does not exist.

list_changes(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource) → Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]

Returns the changes required to bring the resource on this system in the state described in the resource entry. This method calls check_resource()

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to check the current state of.


A dict with key the name of the field and value another dict with “current” and “desired” as keys for fields that require changes.

post(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource) → None

Method executed after an operation. Override this method to run after an operation.

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to query facts for.

pre(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource) → None

Method executed before a handler operation (Facts, dryrun, real deployment, …) is executed. Override this method to run before an operation.

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to query facts for.

process_events(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.Resource, events: dict) → None

Process events generated by changes to required resources. Override this method to process events in a handler.

The default implementation provides the reload mechanism. It will call do_reload when the handler can_reload() and if at least one of the dependents have successfully deployed and there were changes. Make sure to call this method from a subclass if the reload behaviour is required.

This method is called for all dependents of the given resource (inverse of the requires relationship) that have send_event set to true and for which a deploy was started. These are the only conditions, even if all dependents have failed or no changes were deployed. It is up to the handler to filter out irrelevant events.

In case of partial deployments (e.g. incremental deploy), only those resources that are being deployed will produce an event. I.e. it is possible to receive less events then expected.

In case of failure of agent, server or the system being managed, delivery of events can not be guaranteed. Update events can be lost unrecoverably in case the agent or server fails after the update was performed, but before the event was emitted. In the current implementation, start of a new deploy while another is in progress can also causes updates to be lost.

However, while event delivery can not be guaranteed, convergence to the desired state can be reliably detected. If the record of the convergence is lost, it will be retried until it is recorded. For strong behavioral guarantees, it is better to rely on desired state than on events.

Events are best used to accelerate convergence. For example, cross agent dependencies primarily make use of the deployment log on the server to determine if their dependencies are in their desired state. To speed up convergence, events are sent to notify other agents of relevant changes to resources they depend on.

  • ctx – Context object to report changes and logs to the agent and server.

  • resource – The resource to process the events for.

  • dict – A dict with events of the resource the given resource requires. The keys of the dict are the resources. Each value is a dict with the items status (const.ResourceState), changes (dict) and change (const.Change). The value is also defined by

read_resource(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, resource: inmanta.resources.PurgeableResource) → None[source]

This method reads the current state of the resource. It provides a copy of the resource that should be deployed, the method implementation should modify the attributes of this resource to the current state.

  • ctx – Context can be used to pass value discovered in the read method to the CUD methods. For example, the id used in API calls

  • resource – A clone of the desired resource state. The read method need to set values on this object.

  • SkipResource – Raise this exception when the handler should skip this resource

  • ResourcePurged – Raise this exception when the resource does not exist yet.

run_sync(func: Callable[T]) → T

Run a the given async function on the ioloop of the agent. It will block the current thread until the future resolves.


func – A function that returns a yieldable future.


The result of the async function.

set_cache(cache: inmanta.agent.cache.AgentCache) → None
stat_file(hash_id: str) → bool

Check if a file exists on the server. This method does and async call to the server and blocks on the result.


hash_id – The id of the file on the server. The convention is the use the sha1sum of the content as id.


True if the file is available on the server.

update_resource(ctx: inmanta.agent.handler.HandlerContext, changes: dict, resource: inmanta.resources.PurgeableResource) → None[source]

This method is called by the handler when the resource should be updated.

  • ctx – Context can be used to get values discovered in the read method. For example, the id used in API calls. This context should also be used to let the handler know what changes were made to the resource.

  • changes – A map of resource attributes that should be changed. Each value is a tuple with the current and the desired value.

  • resource – The desired resource state.

upload_file(hash_id: str, content: bytes) → None

Upload a file to the server

  • hash_id – The id to identify the content. The convention is to use the sha1sum of the content to identify it.

  • content – A byte string with the content

class str, config: Dict[str, Optional[str]])[source]

This class provides handler IO methods

chmod(path: str, permissions: str) → None[source]

Change the permissions

  • path (str) – The path of the file or directory to change the permission of.

  • permissions (str) – An octal string with the permission to set.

chown(path: str, user: Optional[str] = None, group: Optional[str] = None) → None[source]

Change the ownership of a file.

  • path (str) – The path of the file or directory to change the ownership of.

  • user (str) – The user to change to

  • group (str) – The group to change to

close() → None

Close any resources

file_exists(path: str) → bool[source]

Check if a given file exists


path (str) – The path to check if it exists.


Returns true if the file exists

Return type


file_stat(path: str) → Dict[str, Union[int, str]][source]

Do a stat call on a file


path (str) – The file or direct to stat


A dict with the owner, group and permissions of the given path

Return type

dict[str, str]

hash_file(path: str) → str[source]

Return the sha1sum of the file at path


path (str) – The path of the file to hash the content of


The sha1sum in a hex string

Return type


is_remote() → bool[source]

Are operation executed remote


Returns true if the io operations are remote.

Return type


Is the given path a symlink


path (str) – The path of the symlink


Returns true if the given path points to a symlink

Return type


mkdir(path: str) → None[source]

Create a directory


path (str) – Create this directory. The parent needs to exist.

put(path: str, content: str) → None[source]

Put the given content at the given path

  • path (str) – The location where to write the file

  • content (bytes) – The binarystring content to write to the file.

read(path: str) → str[source]

Read in the file in path and return its content as string


path (str) – The path of the file to read.


The string content of the file

Return type


read_binary(path: str) → bytes[source]

Read in the file in path and return its content as a bytestring


path (str) – The path of the file to read.


The byte content of the file

Return type


Return the target of the path


path (str) – The symlink to get the target for.


The target of the symlink

Return type


remove(path: str) → None[source]

Remove a file


path (str) – The path of the file to remove.

rmdir(path: str) → None[source]

Remove a directory


path (str) – The directory to remove

run(command: str, arguments: List[str] = [], env: Dict[str, str] = None, cwd: str = None, timeout: int = None) → Tuple[str, str, int][source]

Execute a command with the given argument and return the result

  • command (str) – The command to execute.

  • arguments (list) – The arguments of the command

  • env (dict) – A dictionary with environment variables.

  • cwd (str) – The working dir to execute the command in.

  • timeout (int) – The timeout for this command. This parameter is ignored if the command is executed remotely with a python 2 interpreter.


A tuple with (stdout, stderr, returncode)

Return type


Symlink source to target

  • source (str) – Create a symlink of this path to target

  • target (str) – The path of the symlink to create