Source code for inmanta.plugins

    Copyright 2017 Inmanta

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.


import inspect
import os
import subprocess
from functools import reduce
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, FrozenSet, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar

import inmanta.ast.type as InmantaType
from inmanta import const, protocol
from inmanta.ast import CompilerException, LocatableString, Namespace, Range, RuntimeException, TypeNotFoundException
from inmanta.ast.type import NamedType
from inmanta.config import Config
from inmanta.execute.proxy import DynamicProxy
from inmanta.execute.runtime import ExecutionUnit, QueueScheduler, Resolver, ResultVariable
from inmanta.execute.util import Unknown

T = TypeVar("T")

    from import FunctionCall
    from inmanta.ast.statements import ExpressionStatement, DynamicStatement
    from inmanta.compiler import Compiler

[docs]class Context(object): """ An instance of this class is used to pass context to the plugin """ __client: Optional[protocol.Client] = None __sync_client = None @classmethod def __get_client(cls) -> protocol.Client: if cls.__client is None: cls.__client = protocol.Client("compiler") return cls.__client def __init__( self, resolver: Resolver, queue: QueueScheduler, owner: "FunctionCall", plugin: "Plugin", result: ResultVariable ) -> None: self.resolver = resolver self.queue = queue self.owner = owner self.plugin = plugin self.result = result self.compiler = queue.get_compiler()
[docs] def emit_expression(self, stmt: "ExpressionStatement") -> None: """ Add a new statement """ self.owner.copy_location(stmt) stmt.normalize(self.resolver) reqs = stmt.requires_emit(self.resolver, self.queue) ExecutionUnit(self.queue, self.resolver, self.result, reqs, stmt, provides=False)
[docs] def get_resolver(self) -> Resolver: return self.resolver
[docs] def get_type(self, name: LocatableString): """ Get a type from the configuration model. """ try: return self.queue.get_types()[str(name)] except KeyError: raise TypeNotFoundException(name, self.owner.namespace)
[docs] def get_queue_scheduler(self) -> QueueScheduler: return self.queue
[docs] def get_environment_id(self) -> str: env = str(Config.get("config", "environment", None)) if env is None: raise Exception("The environment of the model should be configured in config>environment") return env
[docs] def get_compiler(self) -> "Compiler": return self.queue.get_compiler()
[docs] def get_data_dir(self) -> str: """ Get the path to the data dir (and create if it does not exist yet """ data_dir = os.path.join("data", self.plugin.namespace.get_full_name()) if not os.path.exists(data_dir): os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True) return data_dir
[docs] def get_client(self) -> protocol.Client: return self.__class__.__get_client()
[docs] def get_sync_client(self) -> protocol.SyncClient: if self.__class__.__sync_client is None: self.__class__.__sync_client = protocol.SyncClient("compiler") return self.__class__.__sync_client
[docs] def run_sync(self, function: Callable[..., T], timeout: int = 5) -> T: """ Execute the async function and return its result. This method takes care of starting and stopping the ioloop. The main use for this function is to use the inmanta internal rpc to communicate with the server. :param function: The async function to execute. This function should return a yieldable object. :param timeout: A timeout for the async function. :return: The result of the async call. :raises ConnectionRefusedError: When the function timeouts this exception is raised. """ from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop, TimeoutError try: return IOLoop.current().run_sync(function, timeout) except TimeoutError: raise ConnectionRefusedError()
class PluginMeta(type): """ A metaclass that registers subclasses in the parent class. """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct): subclass = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct) if hasattr(subclass, "__function_name__"): cls.add_function(subclass) return subclass __functions = {} @classmethod def add_function(cls, plugin_class): """ Add a function plugin class """ name = plugin_class.__function_name__ ns_parts = str(plugin_class.__module__).split(".") ns_parts.append(name) if ns_parts[0] != const.PLUGINS_PACKAGE: raise Exception("All plugin modules should be loaded in the %s package" % const.PLUGINS_PACKAGE) name = "::".join(ns_parts[1:]) cls.__functions[name] = plugin_class @classmethod def get_functions(cls): """ Get all functions that are registered """ return cls.__functions @classmethod def clear(cls) -> None: cls.__functions = {} class Plugin(NamedType, metaclass=PluginMeta): """ This class models a plugin that can be called from the language. """ def __init__(self, namespace: Namespace) -> None: self.ns = namespace self._context = -1 self._return = None if hasattr(self.__class__, "__function__"): self.arguments = self._load_signature(self.__class__.__function__) else: self.arguments = [] self.new_statement = None filename: Optional[str] = inspect.getsourcefile(self.__class__.__function__) assert filename is not None line: int = inspect.getsourcelines(self.__class__.__function__)[1] + 1 self.location: Range = Range(filename, line, 1, line, 2) def normalize(self) -> None: self.resolver = self.namespace self.argtypes = [self.to_type(x[1], self.namespace) for x in self.arguments] self.returntype = self.to_type(self._return, self.namespace) def _load_signature(self, function): """ Load the signature from the given python function """ arg_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(function) if arg_spec.defaults is not None: default_start = len(arg_spec.args) - len(arg_spec.defaults) else: default_start = None arguments = [] for i in range(len(arg_spec.args)): arg = arg_spec.args[i] if arg not in arg_spec.annotations: raise Exception("All arguments of plugin '%s' should be annotated" % function.__name__) spec_type = arg_spec.annotations[arg] if spec_type == Context: self._context = i else: if default_start is not None and default_start <= i: default_value = arg_spec.defaults[default_start - i] arguments.append((arg, spec_type, default_value)) else: arguments.append((arg, spec_type)) if "return" in arg_spec.annotations: self._return = arg_spec.annotations["return"] return arguments def add_argument(self, arg_type, arg_type_name, arg_name, optional=False) -> None: """ Add an argument at the next position, of given type. """ self.arguments.append((arg_type, arg_type_name, arg_name, optional)) def get_signature(self): """ Generate the signature of this plugin """ arg_list = [] for arg in self.arguments: if len(arg) == 3: arg_list.append("%s: %s=%s" % (arg[0], arg[1], str(arg[2]))) elif len(arg) == 2: arg_list.append("%s: %s" % (arg[0], arg[1])) else: arg_list.append(arg[0]) args = ", ".join(arg_list) if self._return is None: return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__function_name__, args) return "%s(%s) -> %s" % (self.__class__.__function_name__, args, self._return) def to_type(self, arg_type: Optional[object], resolver) -> Optional[InmantaType.Type]: """ Convert a string representation of a type to a type """ if arg_type is None: return None if not isinstance(arg_type, str): raise CompilerException( "bad annotation in plugin %s::%s, expected str but got %s (%s)" % (self.ns, self.__class__.__function_name__, type(arg_type), arg_type) ) if arg_type == "any": return None if arg_type == "expression": return None # quickfix issue #1774 allowed_element_type: InmantaType.Type = InmantaType.Type() if arg_type == "list": return InmantaType.TypedList(allowed_element_type) if arg_type == "dict": return InmantaType.TypedDict(allowed_element_type) locatable_type: LocatableString = LocatableString(arg_type, self.location, 0, None) # stack of transformations to be applied to the base InmantaType.Type # transformations will be applied right to left transformation_stack: List[Callable[[InmantaType.Type], InmantaType.Type]] = [] if locatable_type.value.endswith("?"): locatable_type.value = locatable_type.value[0:-1] transformation_stack.append(InmantaType.NullableType) if locatable_type.value.endswith("[]"): locatable_type.value = locatable_type.value[0:-2] transformation_stack.append(InmantaType.TypedList) return reduce(lambda acc, transform: transform(acc), reversed(transformation_stack), resolver.get_type(locatable_type)) def _is_instance(self, value: Any, arg_type: Type) -> bool: """ Check if value is of arg_type """ if arg_type is None: return True if hasattr(arg_type, "validate"): return arg_type.validate(value) return isinstance(value, arg_type) def check_args(self, args: List[Any], kwargs: Dict[str, object]) -> bool: """ Check if the arguments of the call match the function signature """ max_arg = len(self.arguments) required_args = [x[0] for x in self.arguments if len(x) == 2] if len(args) + len(kwargs) > max_arg: raise Exception( "Incorrect number of arguments for %s. Expected at most %d, got %d" % (self.get_signature(), max_arg, len(args) + len(kwargs)) ) present_kwargs: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset(kwargs.keys()) # check for missing arguments if len(args) < len(required_args): required_kwargs: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset(arg[0] for arg in self.arguments[len(args) : len(required_args)]) if not required_kwargs.issubset(present_kwargs): missing: FrozenSet[str] = required_kwargs.difference(present_kwargs) raise RuntimeException( None, "Missing %d required arguments for %s(): %s" % (len(missing), self.__class__.__function_name__, ",".join(missing)), ) present_positional_args: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset(arg[0] for arg in self.arguments[: len(args)]) # check for kwargs overlap with positional arguments if not present_kwargs.isdisjoint(present_positional_args): raise RuntimeException( None, "Multiple values for %s in %s()" % (",".join(present_kwargs.intersection(present_positional_args)), self.__class__.__function_name__), ) def is_valid(expected_arg, expected_type, arg): if isinstance(arg, Unknown): return False if expected_arg[0] is not None and not self._is_instance(arg, expected_type): raise Exception( ("Invalid type for argument %d of '%s', it should be " "%s and %s given.") % (i + 1, self.__class__.__function_name__, expected_arg[1], arg.__class__.__name__) ) return True for i in range(len(args)): if not is_valid(self.arguments[i], self.argtypes[i], args[i]): return False Argument = Tuple[str, ...] arg_types: Dict[str, Tuple[Argument, Optional[InmantaType.Type]]] = { arg[0]: (arg, self.argtypes[i]) for i, arg in enumerate(self.arguments) } for k, v in kwargs.items(): try: (expected_arg, expected_type) = arg_types[k] if not is_valid(expected_arg, expected_type, v): return False except KeyError: raise RuntimeException(None, "Invalid keyword argument '%s' for '%s()'" % (k, self.__class__.__function_name__)) return True def emit_statement(self) -> "DynamicStatement": """ This method is called to determine if the plugin call pushes a new statement """ return self.new_statement def is_accept_unknowns(self): return self.opts["allow_unknown"] def get_variable(self, name, scope): """ Get the given variable """ return DynamicProxy.return_value(self._scope.get_variable(name, scope).value) def check_requirements(self) -> None: """ Check if the plug-in has all it requires """ if "bin" in self.opts and self.opts["bin"] is not None: for _bin in self.opts["bin"]: p = subprocess.Popen(["bash", "-c", "type -p %s" % _bin], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) result = p.communicate() if len(result[0]) == 0: raise Exception("%s requires %s to be available in $PATH" % (self.__function_name__, _bin)) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ The function call itself """ self.check_requirements() def new_arg(arg): if isinstance(arg, Context): return arg elif isinstance(arg, Unknown) and self.is_accept_unknowns(): return arg else: return DynamicProxy.return_value(arg) new_args = [new_arg(arg) for arg in args] new_kwargs = {k: new_arg(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()} value =*new_args, **new_kwargs) value = DynamicProxy.unwrap(value) if self.returntype is not None and not isinstance(value, Unknown): valid = False exception = None try: valid = value is None or self._is_instance(value, self.returntype) except RuntimeException as e: raise e except Exception as exp: exception = exp if not valid: msg = "" if exception is not None: msg = "\n\tException details: " + str(exception) raise Exception( "Plugin %s should return value of type %s ('%s' was returned) %s" % (self.__class__.__function_name__, self.returntype, value, msg) ) return value def get_full_name(self) -> str: return "%s::%s" % (self.ns.get_full_name(), self.__class__.__function_name__) def type_string(self) -> str: return self.get_full_name() class PluginException(Exception): def __init__(self, message: str) -> None: self.message = message
[docs]def plugin( function: Callable = None, commands: List[str] = None, emits_statements: bool = False, allow_unknown: bool = False ) -> None: # noqa: H801 """ Python decorator to register functions with inmanta as plugin :param function: The function to register with inmanta. This is the first argument when it is used as decorator. :param commands: A list of command paths that need to be available. Inmanta raises an exception when the command is not available. :param emits_statements: Set to true if this plugin emits new statements that the compiler should execute. This is only required for complex plugins such as integrating a template engine. :param allow_unknown: Set to true if this plugin accepts Unknown values as valid input. """ def curry_name(name=None, commands=None, emits_statements=False, allow_unknown=False): """ Function to curry the name of the function """ def call(fnc): """ Create class to register the function and return the function itself """ def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Python will bind the function as method into the class """ return fnc(*args, **kwargs) nonlocal name, commands, emits_statements if name is None: name = fnc.__name__ dictionary = {} dictionary["__module__"] = fnc.__module__ dictionary["__function_name__"] = name dictionary["opts"] = {"bin": commands, "emits_statements": emits_statements, "allow_unknown": allow_unknown} dictionary["call"] = wrapper dictionary["__function__"] = fnc bases = (Plugin,) PluginMeta.__new__(PluginMeta, name, bases, dictionary) return fnc return call if function is None: return curry_name(commands=commands, emits_statements=emits_statements, allow_unknown=allow_unknown) elif isinstance(function, str): return curry_name(function, commands=commands, emits_statements=emits_statements, allow_unknown=allow_unknown) elif function is not None: fnc = curry_name(commands=commands, emits_statements=emits_statements, allow_unknown=allow_unknown) return fnc(function)