Source code for inmanta.server.protocol

    Copyright 2019 Inmanta

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

import asyncio
import logging
import socket
import time
import uuid
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Callable, Coroutine, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

from tornado import gen, queues, routing, web
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop

import inmanta.protocol.endpoints
from inmanta import config as inmanta_config
from inmanta.protocol import Client, common, endpoints, handle, methods
from inmanta.protocol.exceptions import ShutdownInProgress
from import server
from inmanta.server import config as opt
from inmanta.server.extensions import Feature, FeatureManager
from inmanta.types import ArgumentTypes, JsonType
from inmanta.util import CycleException, Scheduler, TaskHandler, stable_depth_first

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ServerStartFailure(Exception):

class SliceStartupException(ServerStartFailure):
    def __init__(self, slice_name: str, cause: Exception):
        super(SliceStartupException, self).__init__()
        self.__cause__ = cause
        self.in_slice = slice_name

    def __str__(self):
        return f"Slice {self.in_slice} failed to start because: {str(self.__cause__)}"

class ReturnClient(Client):
        A client that uses a return channel to connect to its destination. This client is used by the server to communicate
        back to clients over the heartbeat channel.

    def __init__(self, name: str, session: "Session") -> None:
        super().__init__(name, with_rest_client=False)
        self.session = session

    async def _call(self, method_properties: common.MethodProperties, args, kwargs) -> common.Result:
        call_spec = method_properties.build_call(args, kwargs)
            return_value = await self.session.put_call(call_spec, timeout=method_properties.timeout)
        except asyncio.CancelledError:
            return common.Result(code=500, result={"message": "Call timed out"})

        return common.Result(code=return_value["code"], result=return_value["result"])

# Server Side
class Server(endpoints.Endpoint):
    def __init__(self, connection_timout: int = 120) -> None:
        self._slices: Dict[str, ServerSlice] = {}
        self._slice_sequence: List[ServerSlice] = None
        self._handlers: List[routing.Rule] = []
        self.token: Optional[str] = inmanta_config.Config.get(, "token", None)
        self.connection_timout = connection_timout
        self.sessions_handler = SessionManager()

        self._transport = server.RESTServer(self.sessions_handler,
        self.running = False

    def add_slice(self, slice: "ServerSlice") -> None:
            Add new endpoints to this rest transport
        self._slices[] = slice
        self._slice_sequence = None

    def get_slices(self) -> Dict[str, "ServerSlice"]:
        return self._slices

    def get_slice(self, name: str) -> "ServerSlice":
        return self._slices[name]

    def get_id(self) -> str:
            Returns a unique id for a transport on an endpoint
        return "server_rest_transport"

    id = property(get_id)

    def _order_slices(self) -> List["ServerSlice"]:
        edges: Dict[str, Set[str]] = defaultdict(set)

        for slice in self.get_slices().values():
            for depby in slice.get_depended_by():

        names = list(edges.keys())
            order = stable_depth_first(names, {k: list(v) for k, v in edges.items()})
        except CycleException as e:
            raise ServerStartFailure("Dependency cycle between server slices " + ",".join(e.nodes)) from e

        def resolve(name: str) -> Optional["ServerSlice"]:
            if name in self._slices:
                return self._slices[name]
            LOGGER.debug("Slice %s is depended on but does not exist", name)
            return None

        return [s for s in (resolve(name) for name in order) if s is not None]

    def _get_slice_sequence(self):
        if self._slice_sequence is not None:
            return self._slice_sequence
        self._slice_sequence = self._order_slices()
        return self._slice_sequence

    async def start(self) -> None:
            Start the transport.

            The order in which the different endpoints are prestarted/started, is determined by the
            order in which they are added to the RESTserver via the add_endpoint(endpoint) method.
            This order is hardcoded in the get_server_slices() method in server/
        if self.running:
        LOGGER.debug("Starting Server Rest Endpoint")
        self.running = True

        for my_slice in self._get_slice_sequence():
                LOGGER.debug("Pre Starting %s",
                await my_slice.prestart(self)
            except Exception as e:
                raise SliceStartupException(, e)

        for my_slice in self._get_slice_sequence():
                LOGGER.debug("Starting %s",
                await my_slice.start()
            except Exception as e:
                raise SliceStartupException(, e)

    async def stop(self) -> None:
            Stop the transport.

            The order in which the endpoint are stopped, is reverse compared to the starting order.
            This prevents database connection from being closed too early. This order in which the endpoint
            are started, is hardcoded in the get_server_slices() method in server/
        if not self.running:
        self.running = False

        await super(Server, self).stop()

        order = list(reversed(self._get_slice_sequence()))

        for endpoint in order:
            LOGGER.debug("Pre Stopping %s",
            await endpoint.prestop()

        for endpoint in order:
            LOGGER.debug("Stopping %s",
            await endpoint.stop()

[docs]class ServerSlice(inmanta.protocol.endpoints.CallTarget, TaskHandler): """ Base class for server extensions offering zero or more api endpoints Extensions developers should override the lifecycle methods: * :func:`ServerSlice.prestart` * :func:`ServerSlice.start` * :func:`ServerSlice.prestop` * :func:`ServerSlice.stop` * :func:`ServerSlice.get_dependencies` To register endpoints that server static content, either use :func:'add_static_handler' or :func:'add_static_content' To create endpoints, use the annotation based mechanism To schedule recurring tasks, use :func:`schedule` or `self._sched` To schedule background tasks, use :func:`add_background_task` """ feature_manager: FeatureManager def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: super().__init__() self._name: str = name self._handlers: List[routing.Rule] = [] self._sched = Scheduler(f"server slice {name}") # is shutdown in progress? self._stopping: bool = False def is_stopping(self) -> bool: """True when prestop has been called.""" return self._stopping
[docs] async def prestart(self, server: Server) -> None: """ Called by the RestServer host prior to start, can be used to collect references to other server slices Dependencies are not up yet. """
[docs] async def start(self) -> None: """ Start the server slice. This method `blocks` until the slice is ready to receive calls Dependencies are up (if present) prior to invocation of this call """ pass
[docs] async def prestop(self) -> None: """ Always called before stop Stop producing new work: - stop timers - stop listeners - notify shutdown to systems depending on us (like agents) sets is_stopping to true But remain functional All dependencies are up (if present) """ self._stopping = True self._sched.stop()
[docs] async def stop(self) -> None: """ Go down All dependencies are up (if present) This method `blocks` until the slice is down """ await super(ServerSlice, self).stop()
[docs] def get_dependencies(self) -> List[str]: """List of names of slices that must be started before this one.""" return []
[docs] def get_depended_by(self) -> List[str]: """List of names of slices that must be started after this one.""" return []
# internal API towards extension framework name = property(lambda self: self._name) def get_handlers(self) -> List[routing.Rule]: """Get the list of """ return self._handlers # utility methods for extensions developers def schedule(self, call: Union[Callable, Coroutine], interval: int = 60) -> None: self._sched.add_action(call, interval) def add_static_handler(self, location: str, path: str, default_filename: Optional[str] = None, start: bool = False) -> None: """ Configure a static handler to serve data from the specified path. """ if location[0] != "/": location = "/" + location if location[-1] != "/": location = location + "/" options = {"path": path} if default_filename is None: options["default_filename"] = "index.html" self._handlers.append(routing.Rule(routing.PathMatches(r"%s(.*)" % location), web.StaticFileHandler, options)) self._handlers.append(routing.Rule(routing.PathMatches(r"%s" % location[:-1]), web.RedirectHandler, {"url": location})) if start: self._handlers.append((r"/", web.RedirectHandler, {"url": location})) def add_static_content(self, path: str, content: str, content_type: str = "application/javascript") -> None: self._handlers.append( routing.Rule( routing.PathMatches(r"%s(.*)" % path), server.StaticContentHandler, {"transport": self, "content": content, "content_type": content_type}, ) ) async def get_status(self) -> Dict[str, ArgumentTypes]: """ Get the status of this slice. """ return {} def define_features(self) -> List[Feature]: """ Return a list of feature that this slice offers """ return []
class Session(object): """ An environment that segments agents connected to the server """ def __init__( self, sessionstore: "SessionManager", sid: uuid.UUID, hang_interval: int, timout: int, tid: uuid.UUID, endpoint_names: List[str], nodename: str, disable_expire_check: bool = False, ) -> None: self._sid = sid self._interval = hang_interval self._timeout = timout self._sessionstore: SessionManager = sessionstore self._seen: float = time.time() self._callhandle = None self.expired: bool = False self.tid: uuid.UUID = tid self.endpoint_names: List[str] = endpoint_names self.nodename: str = nodename self._replies: Dict[uuid.UUID, asyncio.Future] = {} # Disable expiry in certain tests if not disable_expire_check: self.check_expire() self._queue: queues.Queue[common.Request] = queues.Queue() self.client = ReturnClient(str(sid), self) def check_expire(self) -> None: if self.expired: LOGGER.exception("Tried to expire session already expired") ttw = self._timeout + self._seen - time.time() if ttw < 0: expire_coroutine = self.expire(self._seen - time.time()) self._sessionstore.add_background_task(expire_coroutine) else: self._callhandle = IOLoop.current().call_later(ttw, self.check_expire) def get_id(self) -> uuid.UUID: return self._sid id = property(get_id) async def expire(self, timeout: float) -> None: if self.expired: return self.expired = True if self._callhandle is not None: IOLoop.current().remove_timeout(self._callhandle) await self._sessionstore.expire(self, timeout) def seen(self, endpoint_names: List[str]) -> None: self._seen = time.time() self.endpoint_names = endpoint_names async def _handle_timeout(self, future: asyncio.Future, timeout: int, log_message: str) -> None: """ A function that awaits a future until its value is ready or until timeout. When the call times out, a message is logged. The future itself will be cancelled. This method should be called as a background task. Any other exceptions (which should not occur) will be logged in the background task. """ try: await asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout) except asyncio.TimeoutError: LOGGER.warning(log_message) def put_call(self, call_spec: common.Request, timeout: int = 10) -> asyncio.Future: future = asyncio.Future() reply_id = uuid.uuid4() LOGGER.debug("Putting call %s: %s %s for agent %s in queue", reply_id, call_spec.method, call_spec.url, self._sid) call_spec.reply_id = reply_id self._queue.put(call_spec) self._sessionstore.add_background_task( self._handle_timeout( future, timeout, "Call %s: %s %s for agent %s timed out." % (reply_id, call_spec.method, call_spec.url, self._sid), ) ) self._replies[reply_id] = future return future async def get_calls(self) -> Optional[List[common.Request]]: """ Get all calls queued for a node. If no work is available, wait until timeout. This method returns none if a call fails. """ try: call_list: List[common.Request] = [] call = await self._queue.get(timeout=IOLoop.current().time() + self._interval) if call is None: # aborting session return None call_list.append(call) while self._queue.qsize() > 0: call = await self._queue.get() if call is None: # aborting session return None call_list.append(call) return call_list except gen.TimeoutError: return None def set_reply(self, reply_id: uuid.UUID, data: JsonType) -> None: LOGGER.log(3, "Received Reply: %s", reply_id) if reply_id in self._replies: future: asyncio.Future = self._replies[reply_id] del self._replies[reply_id] if not future.done(): future.set_result(data) else: LOGGER.debug("Received Reply that is unknown: %s", reply_id) def get_client(self) -> ReturnClient: return self.client def abort(self): "Send poison pill to signal termination." self._queue.put(None) async def expire_and_abort(self, timeout: float) -> None: await self.expire(timeout) self.abort() class SessionListener(object): async def new_session(self, session: Session, endpoint_names_snapshot: List[str]) -> None: """ Notify that a new session was created. :param session: The session that was created :param endpoint_names_snapshot: The endpoint_names field of the session object may be updated after this method was called. This parameter provides a snapshot which will not change. """ pass async def expire(self, session: Session, endpoint_names_snapshot: List[str]) -> None: """ Notify that a session expired. :param session: The session that was created :param endpoint_names_snapshot: The endpoint_names field of the session object may be updated after this method was called. This parameter provides a snapshot which will not change. """ pass async def seen(self, session: Session, endpoint_names_snapshot: List[str]) -> None: """ Notify that a heartbeat was received for an existing session. :param session: The session that was created :param endpoint_names_snapshot: The endpoint_names field of the session object may be updated after this method was called. This parameter provides a snapshot which will not change. """ pass # Internals class TransportSlice(ServerSlice): """Slice to manage the listening socket""" def __init__(self, server: Server): super(TransportSlice, self).__init__(SLICE_TRANSPORT) self.server = server def get_dependencies(self) -> List[str]: """All Slices with an http endpoint should depend on this one using :func:`get_dependened_by`""" return [] async def start(self) -> None: await super(TransportSlice, self).start() await self.server._transport.start(self.server.get_slices().values(), self.server._handlers) async def prestop(self) -> None: await super(TransportSlice, self).prestop() LOGGER.debug("Stopping Server Rest Endpoint") await self.server._transport.stop() async def stop(self) -> None: await super(TransportSlice, self).stop() await self.server._transport.join() async def get_status(self) -> Dict[str, ArgumentTypes]: def format_socket(sock: socket.socket) -> str: sname = sock.getsockname() return f"{sname[0]}:{sname[1]}" return { "inflight": self.server._transport.inflight_counter, "running": self.server._transport.running, "sockets": [ format_socket(s) for s in self.server._transport._http_server._sockets.values() if in [socket.AF_INET, socket.AF_INET6] ], } class SessionManager(ServerSlice): """ A service that receives method calls over one or more transports """ __methods__: Dict[str, Tuple[str, Callable]] = {} def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(SLICE_SESSION_MANAGER) # Config interval: int = opt.agent_timeout.get() hangtime: Optional[int] = opt.agent_hangtime.get() if hangtime is None: hangtime = int(interval * 3 / 4) self.hangtime: int = hangtime self.interval: int = interval # Session management self._sessions: Dict[uuid.UUID, Session] = {} self._sessions_lock = asyncio.Lock() # Listeners self.listeners: List[SessionListener] = [] async def get_status(self) -> Dict[str, ArgumentTypes]: return {"hangtime": self.hangtime, "interval": self.interval, "sessions": len(self._sessions)} def add_listener(self, listener: SessionListener) -> None: self.listeners.append(listener) async def prestop(self) -> None: async with self._sessions_lock: # Keep the super call in the session_lock to make sure that no additional sessions are created # while the server is shutting down. This call sets the is_stopping() flag to true. await super(SessionManager, self).prestop() # terminate all sessions cleanly for session in self._sessions.copy().values(): await session.expire(0) session.abort() def get_depended_by(self) -> List[str]: return [SLICE_TRANSPORT] def validate_sid(self, sid: uuid.UUID) -> bool: if isinstance(sid, str): sid = uuid.UUID(sid) return sid in self._sessions async def get_or_create_session(self, sid: uuid.UUID, tid: uuid.UUID, endpoint_names: List[str], nodename: str) -> Session: if isinstance(sid, str): sid = uuid.UUID(sid) async with self._sessions_lock: if self.is_stopping(): raise ShutdownInProgress() if sid not in self._sessions: session = self.new_session(sid, tid, endpoint_names, nodename) self._sessions[sid] = session endpoint_names_snapshot = list(session.endpoint_names) await asyncio.gather(*[listener.new_session(session, endpoint_names_snapshot) for listener in self.listeners]) else: session = self._sessions[sid] self.seen(session, endpoint_names) endpoint_names_snapshot = list(session.endpoint_names) await asyncio.gather(*[listener.seen(session, endpoint_names_snapshot) for listener in self.listeners]) return session def new_session(self, sid: uuid.UUID, tid: uuid.UUID, endpoint_names: List[str], nodename: str) -> Session: LOGGER.debug("New session with id %s on node %s for env %s with endpoints %s" % (sid, nodename, tid, endpoint_names)) return Session(self, sid, self.hangtime, self.interval, tid, endpoint_names, nodename) async def expire(self, session: Session, timeout: float) -> None: async with self._sessions_lock: LOGGER.debug("Expired session with id %s, last seen %d seconds ago" % (session.get_id(), timeout)) if in self._sessions: del self._sessions[] endpoint_names_snapshot = list(session.endpoint_names) await asyncio.gather(*[listener.expire(session, endpoint_names_snapshot) for listener in self.listeners]) def seen(self, session: Session, endpoint_names: List[str]) -> None: LOGGER.debug("Seen session with id %s; endpoints: %s", session.get_id(), endpoint_names) session.seen(endpoint_names) @handle(methods.heartbeat, env="tid") async def heartbeat( self, sid: uuid.UUID, env: "", endpoint_names, nodename ) -> Union[int, Tuple[int, Dict[str, str]]]: LOGGER.debug("Received heartbeat from %s for agents %s in %s", nodename, ",".join(endpoint_names), session: Session = await self.get_or_create_session(sid,, endpoint_names, nodename) LOGGER.debug("Let node %s wait for method calls to become available. (long poll)", nodename) call_list = await session.get_calls() if call_list is not None: LOGGER.debug("Pushing %d method calls to node %s", len(call_list), nodename) return 200, {"method_calls": call_list} else: LOGGER.debug("Heartbeat wait expired for %s, returning. (long poll)", nodename) return 200 @handle(methods.heartbeat_reply) async def heartbeat_reply( self, sid: uuid.UUID, reply_id: uuid.UUID, data: JsonType ) -> Union[int, Tuple[int, Dict[str, str]]]: try: env = self._sessions[sid] env.set_reply(reply_id, data) return 200 except Exception: LOGGER.warning("could not deliver agent reply with sid=%s and reply_id=%s" % (sid, reply_id), exc_info=True) return 500