Module vyos


typedef vyos::abrtype_t
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (self in ['cisco','ibm','shortcut','standard'])

typedef vyos::area
  • Base type number

  • Type constraint ((self >= 0) and (self < 4294967296))

typedef vyos::duplex
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (((self == 'auto') or (self == 'half')) or (self == 'full'))

typedef vyos::ospf_metric_t
  • Base type number

  • Type constraint ((self > 0) and (self <= 16))

typedef vyos::ospf_metric_type_t
  • Base type number

  • Type constraint (self in [1,2])

typedef vyos::redistribute_t
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (self in ['bgp','connected','kernel','rip','static'])

typedef vyos::speed
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (self in ['10','100','1000','2500','10000','auto'])

typedef vyos::tunnel_encap_t
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (self in ['gre','gre-bridge','ipip','sit','ipip6','ip6ip6'])

typedef vyos::tunnel_key_t
  • Base type number

  • Type constraint ((self >= 0) and (self <= 99999))

typedef vyos::tunnel_mtu_t
  • Base type number

  • Type constraint ((self >= 64) and (self <= 8024))

typedef vyos::firewall::action_t
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (self in ['accept','drop','reject'])

typedef vyos::firewall::protocol_t
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (self in ['tcp_udp','all','icmp','tcp','udp'])

typedef vyos::routemap::rm_action_t
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (self in ['permit','deny'])

typedef vyos::vpn::auth_mode_t
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (self in ['pre-shared-secret','rsa','x509'])

typedef vyos::vpn::conn_type_t
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (self in ['initiate','respond'])

typedef vyos::vpn::dh_group_t
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (self in [2,5,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26])

typedef vyos::vpn::encryption_t
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (self in ['aes128','aes256','3des'])

typedef vyos::vpn::esp_mode_t
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (self in ['tunnel','transport'])

typedef vyos::vpn::hash_t
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (self in ['md5','sha1','sha256','sha384','sha512'])

typedef vyos::vpn::kex_t
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (self in ['ikev1','ikev2'])

typedef vyos::vpn::local_address_t
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (ip::is_valid_ip_v10(self) or (self == 'any'))


entity vyos::Address

Parents: std::Entity

An address entity to add multiple addresses to an interface

attribute ip::cidr_v10 ip

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::BaseHost

Parents: ip::Host

A vyos (or derivative) based host.

attribute string user='inmanta'
attribute string password='inmanta'
attribute number port=22
relation vyos::Credential credential [1]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::BaseInterface

Parents: vyos::ConfigNode

attribute string name
attribute ip::cidr_v10 address=null
attribute bool dhcp=false
relation vyos::Address addresses [0:\*]
relation vyos::Shaper traffic_policy_out [0:1]

other end: vyos::Shaper.interfaces_in [0:*]

relation vyos::Shaper traffic_policy_in [0:1]

other end: vyos::Shaper.interfaces_out [0:*]

relation vyos::Bridge bridge_group [0:1]

other end: vyos::Bridge.interfaces [0:*]

entity vyos::Bridge

Parents: vyos::BaseInterface

attribute string type='bridge'
relation vyos::BaseInterface interfaces [0:\*]

other end: vyos::BaseInterface.bridge_group [0:1]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::Config

Parents: vyos::ConfigItem, std::PurgeableResource

VYOS config block resource

This is the central resource, that is used to deploy specific configlets.

attribute string device
attribute string node
attribute bool never_delete=false
attribute bool save=true
attribute bool send_event=true
attribute string keys_only=List()

Only compare these keys, ignore all other keys that are in the current state

attribute string ignore_keys=List()

Ignore these keys in the current state

attribute bool facts=false

When set to true the config is never executed. The value under node is exposed as a fact

relation vyos::Credential credential [1]
relation vyos::ExtraConfig extra [0:\*]

other end: vyos::ExtraConfig.parent [1]

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::ConfigItem

Parents: std::Entity

attribute string config
entity vyos::ConfigNode

Parents: std::Entity

attribute string node_name
attribute bool purged=false
attribute bool purge_on_delete=false
relation vyos::ConfigItem config [0:1]
relation vyos::BaseHost host [1]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

entity vyos::Credential

Parents: std::Entity

attribute string address
attribute string user
attribute string password
attribute number port

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::DhcpServer

Parents: vyos::ConfigNode

attribute string name
attribute ip::cidr subnet
attribute ip::ip default_router
attribute ip::ip dns_servers
attribute ip::ip range_start
attribute ip::ip range_end

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::ExtraConfig

Parents: vyos::ConfigItem

relation vyos::Config parent [1]

other end: vyos::Config.extra [0:*]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::Host

Parents: vyos::BaseHost

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::Hostname

Parents: vyos::ConfigNode

attribute string name

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::Interface

Parents: vyos::BaseInterface

attribute bool never_delete=false
attribute vyos::duplex duplex='auto'
attribute vyos::speed speed='auto'
relation vyos::firewall::RuleSet inbound_ruleset [0:1]
relation vyos::firewall::RuleSet local_ruleset [0:1]
relation vyos::firewall::RuleSet outbound_ruleset [0:1]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::IpFact

Parents: std::PurgeableResource

Discover interface IP

attribute string id
attribute string device
relation vyos::BaseHost host [1]
relation vyos::Credential credential [1]
relation vyos::Interface interface [1]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::Loopback

Parents: vyos::ConfigNode

attribute ip::cidr address

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::Masquerade

Parents: vyos::ConfigNode

attribute string outbound_interface
attribute string source_address
attribute number rule

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::Ospf

Parents: vyos::ConfigNode

attribute vyos::area area=0
attribute ip::cidr network
attribute ip::ip router_id
attribute string passive_interfaces
attribute string passive_interface_excludes
attribute vyos::abrtype_t abrtype='cisco'
relation vyos::OspfRedistribute redistributes [0:\*]

other end: vyos::OspfRedistribute.ospf [1]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::OspfRedistribute

Parents: std::Entity

attribute vyos::redistribute_t type
attribute vyos::ospf_metric_t metric
attribute vyos::ospf_metric_type_t metric_type=2
attribute string route_map=null
relation vyos::Ospf ospf [1]

other end: vyos::Ospf.redistributes [0:*]

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::PolicyRoute

Parents: vyos::ConfigNode

attribute string name
attribute number rule
attribute number table

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::RouteMap

Parents: vyos::ConfigNode

attribute string name
attribute string description=null
relation vyos::routemap::Rule rules [0:\*]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::Shaper

Parents: vyos::ConfigNode

attribute string name
attribute string bandwidth
attribute string default_bandwidth='50%'
attribute string default_ceiling='100%'
attribute string default_queue_type='fair-queue'
relation vyos::BaseInterface interfaces_in [0:\*]

other end: vyos::BaseInterface.traffic_policy_out [0:1]

relation vyos::BaseInterface interfaces_out [0:\*]

other end: vyos::BaseInterface.traffic_policy_in [0:1]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::StaticRoute

Parents: vyos::ConfigNode

attribute ip::cidr destination
attribute ip::ip next_hop
attribute number table=0

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::Tunnel

Parents: vyos::BaseInterface

attribute string description=null
attribute vyos::tunnel_mtu_t mtu=1476
attribute vyos::tunnel_encap_t encapsulation
attribute ip::ip_v10 local_ip
attribute ip::ip_v10 remote_ip=null
attribute vyos::tunnel_key_t key=null

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::Vif

Parents: vyos::BaseInterface

attribute net::vlan_id vlan
attribute string type='vif'
attribute string name=''
relation vyos::Interface parent [1]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::firewall::AddressGroup

Parents: vyos::firewall::Group

attribute string addresses
string vyos::firewall::AddressGroup.description='inmanta managed address-group'

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::firewall::Group

Parents: vyos::ConfigNode

attribute string name
attribute string group_type
entity vyos::firewall::NetworkGroup

Parents: vyos::firewall::Group

attribute ip::cidr networks
string vyos::firewall::NetworkGroup.description='inmanta managed network-group'

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::firewall::PortGroup

Parents: vyos::firewall::Group

attribute string ports
string vyos::firewall::PortGroup.description='inmanta managed port-group'

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::firewall::Rule

Parents: std::Entity

attribute number id
attribute vyos::firewall::action_t action
attribute vyos::firewall::protocol_t protocol
string vyos::firewall::Rule.description='inmanta managed rule'
relation vyos::firewall::Group source [0:\*]
relation vyos::firewall::Group destination [0:\*]
relation vyos::firewall::RuleSet ruleset [1]

other end: vyos::firewall::RuleSet.rules [0:*]

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::firewall::RuleSet

Parents: vyos::ConfigNode

attribute string name
attribute vyos::firewall::action_t default_action
string vyos::firewall::RuleSet.description='inmanta managed ruleset'
relation vyos::firewall::Rule rules [0:\*]

other end: vyos::firewall::Rule.ruleset [1]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::openstackext::OpenstackHost

Parents: vyos::BaseHost, openstack::Host

A vyos based host for Openstack

attribute string floatingIP

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::routemap::Match

Parents: std::Entity

attribute string interface=null

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::routemap::Rule

Parents: std::Entity

attribute number id
attribute vyos::routemap::rm_action_t action
relation vyos::routemap::Match match [1]

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::vpn::Authentication

Parents: std::Entity

attribute string id
attribute vyos::vpn::auth_mode_t mode
attribute string pre_shared_key=null
attribute string remote_id=null
attribute string rsa_key_name=null

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::vpn::ESPGroup

Parents: vyos::ConfigNode

attribute string name
attribute bool compression
attribute number lifetime
attribute vyos::vpn::esp_mode_t mode
attribute bool pfs
relation vyos::vpn::ESPProposal proposals [1:\*]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::vpn::ESPProposal

Parents: std::Entity

attribute number id
attribute vyos::vpn::encryption_t encryption
attribute vyos::vpn::hash_t hash='sha1'

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::vpn::IKEGroup

Parents: vyos::ConfigNode

attribute string name
attribute vyos::vpn::kex_t key_exchange='ikev1'
attribute number lifetime
relation vyos::vpn::IKEProposal proposals [1:\*]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::vpn::IKEProposal

Parents: std::Entity

attribute number id
attribute vyos::vpn::dh_group_t dh_group=null
attribute vyos::vpn::encryption_t encryption
attribute vyos::vpn::hash_t hash='sha1'

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::vpn::IPSECOptions

Parents: vyos::ConfigNode

attribute string ipsec_interfaces=List()
attribute string log_modes=List()
attribute bool nat_traversal=false
attribute ip::cidr allowed_nat_networks=List()

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::vpn::KeyGen

Parents: std::PurgeableResource

Ensure an RSA key has been generated

attribute string id='keygen'
attribute string device
relation vyos::BaseHost host [1]
relation vyos::Credential credential [1]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::vpn::RSAKey

Parents: vyos::ConfigNode

attribute string name
attribute string rsa_key

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::vpn::SiteToSite

Parents: vyos::ConfigNode

attribute string peer
attribute vyos::vpn::conn_type_t connection_type
attribute vyos::vpn::local_address_t local_address
relation vyos::vpn::Authentication authentication [1]
relation vyos::vpn::IKEGroup ike_group [1]
relation vyos::vpn::ESPGroup default_esp_group [0:1]
relation vyos::vpn::Tunnel tunnels [0:\*]

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity vyos::vpn::Tunnel

Parents: std::Entity

attribute number id
attribute ip::cidr_v10 local_prefix
attribute ip::cidr_v10 remote_prefix

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:


implementation vyos::bridge
implementation vyos::commonConfig
implementation vyos::dhcpServer
implementation vyos::extraconfig_depends
implementation vyos::hostname
implementation vyos::iface
implementation vyos::loopback
implementation vyos::masq
implementation vyos::ospf
implementation vyos::policyRoute
implementation vyos::routeMap
implementation vyos::shaper
implementation vyos::staticRouteDefault
implementation vyos::staticRouteTable
implementation vyos::tunnel
implementation vyos::vif
implementation vyos::vyosConfig
implementation vyos::wireup_ipfact
implementation vyos::firewall::addressGroup
implementation vyos::firewall::networkGroup
implementation vyos::firewall::portGroup
implementation vyos::firewall::ruleSet
implementation vyos::openstackext::openstackConfig
implementation vyos::openstackext::withFip
implementation vyos::vpn::espGroup
implementation vyos::vpn::ikeGroup
implementation vyos::vpn::ipsecOptions
implementation vyos::vpn::rsaKey
implementation vyos::vpn::siteToSite
implementation vyos::vpn::wireup


class vyos.Config
class vyos.IpFact
class vyos.KeyGen


class vyos.VyosHandler
class vyos.KeyGenHandler
class vyos.IpFactHandler