Module param


typedef param::email
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint /[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+/


entity param::Form

Parents: std::Entity

A form definition should inherit this type to define a form

Attributes defined in subclasses of this entity become fields in the form. This form can be filled in through the REST API, cli or dashboard.

Each field has one of the basic types or a special typedef that adds constraints on the type. This can be used for validation but also for the dashboard to provide specific input widgets.

Attributes that start with _ are reserved for type options. The following attributes are currently supported:

  • _min_records: The minimal number of records required. If this number is higher than the actual number of records, unknowns are emitted.

  • _max_records: The maximal number of records that can be defined.

  • _record_count: The exact number of records that should exist. The main use case is a single singleton instance. A form with this value set to 1 can be queried with the plugin.

  • _title: The title of the form.

  • _help: A help text for the form

Attributes that start with an existing attributename and than __ are used to specify attribute specific options:

  • __widget: Specify a special widget for this field. textarea, options and slider are supported.

  • __options: A list of options that should be chosen from. The list is provided as a comma separated string.

  • __label: A label for the form field

  • __help: A help text for the form field

  • __min: Option for the slider widget

  • __max: Option for the slider widget


param.all(instance_type: string) → list

Returns a list of records of the given type (form). This plugins uploads the record definition to the server. This defined the REST API on the server and the form definition in the dashboard.


instance_type – The entity (type) of the record (form)


A list of dict with all the defined records.

param.get(name: string, instance: string=) → any

Get a field in a record from the server.

  • name – The name of the field in the record (instance) to query.

  • instance – The record to get a parameter from.


The value of the record. Returns an unknown to sequence the orchestration process when the parameter is not available.

param.instances(instance_type: string, expecting: number = 0) → list

Return a list of record ids of the given type (form). This plugin uploads the record definition to the server. This makes the REST API available on the server and the form definition in the dashboard.

  • instance_type – The entity (type) of the record (form)

  • expecting – The minimal number of parameters to expect


A list of ids of records. The id can be used with the get plugin. string, entity: string) → any

Get a parameter from a form that can have only one instance. This combines the param.instances() and param.get() plugin in a single call. This plugin only works on forms that limit the number of records to 1 (see param::Form)

Calling this plugin will upload the definition of the form to the server and make the REST API and Form in available.

  • name – The name of the field in the record.

  • entity – The name of the entity type to get the record for. string, value: string)

This plugin reports a parameter to the server from the compile process. This can be used for output like parameter like in HEAT or TOSCA templates.

The dashboard will explicitly show these values as well.

  • name – The name/label of the value

  • value – The value to report.