Source code for inmanta.protocol.methods_v2

    Copyright 2019 Inmanta

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.


    Module defining the v2 rest api
import datetime
import uuid
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

from inmanta.const import AgentAction, ApiDocsFormat, ClientType
from import model
from inmanta.protocol.common import ReturnValue

from . import methods
from .decorators import typedmethod
from .openapi.model import OpenAPI

# Method for working with projects
[docs]@typedmethod(path="/project", operation="PUT", client_types=[ClientType.api], api_version=2) def project_create(name: str, project_id: uuid.UUID = None) -> model.Project: """ Create a new project :param name: The name of the project :param project_id: A unique uuid, when it is not provided the server generates one """
[docs]@typedmethod(path="/project/<id>", operation="POST", client_types=[ClientType.api], api_version=2) def project_modify(id: uuid.UUID, name: str) -> model.Project: """ Modify the given project """
[docs]@typedmethod(path="/project/<id>", operation="DELETE", client_types=[ClientType.api], api_version=2) def project_delete(id: uuid.UUID) -> None: """ Delete the given project and all related data """
[docs]@typedmethod(path="/project", operation="GET", client_types=[ClientType.api], api_version=2) def project_list() -> List[model.Project]: """ Create a list of projects """
[docs]@typedmethod(path="/project/<id>", operation="GET", client_types=[ClientType.api], api_version=2) def project_get(id: uuid.UUID) -> model.Project: """ Get a project and a list of the ids of all environments """
# Methods for working with environments
[docs]@typedmethod(path="/environment", operation="PUT", client_types=[ClientType.api], api_version=2) def environment_create( project_id: uuid.UUID, name: str, repository: Optional[str] = None, branch: Optional[str] = None, environment_id: uuid.UUID = None, ) -> model.Environment: """ Create a new environment :param project_id: The id of the project this environment belongs to :param name: The name of the environment :param repository: The url (in git form) of the repository :param branch: The name of the branch in the repository :param environment_id: A unique environment id, if none an id is allocated by the server """
[docs]@typedmethod(path="/environment/<id>", operation="POST", client_types=[ClientType.api], api_version=2) def environment_modify(id: uuid.UUID, name: str, repository: str = None, branch: str = None) -> model.Environment: """ Modify the given environment :param id: The id of the environment :param name: The name of the environment :param repository: The url (in git form) of the repository :param branch: The name of the branch in the repository """
[docs]@typedmethod(path="/environment/<id>", operation="DELETE", client_types=[ClientType.api], api_version=2) def environment_delete(id: uuid.UUID) -> None: """ Delete the given environment and all related data. :param id: The uuid of the environment. :raises NotFound: The given environment doesn't exist. :raises Forbidden: The given environment is protected. """
[docs]@typedmethod(path="/environment", operation="GET", client_types=[ClientType.api], api_version=2) def environment_list() -> List[model.Environment]: """ Create a list of environments """
[docs]@typedmethod( path="/environment/<id>", operation="GET", client_types=[ClientType.api], arg_options={"id": methods.ArgOption(getter=methods.add_env)}, api_version=2, ) def environment_get(id: uuid.UUID) -> model.Environment: """ Get an environment and all versions associated :param id: The id of the environment to return """
[docs]@typedmethod( path="/actions/environment/halt", operation="POST", arg_options=methods.ENV_OPTS, client_types=[ClientType.api], api_version=2, ) def halt_environment(tid: uuid.UUID) -> None: """ Halt all orchestrator operations for an environment. The environment will enter a state where all agents are paused and can not be unpaused. Incoming compile requests will still be queued but compilation will halt. Normal operation can be restored using the `resume_environment` endpoint. :param tid: The environment id :raises NotFound: The given environment doesn't exist. """
[docs]@typedmethod( path="/actions/environment/resume", operation="POST", arg_options=methods.ENV_OPTS, client_types=[ClientType.api], api_version=2, ) def resume_environment(tid: uuid.UUID) -> None: """ Resume all orchestrator operations for an environment. Resumes normal environment operation and unpauses all agents that were active when the environment was halted. :param tid: The environment id :raises NotFound: The given environment doesn't exist. """
[docs]@typedmethod( path="/decommission/<id>", operation="POST", arg_options={"id": methods.ArgOption(getter=methods.convert_environment)}, client_types=[ClientType.api], api_version=2, ) def environment_decommission(id: uuid.UUID, metadata: Optional[model.ModelMetadata] = None) -> int: """ Decommission an environment. This is done by uploading an empty model to the server and let purge_on_delete handle removal. :param id: The uuid of the environment. :param metadata: Optional metadata associated with the decommissioning :raises NotFound: The given environment doesn't exist. :raises Forbidden: The given environment is protected. """
[docs]@typedmethod( path="/decommission/<id>", operation="DELETE", arg_options={"id": methods.ArgOption(getter=methods.convert_environment)}, client_types=[ClientType.api], api_version=2, ) def environment_clear(id: uuid.UUID) -> None: """ Clear all data from this environment. :param id: The uuid of the environment. :raises NotFound: The given environment doesn't exist. :raises Forbidden: The given environment is protected. """
# Method for listing and creating auth tokens for an environment that can be used by the agent and compilers
[docs]@typedmethod( path="/environment_auth", operation="POST", arg_options=methods.ENV_OPTS, client_types=[ClientType.api, ClientType.compiler], api_version=2, ) def environment_create_token(tid: uuid.UUID, client_types: List[str], idempotent: bool = True) -> str: """ Create or get a new token for the given client types. Tokens generated with this call are scoped to the current environment. :param tid: The environment id :param client_types: The client types for which this token is valid (api, agent, compiler) :param idempotent: The token should be idempotent, such tokens do not have an expire or issued at set so their value will not change. """
# Method for listing/getting/setting/removing settings of an environment. This API is also used by agents to configure # environments.
[docs]@typedmethod( path="/environment_settings", operation="GET", arg_options=methods.ENV_OPTS, api=True, agent_server=True, client_types=[ClientType.api, ClientType.agent, ClientType.compiler], api_version=2, ) def environment_settings_list(tid: uuid.UUID) -> model.EnvironmentSettingsReponse: """ List the settings in the current environment """
[docs]@typedmethod( path="/environment_settings/<id>", operation="POST", arg_options=methods.ENV_OPTS, api=True, agent_server=True, client_types=[ClientType.api, ClientType.agent, ClientType.compiler], api_version=2, ) def environment_settings_set(tid: uuid.UUID, id: str, value: model.EnvSettingType) -> ReturnValue[None]: """ Set a value """
[docs]@typedmethod( path="/environment_settings/<id>", operation="GET", arg_options=methods.ENV_OPTS, api=True, agent_server=True, client_types=[ClientType.api, ClientType.agent], api_version=2, ) def environment_setting_get(tid: uuid.UUID, id: str) -> model.EnvironmentSettingsReponse: """ Get a value """
[docs]@typedmethod( path="/environment_settings/<id>", operation="DELETE", arg_options=methods.ENV_OPTS, api=True, agent_server=True, client_types=[ClientType.api, ClientType.agent], api_version=2, ) def environment_setting_delete(tid: uuid.UUID, id: str) -> ReturnValue[None]: """ Delete a value """
[docs]@typedmethod( path="/reserve_version", operation="POST", arg_options=methods.ENV_OPTS, client_types=[ClientType.compiler], api_version=2 ) def reserve_version(tid: uuid.UUID) -> int: """ Reserve a version number in this environment. """
[docs]@typedmethod(path="/docs", operation="GET", client_types=[ClientType.api], api_version=2) def get_api_docs(format: Optional[ApiDocsFormat] = ApiDocsFormat.swagger) -> ReturnValue[Union[OpenAPI, str]]: """ Get the OpenAPI definition of the API :param format: Use 'openapi' to get the schema in json format, leave empty or use 'swagger' to get the Swagger-UI view """
[docs]@typedmethod( path="/agent/<name>/<action>", operation="POST", arg_options=methods.ENV_OPTS, client_types=[ClientType.api], api_version=2 ) def agent_action(tid: uuid.UUID, name: str, action: AgentAction) -> None: """ Execute an action on an agent :param tid: The environment this agent is defined in. :param name: The name of the agent. :param action: The type of action that should be executed on an agent. * pause: A paused agent cannot execute any deploy operations. * unpause: A unpaused agent will be able to execute deploy operations. :raises Forbidden: The given environment has been halted. """
[docs]@typedmethod( path="/agents/<action>", operation="POST", arg_options=methods.ENV_OPTS, client_types=[ClientType.api], api_version=2 ) def all_agents_action(tid: uuid.UUID, action: AgentAction) -> None: """ Execute an action on all agents in the given environment. :param tid: The environment of the agents. :param action: The type of action that should be executed on the agents * pause: A paused agent cannot execute any deploy operations. * unpause: A unpaused agent will be able to execute deploy operations. :raises Forbidden: The given environment has been halted. """
[docs]@typedmethod(path="/agentmap", api=False, server_agent=True, operation="POST", client_types=[], api_version=2) def update_agent_map(agent_map: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """ Notify an agent about the fact that the autostart_agent_map has been updated. :param agent_map: The content of the new autostart_agent_map """
[docs]@typedmethod( path="/compiledata/<id>", operation="GET", client_types=[ClientType.api], api_version=2, ) def get_compile_data(id: uuid.UUID) -> Optional[model.CompileData]: """ Get the compile data for the given compile request. :param id: The id of the compile. """
[docs]@typedmethod( path="/resource_actions", operation="GET", arg_options=methods.ENV_OPTS, client_types=[ClientType.api], api_version=2 ) def get_resource_actions( tid: uuid.UUID, resource_type: Optional[str] = None, agent: Optional[str] = None, attribute: Optional[str] = None, attribute_value: Optional[str] = None, log_severity: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = 0, action_id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, first_timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, last_timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, ) -> ReturnValue[List[model.ResourceAction]]: """ Return resource actions matching the search criteria. :param tid: The id of the environment this resource belongs to :param resource_type: The resource entity type that should be queried :param agent: Agent name that is used to filter the results :param attribute: Attribute name used for filtering :param attribute_value: Attribute value used for filtering. Attribute and attribute value should be supplied together. :param log_severity: Only include ResourceActions which have a log message with this severity. :param limit: Limit the number of resource actions included in the response, up to 1000 :param action_id: Start the query from this action_id. To be used in combination with either the first or last timestamp. :param first_timestamp: Limit the results to resource actions that started later than the value of this parameter (exclusive) :param last_timestamp: Limit the results to resource actions that started earlier than the value of this parameter (exclusive). Only the first_timestamp or last_timestamp parameter should be supplied :return: the list of matching Resource Actions in a descending order according to the 'started' timestamp. If a limit was specified, also return the links to the next and previous pages. The "next" page always refers to the actions that started earlier, while the "prev" page refers to actions that started later. :raises BadRequest: When the supplied parameters are not valid. """