Source code for inmanta.module

    Copyright 2021 Inmanta

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.


import configparser
import enum
import glob
import importlib
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import traceback
import types
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from configparser import ConfigParser
from functools import lru_cache
from import Loader
from io import BytesIO, TextIOBase
from itertools import chain
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
from tarfile import TarFile
from time import time
from typing import (

import more_itertools
import pkg_resources
import yaml
from pkg_resources import Distribution, DistributionNotFound, Requirement, parse_requirements, parse_version
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, NameEmail, ValidationError, validator

import inmanta.warnings
from inmanta import const, env, loader, plugins
from inmanta.ast import CompilerException, LocatableString, Location, Namespace, Range, WrappingRuntimeException
from inmanta.ast.blocks import BasicBlock
from inmanta.ast.statements import BiStatement, DefinitionStatement, DynamicStatement, Statement
from inmanta.ast.statements.define import DefineImport
from inmanta.file_parser import PreservativeYamlParser, RequirementsTxtParser
from inmanta.parser import plyInmantaParser
from inmanta.parser.plyInmantaParser import cache_manager
from inmanta.stable_api import stable_api
from inmanta.util import get_compiler_version
from packaging import version
from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap

    from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
except ImportError:

    from pkg_resources.packaging.version import Version  # noqa: F401

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Path = NewType("Path", str)
ModuleName = NewType("ModuleName", str)

T = TypeVar("T")
TModule = TypeVar("TModule", bound="Module")
TProject = TypeVar("TProject", bound="Project")
TInmantaModuleRequirement = TypeVar("TInmantaModuleRequirement", bound="InmantaModuleRequirement")

class InmantaModuleRequirement:
    Represents a requirement on an inmanta module. This is a wrapper around Requirement. This class is provided for the
    following reasons:
        1. Work around some particulars of Requirement's semantics with respect to naming conventions.
        2. Improve readability and clarity of purpose where a requirement on either a Python package or an inmanta module is
            used by distinguishing the two on a type level.

    def __init__(self, requirement: Requirement) -> None:
        if requirement.project_name.startswith(ModuleV2.PKG_NAME_PREFIX):
            raise ValueError("InmantaModuleRequirement instances work with inmanta module names, not python package names.")
        self._requirement: Requirement = requirement

    def project_name(self) -> str:
        # Requirement converts all "_" to "-". Inmanta modules use "_"
        return self._requirement.project_name.replace("-", "_")

    def key(self) -> str:
        # Requirement converts all "_" to "-". Inmanta modules use "_"
        return self._requirement.key.replace("-", "_")

    def specifier(self) -> str:
        return self._requirement.specifier

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(other, InmantaModuleRequirement):
            return NotImplemented
        return self._requirement == other._requirement

    def __contains__(self, version: str) -> bool:
        return version in self._requirement

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return str(self._requirement).replace("-", "_")

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        return self._requirement.__hash__()

    def specs(self) -> Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]:
        return self._requirement.specs

    def version_spec_str(self) -> str:
        Returns a string representation of this module requirement's version spec. Includes only the version part.
        return ",".join("".join(spec) for spec in self.specs)

    def parse(cls: Type[TInmantaModuleRequirement], spec: str) -> TInmantaModuleRequirement:
        if spec.startswith(ModuleV2.PKG_NAME_PREFIX):
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid Inmanta module requirement: Use the Inmanta module name instead of the Python package name"
        if "-" in spec:
            raise ValueError("Invalid Inmanta module requirement: Inmanta module names use '_', not '-'.")
        return cls(Requirement.parse(spec))

class CompilerExceptionWithExtendedTrace(CompilerException):
    A compiler exception that adds additional information about the cause of this exception
    to the formatted trace.

    def format_trace(self, indent: str = "", indent_level: int = 0) -> str:
        """Make a representation of this exception and its causes"""
        # can have a cause of any type
        out = indent * indent_level + self.format()

        if self.__cause__ is not None:
            part = traceback.format_exception_only(self.__cause__.__class__, self.__cause__)
            out += "\n" + indent * indent_level + "caused by:\n"
            for line in part:
                out += indent * (indent_level + 1) + line

        return out

[docs]@stable_api class InvalidModuleException(CompilerExceptionWithExtendedTrace): """ This exception is raised if a module is invalid. """
class ModuleNotFoundException(CompilerExceptionWithExtendedTrace): """ This exception is raised if a module is not found in any of the repositories. """ class ModuleLoadingException(WrappingRuntimeException): """ Wrapper around an InvalidModuleException or a ModuleNotFoundException that contains extra information about the specific DefinedImport statement that cannot not be processed correctly. """ def __init__( self, name: str, stmt: "DefineImport", cause: Union[InvalidModuleException, ModuleNotFoundException], msg: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ :param name: The name of the module that could not be loaded. :param stmt: The DefinedImport statement that triggered the failure :param cause: The InvalidModuleException or ModuleNotFoundException that was raised :param msg: A description of the error. """ if msg is None: msg = "Failed to load module %s" % name WrappingRuntimeException.__init__(self, stmt, msg, cause) = name def importantance(self) -> int: return 5 class ModuleMetadataFileNotFound(InvalidModuleException): pass class ModuleV2InV1PathException(InvalidModuleException): def __init__(self, project: Optional["Project"], module: "ModuleV2", msg: str) -> None: super().__init__(msg) self.project: Optional[Project] = project self.module: ModuleV2 = module
[docs]@stable_api class InvalidMetadata(CompilerException): """ This exception is raised if the metadata file of a project or module is invalid. """ def __init__(self, msg: str, validation_error: Optional[ValidationError] = None) -> None: if validation_error is not None: msg = self._extend_msg_with_validation_information(msg, validation_error) super(InvalidMetadata, self).__init__(msg=msg) @classmethod def _extend_msg_with_validation_information(cls, msg: str, validation_error: ValidationError) -> str: for error in validation_error.errors(): mgs: str = error["msg"] error_type = error["type"] msg += f"\n{error['loc']}\n\t{mgs} ({error_type})" return msg
class MetadataDeprecationWarning(inmanta.warnings.InmantaWarning): pass
[docs]@stable_api class ProjectNotFoundException(CompilerException): """ This exception is raised when inmanta is unable to find a valid project """
class PluginModuleLoadException(Exception): """ Exception representing an error during plugin module loading. """ def __init__(self, cause: Exception, module: str, fq_import: str, path: str, lineno: Optional[int]) -> None: """ :param cause: The exception raised by the import. :param module: The name of the Inmanta module. :param fq_import: The fully qualified import to the Python module for which the loading failed. :param path: The path to the file on disk that belongs to `fq_import`. :param lineno: Optionally, the line number in `path` that causes the loading issue. """ self.cause: Exception = cause self.module: str = module self.fq_import: str = fq_import self.path: str = path self.lineno: Optional[int] = lineno lineno_suffix = f":{self.lineno}" if self.lineno is not None else "" super().__init__( "%s while loading plugin module %s at %s: %s" % ( self.get_cause_type_name(), self.module, f"{self.path}{lineno_suffix}", self.cause, ) ) def get_cause_type_name(self) -> str: module: Optional[str] = type(self.cause).__module__ name: str = type(self.cause).__qualname__ return name if module is None or module == "builtins" else "%s.%s" % (module, name) def to_compiler_exception(self) -> CompilerException: module: Optional[str] = type(self.cause).__module__ name: str = type(self.cause).__qualname__ cause_type_name = name if module is None or module == "builtins" else "%s.%s" % (module, name) exception = CompilerException( f"Unable to load all plug-ins for module {self.module}:" f"\n\t{cause_type_name} while loading plugin module {self.fq_import}: {self.cause}" ) exception.set_location(Location(self.path, self.lineno if self.lineno is not None else 0)) return exception class GitProvider(object): def clone(self, src: str, dest: str) -> None: pass def fetch(self, repo: str) -> None: pass def get_all_tags(self, repo: str) -> List[str]: pass def get_file_for_version(self, repo: str, tag: str, file: str) -> str: pass def checkout_tag(self, repo: str, tag: str) -> None: pass def commit(self, repo: str, message: str, commit_all: bool, add: List[str] = []) -> None: pass def tag(self, repo: str, tag: str) -> None: pass def push(self, repo: str) -> str: pass class CLIGitProvider(GitProvider): def clone(self, src: str, dest: str) -> None: env = os.environ.copy() env["GIT_ASKPASS"] = "true" subprocess.check_call(["git", "clone", src, dest], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, env=env) def fetch(self, repo: str) -> None: env = os.environ.copy() env["GIT_ASKPASS"] = "true" subprocess.check_call( ["git", "fetch", "--tags"], cwd=repo, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, env=env ) def status(self, repo: str) -> str: return subprocess.check_output(["git", "status", "--porcelain"], cwd=repo).decode("utf-8") def get_all_tags(self, repo: str) -> List[str]: return subprocess.check_output(["git", "tag"], cwd=repo).decode("utf-8").splitlines() def checkout_tag(self, repo: str, tag: str) -> None: subprocess.check_call(["git", "checkout", tag], cwd=repo, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) def commit(self, repo: str, message: str, commit_all: bool, add: List[str] = []) -> None: for file in add: subprocess.check_call(["git", "add", file], cwd=repo, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) if not commit_all: subprocess.check_call( ["git", "commit", "-m", message], cwd=repo, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL ) else: subprocess.check_call( ["git", "commit", "-a", "-m", message], cwd=repo, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL ) def tag(self, repo: str, tag: str) -> None: subprocess.check_call( ["git", "tag", "-a", "-m", "auto tag by module tool", tag], cwd=repo, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, ) def pull(self, repo: str) -> str: return subprocess.check_output(["git", "pull"], cwd=repo, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).decode("utf-8") def push(self, repo: str) -> str: return subprocess.check_output( ["git", "push", "--follow-tags", "--porcelain"], cwd=repo, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL ).decode("utf-8") def get_file_for_version(self, repo: str, tag: str, file: str) -> str: data = subprocess.check_output(["git", "archive", "--format=tar", tag, file], cwd=repo, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) tf = TarFile(fileobj=BytesIO(data)) tfile = assert tfile is not None b = tf.extractfile(tfile) assert b is not None return"utf-8") gitprovider = CLIGitProvider()
[docs]class ModuleSource(Generic[TModule]):
[docs] def get_installed_module(self, project: Optional["Project"], module_name: str) -> Optional[TModule]: """ Returns a module object for a module if it is installed. :param project: The project associated with the module. :param module_name: The name of the module. """ path: Optional[str] = self.path_for(module_name) return self.from_path(project, module_name, path) if path is not None else None
def get_module( self, project: "Project", module_spec: List[InmantaModuleRequirement], install: bool = False ) -> Optional[TModule]: """ Returns the appropriate module instance for a given module spec. :param project: The project associated with the module. :param module_spec: The module specification including any constraints on its version. Ignored if module is already installed. In this case, the project is responsible for verifying constraint compatibility. :param install: Whether to attempt to install the module if it hasn't been installed yet. """ module_name: str = self._get_module_name(module_spec) installed: Optional[TModule] = self.get_installed_module(project, module_name) if installed is None and install: return self.install(project, module_spec) return installed @abstractmethod def install(self, project: "Project", module_spec: List[InmantaModuleRequirement]) -> Optional[TModule]: """ Attempt to install a module given a module spec. Updates a module that is already installed only if it does not match the constraints. :param project: The project associated with the module. :param module_spec: The module specification including any constraints on its version. :return: The module object when the module was installed. When the module could not be found, None is returned. """ raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method") @abstractmethod def path_for(self, name: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Returns the path to the module root directory. Should be called prior to configuring the module finder for v1 modules. """ raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method") @classmethod @abstractmethod def from_path(cls, project: Optional["Project"], module_name: str, path: str) -> TModule: """ Returns a module instance given a path to it. """ raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method") def _get_module_name(self, module_spec: List[InmantaModuleRequirement]) -> str: module_names: Set[str] = {req.project_name for req in module_spec} module_name: str = module_names, too_short=ValueError("module_spec should contain at least one requirement"), too_long=ValueError("module_spec should contain requirements for exactly one module"), ) return module_name
[docs]class ModuleV2Source(ModuleSource["ModuleV2"]): def __init__(self, urls: List[str]) -> None: self.urls: List[str] = [url if not os.path.exists(url) else os.path.abspath(url) for url in urls] @classmethod def get_installed_version(cls, module_name: str) -> Optional[version.Version]: """ Returns the version for a module if it is installed. """ if module_name.startswith(ModuleV2.PKG_NAME_PREFIX): raise ValueError("PythonRepo instances work with inmanta module names, not Python package names.") try: dist: Distribution = pkg_resources.get_distribution(ModuleV2Source.get_package_name_for(module_name)) return version.Version(dist.version) except DistributionNotFound: return None except version.InvalidVersion: raise InvalidModuleException(f"Package {dist.project_name} was installed but it has no valid version.") @classmethod def get_inmanta_module_name(cls, python_package_name: str) -> str: if not python_package_name.startswith(ModuleV2.PKG_NAME_PREFIX): raise ValueError(f"Invalid python package name: should start with {ModuleV2.PKG_NAME_PREFIX}") result: str = python_package_name[len(ModuleV2.PKG_NAME_PREFIX) :].replace("-", "_") if not result: raise ValueError("Invalid python package name: empty module name part.") return result @classmethod def get_package_name_for(cls, module_name: str) -> str: module_name = module_name.replace("_", "-") return f"{ModuleV2.PKG_NAME_PREFIX}{module_name}" @classmethod def get_python_package_requirement(cls, requirement: InmantaModuleRequirement) -> Requirement: """ Return a Requirement with the name of the Python distribution package for this module requirement. """ module_name = requirement.project_name pkg_name = ModuleV2Source.get_package_name_for(module_name) pkg_req_str = str(requirement).replace(module_name, pkg_name, 1) # Replace max 1 occurrence return Requirement.parse(pkg_req_str) @classmethod def get_namespace_package_name(cls, module_name: str) -> str: return f"{const.PLUGINS_PACKAGE}.{module_name}" def install(self, project: "Project", module_spec: List[InmantaModuleRequirement]) -> Optional["ModuleV2"]: if not self.urls: raise Exception( "Attempting to install a v2 module but no v2 module source is configured. Add at least one repo of type" ' "package" to the project config file. e.g. to add PyPi as a module source, add the following to the `repo`' " section of the project's `project.yml`:" "\n\t- type: package" "\n\t url:" ) module_name: str = self._get_module_name(module_spec) requirements: List[Requirement] = [self.get_python_package_requirement(req) for req in module_spec] allow_pre_releases = project is not None and project.install_mode in {InstallMode.prerelease, InstallMode.master} preinstalled: Optional[ModuleV2] = self.get_installed_module(project, module_name) if preinstalled is not None: # log warning if preinstalled version does not match constraints preinstalled_version: str = str(preinstalled.version) if not all(preinstalled_version in constraint for constraint in module_spec): LOGGER.warning( "Currently installed %s-%s does not match constraint %s: updating to compatible version.", module_name, preinstalled_version, ",".join(constraint.version_spec_str() for constraint in module_spec if constraint.specs), ) try: env.process_env.install_from_index(requirements, self.urls, allow_pre_releases=allow_pre_releases) except env.PackageNotFound: return None path: Optional[str] = self.path_for(module_name) if path is None: python_package: str = ModuleV2Source.get_package_name_for(module_name) namespace_package: str = self.get_namespace_package_name(module_name) raise InvalidModuleException(f"{python_package} does not contain a {namespace_package} module.") return self.from_path(project, module_name, path) def path_for(self, name: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Returns the path to the module root directory. Should be called prior to configuring the module finder for v1 modules. """ if name.startswith(ModuleV2.PKG_NAME_PREFIX): raise ValueError("PythonRepo instances work with inmanta module names, not Python package names.") package: str = self.get_namespace_package_name(name) mod_spec: Optional[Tuple[Optional[str], Loader]] = env.ActiveEnv.get_module_file(package) if mod_spec is None: return None init, mod_loader = mod_spec if isinstance(mod_loader, loader.PluginModuleLoader): # Module was found in the environment but it is associated with the v1 module loader. Since the v2 loader has # precedence, we can conclude the module has not been installed in v2 mode. If it were, the module could never # be associated with the v1 loader. return None if init is None: raise InvalidModuleException(f"Package {package} was installed but no file could be found.") pkg_installation_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(init)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pkg_installation_dir, ModuleV2.MODULE_FILE)): # normal install: is in module root return pkg_installation_dir else: # editable install: is in `inmanta_plugins/<mod_name>` module_root_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(pkg_installation_dir, os.pardir, os.pardir)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(module_root_dir, ModuleV2.MODULE_FILE)): return module_root_dir raise InvalidModuleException( f"Invalid module: found module package but it has no {ModuleV2.MODULE_FILE}. This occurs when you install or build" " modules from source incorrectly. Always use the `inmanta module install` and `inmanta module build` commands to" " respectively install and build modules from source. Make sure to uninstall the broken package first." ) @classmethod def from_path(cls, project: Optional["Project"], module_name: str, path: str) -> "ModuleV2": return ModuleV2( project, path, is_editable_install=os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, const.PLUGINS_PACKAGE)), installed_version=cls.get_installed_version(module_name), ) def _get_module_name(self, module_spec: List[InmantaModuleRequirement]) -> str: module_name: str = super()._get_module_name(module_spec) if module_name.startswith(ModuleV2.PKG_NAME_PREFIX.replace("-", "_")): raise ValueError("PythonRepo instances work with inmanta module names, not Python package names.") return module_name
class ModuleV1Source(ModuleSource["ModuleV1"]): def __init__(self, local_repo: "ModuleRepo", remote_repo: "ModuleRepo") -> None: self.local_repo: ModuleRepo = local_repo self.remote_repo: ModuleRepo = remote_repo def install(self, project: "Project", module_spec: List[InmantaModuleRequirement]) -> Optional["ModuleV1"]: module_name: str = self._get_module_name(module_spec) preinstalled: Optional[ModuleV1] = self.get_installed_module(project, module_name) if preinstalled is not None: preinstalled_version: str = str(preinstalled.version) if all(preinstalled_version in constraint for constraint in module_spec): return preinstalled else: LOGGER.warning( "Currently installed %s-%s does not match constraint %s: updating to compatible version.", module_name, preinstalled_version, ",".join(constraint.version_spec_str() for constraint in module_spec if constraint.specs), ) return ModuleV1.update( project, module_name, module_spec, preinstalled.path, fetch=False, install_mode=project.install_mode ) else: if project.downloadpath is None: raise CompilerException( f"Can not install module {module_name} because 'downloadpath' is not set in {project.PROJECT_FILE}" ) download_path: str = os.path.join(project.downloadpath, module_name) result = self.remote_repo.clone(module_name, project.downloadpath) if not result: return None return ModuleV1.update( project, module_name, module_spec, download_path, fetch=False, install_mode=project.install_mode ) def path_for(self, name: str) -> Optional[str]: return self.local_repo.path_for(name) @classmethod def from_path(cls, project: Optional["Project"], module_name: str, path: str) -> "ModuleV1": return ModuleV1(project, path) class ModuleRepo: def clone(self, name: str, dest: str) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method") def path_for(self, name: str) -> Optional[str]: # same class is used for search path and remote repos, perhaps not optimal raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method") class CompositeModuleRepo(ModuleRepo): def __init__(self, children: List[ModuleRepo]) -> None: self.children = children def clone(self, name: str, dest: str) -> bool: for child in self.children: if child.clone(name, dest): return True return False def path_for(self, name: str) -> Optional[str]: for child in self.children: result = child.path_for(name) if result is not None: return result return None class LocalFileRepo(ModuleRepo): def __init__(self, root: str, parent_root: Optional[str] = None) -> None: if parent_root is None: self.root = os.path.abspath(root) else: self.root = os.path.join(parent_root, root) def clone(self, name: str, dest: str) -> bool: try: gitprovider.clone(os.path.join(self.root, name), os.path.join(dest, name)) return True except Exception: LOGGER.debug("could not clone repo", exc_info=True) return False def path_for(self, name: str) -> Optional[str]: path = os.path.join(self.root, name) if os.path.exists(path): return path return None class RemoteRepo(ModuleRepo): def __init__(self, baseurl: str) -> None: self.baseurl = baseurl def clone(self, name: str, dest: str) -> bool: try: url = self.baseurl.format(name) if url == self.baseurl: url = self.baseurl + name gitprovider.clone(url, os.path.join(dest, name)) return True except Exception: LOGGER.debug("could not clone repo", exc_info=True) return False def path_for(self, name: str) -> Optional[str]: raise NotImplementedError("Should only be called on local repos") def make_repo(path: str, root: Optional[str] = None) -> Union[LocalFileRepo, RemoteRepo]: """ Returns the appropriate `ModuleRepo` instance (v1) for the given path. """ # check that the second char is not a colon (windows) if ":" in path and path[1] != ":": return RemoteRepo(path) else: return LocalFileRepo(path, parent_root=root) def merge_specs(mainspec: "Dict[str, List[InmantaModuleRequirement]]", new: "List[InmantaModuleRequirement]") -> None: """Merge two maps str->[TMetadata] by concatting their lists.""" for req in new: key = req.project_name if key not in mainspec: mainspec[key] = [req] else: mainspec[key] = mainspec[key] + [req]
[docs]@stable_api class InstallMode(str, enum.Enum): """ The module install mode determines what version of a module should be selected when a module is downloaded. """ release = "release" """ Only use a released version that is compatible with the current compiler and any version constraints defined in the ``requires`` lists for the project or any other modules (see :class:`ProjectMetadata`, :class:`ModuleV1Metadata` and :class:`ModuleV2Metadata`). A module is considered released in the following situations: * For V1 modules: There is a tag on a commit. This tag is a valid, pep440 compliant version identifier and it's not a prelease version. * For V2 modules: The python package was published on a Python package repository, the version identifier is pep440 compliant and is not a prerelease version. """ prerelease = "prerelease" """ Similar to :attr:`InstallMode.release` but prerelease versions are allowed as well. """ master = "master" """ For V1 modules: Use the module's master branch. For V2 modules: Equivalent to :attr:`InstallMode.prerelease` """
INSTALL_OPTS: List[str] = [mode.value for mode in InstallMode] # Part of the stable API """ List of possible module install modes, kept for backwards compatibility. New code should use :class:`InstallMode` instead. """ @stable_api class FreezeOperator(str, enum.Enum): eq = "==" compatible = "~=" ge = ">=" @classmethod def get_regex_for_validation(cls) -> str: all_values = [re.escape(o.value) for o in cls] return f"^({'|'.join(all_values)})$" class RawParser(ABC): @classmethod @abstractmethod def parse(cls, source: Union[str, TextIO]) -> Mapping[str, object]: raise NotImplementedError() class YamlParser(RawParser): @classmethod def parse(cls, source: Union[str, TextIO]) -> Mapping[str, object]: try: return yaml.safe_load(source) except yaml.YAMLError as e: if isinstance(source, TextIOBase): raise InvalidMetadata(msg=f"Invalid yaml syntax in {}:\n{str(e)}") from e else: raise InvalidMetadata(msg=str(e)) from e class CfgParser(RawParser): @classmethod def parse(cls, source: Union[str, TextIO]) -> Mapping[str, object]: try: config: configparser.ConfigParser = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read_string(source if isinstance(source, str) else if config.has_option("options", "install_requires"): install_requires = [r for r in config.get("options", "install_requires").split("\n") if r] else: install_requires = [] return {**config["metadata"], "install_requires": install_requires} except configparser.Error as e: if isinstance(source, TextIOBase): raise InvalidMetadata(msg=f"Invalid syntax in {}:\n{str(e)}") from e else: raise InvalidMetadata(msg=str(e)) from e except KeyError as e: if isinstance(source, TextIOBase): raise InvalidMetadata(msg=f"Metadata file {} doesn't have a metadata section.") from e else: raise InvalidMetadata(msg="Metadata file doesn't have a metadata section.") from e class RequirementsTxtFile: """ This class caches the requirements specified in the requirements.txt file in memory. As such, this class will miss any updated applied after the object is constructed. """ def __init__(self, filename: str, create_file_if_not_exists: bool = False) -> None: self._filename = filename if not os.path.exists(self._filename): if create_file_if_not_exists: with open(self._filename, "w", encoding="utf-8"): pass else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {filename} does not exist") self._requirements = RequirementsTxtParser.parse(filename) def has_requirement_for(self, pkg_name: str) -> bool: """ Returns True iff this requirements.txt file contains the given package name. The given `pkg_name` is matched case insensitive against the requirements in this RequirementsTxtFile. """ return any(r.key == pkg_name.lower() for r in self._requirements) def set_requirement_and_write(self, requirement: Requirement) -> None: """ Add the given requirement to the requirements.txt file and update the file on disk, replacing any existing constraints on this package. """ new_content_file = RequirementsTxtParser.get_content_with_dep_removed(self._filename, remove_dep_on_pkg=requirement.key) new_content_file = new_content_file.rstrip() if new_content_file: new_content_file = f"{new_content_file}\n{requirement}" else: new_content_file = str(requirement) self._write(new_content_file) def remove_requirement_and_write(self, pkg_name: str) -> None: """ Remove the dependency on the given package and update the file on disk. """ if not self.has_requirement_for(pkg_name): return new_content_file = RequirementsTxtParser.get_content_with_dep_removed(self._filename, remove_dep_on_pkg=pkg_name) self._write(new_content_file) def _write(self, new_content_file: str) -> None: """ Write the file to disk. """ with open(self._filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fd: fd.write(new_content_file) self._requirements = RequirementsTxtParser.parse(self._filename) TMetadata = TypeVar("TMetadata", bound="Metadata") @stable_api class Metadata(BaseModel): name: str description: Optional[str] = None freeze_recursive: bool = False freeze_operator: str = Field(default="~=", regex=FreezeOperator.get_regex_for_validation()) _raw_parser: Type[RawParser] @classmethod def parse(cls: Type[TMetadata], source: Union[str, TextIO]) -> TMetadata: raw: Mapping[str, object] = cls._raw_parser.parse(source) try: return cls(**raw) except ValidationError as e: if isinstance(source, TextIOBase): raise InvalidMetadata(msg=f"Metadata defined in {} is invalid", validation_error=e) from e else: raise InvalidMetadata(msg=str(e), validation_error=e) from e class MetadataFieldRequires(BaseModel): requires: List[str] = [] @classmethod def to_list(cls, v: object) -> List[object]: if v is None: return [] if not isinstance(v, list): return [v] return v @validator("requires", pre=True) @classmethod def requires_to_list(cls, v: object) -> object: if isinstance(v, dict): # transform legacy format for backwards compatibility inmanta.warnings.warn( MetadataDeprecationWarning( "The yaml dictionary syntax for specifying module requirements has been deprecated. Please use the" " documented list syntax instead." ) ) result: List[str] = [] for key, value in v.items(): if not (isinstance(key, str) and isinstance(value, str) and value.startswith(key)): raise ValueError("Invalid legacy requires format, expected `mod: mod [constraint]`.") result.append(value) return result return cls.to_list(v) TModuleMetadata = TypeVar("TModuleMetadata", bound="ModuleMetadata")
[docs]@stable_api class ModuleMetadata(ABC, Metadata): version: str license: str @validator("version") @classmethod def is_pep440_version(cls, v: str) -> str: try: version.Version(v) except version.InvalidVersion as e: raise ValueError(f"Version {v} is not PEP440 compliant") from e return v @classmethod def rewrite_version(cls: Type[TModuleMetadata], source: str, new_version: str) -> Tuple[str, TModuleMetadata]: """ Returns the source text with the version replaced by the new version. """ metadata: TModuleMetadata = cls.parse(source) current_version = metadata.version if current_version == new_version: LOGGER.debug("Current version is the same as the new version: %s", current_version) result: str = cls._substitute_version(source, new_version) try: new_metadata = cls.parse(result) except Exception: raise Exception("Unable to rewrite module definition.") if new_metadata.version != new_version: raise Exception(f"Unable to write module definition, should be {new_version} got {new_metadata.version} instead.") return result, new_metadata @classmethod @abstractmethod def _substitute_version(cls: Type[TModuleMetadata], source: str, new_version: str) -> str: raise NotImplementedError()
@stable_api class ModuleV1Metadata(ModuleMetadata, MetadataFieldRequires): """ :param name: The name of the module. :param description: (Optional) The description of the module :param version: The version of the inmanta module. :param license: The license for this module :param compiler_version: (Optional) The minimal compiler version required to compile this module. :param requires: (Optional) Model files import other modules. These imports do not determine a version, this is based on the install_mode setting of the project. Modules and projects can constrain a version in the requires setting. Similar to the module, version constraints are defined using `PEP440 syntax <>`_. :param freeze_recursive: (Optional) This key determined if the freeze command will behave recursively or not. If freeze_recursive is set to false or not set, the current version of all modules imported directly in any submodule of this module will be set in module.yml. If it is set to true, all modules imported in any of those modules will also be set. :param freeze_operator: (Optional) This key determines the comparison operator used by the freeze command. Valid values are [==, ~=, >=]. *Default is '~='* """ compiler_version: Optional[str] = None _raw_parser: Type[YamlParser] = YamlParser @validator("compiler_version") @classmethod def is_pep440_version_v1(cls, v: str) -> str: return cls.is_pep440_version(v) @classmethod def _substitute_version(cls: Type[TModuleMetadata], source: str, new_version: str) -> str: return re.sub(r"([\s]version\s*:\s*['\"\s]?)[^\"'}\s]+(['\"]?)", r"\g<1>" + new_version + r"\g<2>", source) def to_v2(self) -> "ModuleV2Metadata": values = self.dict() if values["description"] is not None: values["description"] = values["description"].replace("\n", " ") del values["compiler_version"] install_requires = [ModuleV2Source.get_package_name_for(r) for r in values["requires"]] del values["requires"] values["name"] = ModuleV2Source.get_package_name_for(values["name"]) return ModuleV2Metadata(**values, install_requires=install_requires) @stable_api class ModuleV2Metadata(ModuleMetadata): """ :param name: The name of the python package that is generated when packaging this module. This name should follow the format "inmanta-module-<module-name>" :param description: (Optional) The description of the module :param version: The version of the inmanta module. :param license: The license for this module :param freeze_recursive: (Optional) This key determined if the freeze command will behave recursively or not. If freeze_recursive is set to false or not set, the current version of all modules imported directly in any submodule of this module will be set in setup.cfg. If it is set to true, all modules imported in any of those modules will also be set. :param freeze_operator: (Optional) This key determines the comparison operator used by the freeze command. Valid values are [==, ~=, >=]. *Default is '~='* :param install_requires: The Python packages this module depends on. """ install_requires: List[str] _raw_parser: Type[CfgParser] = CfgParser @validator("name") @classmethod def validate_name_field(cls, v: str) -> str: """ The name field of a V2 module should follow the format "inmanta-module-<module-name>" """ if not v.startswith(ModuleV2.PKG_NAME_PREFIX) or not len(v) > len(ModuleV2.PKG_NAME_PREFIX): raise ValueError(f'The name field should follow the format "{ModuleV2.PKG_NAME_PREFIX}<module-name>"') if "_" in v: raise ValueError("Module names should not contain underscores, use '-' instead.") return v @classmethod def _substitute_version(cls: Type[TModuleMetadata], source: str, new_version: str) -> str: return re.sub(r"(\[metadata\][^\[]*\s*version\s*=\s*)[^\"'}\s\[]+", r"\g<1>" + new_version, source) def to_config(self, inp: Optional[configparser.ConfigParser] = None) -> configparser.ConfigParser: if inp: out = inp else: out = configparser.ConfigParser() if not out.has_section("metadata"): out.add_section("metadata") for k, v in self.dict(exclude_none=True, exclude={"install_requires"}).items(): out.set("metadata", k, str(v)) return out
[docs]@stable_api class ModuleRepoType(enum.Enum): git = "git" package = "package"
[docs]@stable_api class ModuleRepoInfo(BaseModel): url: str type: ModuleRepoType = ModuleRepoType.git
[docs]@stable_api class ProjectMetadata(Metadata, MetadataFieldRequires): """ :param name: The name of the project. :param description: (Optional) An optional description of the project :param author: (Optional) The author of the project :param author_email: (Optional) The contact email address of author :param license: (Optional) License the project is released under :param copyright: (Optional) Copyright holder name and date. :param modulepath: (Optional) This value is a list of paths where Inmanta should search for modules. :param downloadpath: (Optional) This value determines the path where Inmanta should download modules from repositories. This path is not automatically included in the modulepath! :param install_mode: (Optional) This key determines what version of a module should be selected when a module is downloaded. For more information see :class:`InstallMode`. :param repo: (Optional) A list (a yaml list) of repositories where Inmanta can find modules. Inmanta tries each repository in the order they appear in the list. Each element of this list requires a ``type`` and a ``url`` field. The type field can have the following values: * git: When the type is set to git, the url field should contain a template of the Git repo URL. Inmanta creates the git repo url by formatting {} or {0} with the name of the module. If no formatter is present it appends the name of the module to the URL. * package: When the type is set to package, the URL field should contains the URL of the Python package repository. The repository should be `PEP 503 <>`_ (the simple repository API) compliant. The old syntax, which only defines a Git URL per list entry is maintained for backward compatibility. :param requires: (Optional) This key can contain a list (a yaml list) of version constraints for modules used in this project. Similar to the module, version constraints are defined using `PEP440 syntax <>`_. :param freeze_recursive: (Optional) This key determined if the freeze command will behave recursively or not. If freeze_recursive is set to false or not set, the current version of all modules imported directly in the file will be set in project.yml. If it is set to true, the versions of all modules used in this project will set in project.yml. :param freeze_operator: (Optional) This key determines the comparison operator used by the freeze command. Valid values are [==, ~=, >=]. *Default is '~='* """ author: Optional[str] = None author_email: Optional[NameEmail] = None license: Optional[str] = None copyright: Optional[str] = None modulepath: List[str] = [] repo: List[ModuleRepoInfo] = [] downloadpath: Optional[str] = None install_mode: InstallMode = InstallMode.release requires: List[str] = [] _raw_parser: Type[YamlParser] = YamlParser @validator("modulepath", pre=True) @classmethod def modulepath_to_list(cls, v: object) -> object: return cls.to_list(v) @validator("repo", pre=True) @classmethod def validate_repo_field(cls, v: object) -> List[Dict[Any, Any]]: v_as_list = cls.to_list(v) result = [] for elem in v_as_list: if isinstance(elem, str): # Ensure backward compatibility with the version of Inmanta that didn't have support for the type field. result.append({"url": elem, "type": ModuleRepoType.git}) elif isinstance(elem, dict): result.append(elem) else: raise ValueError(f"Value should be either a string of a dict, got {elem}") return result
[docs]@stable_api class ModuleLike(ABC, Generic[TMetadata]): """ Commons superclass for projects and modules, which are both versioned by git :ivar name: The name for this module like instance, in the context of the Inmanta DSL. """ def __init__(self, path: str) -> None: """ :param path: root git directory """ self._path = path self._metadata = self._get_metadata_from_disk() = self.get_name_from_metadata(self._metadata)
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod # Union[Project, ModuleV1, ModuleV2] would be more strict than ModuleLike[Any] but very restrictive with potential stable # API extension in mind. def from_path(cls, path: str) -> Optional["ModuleLike"]: """ Get a concrete module like instance from a path. Returns None when no project or module is present at the given path. """ subs: Tuple[Type[ModuleLike], ...] = (Project, Module) for sub in subs: instance: Optional[ModuleLike] = sub.from_path(path) if instance is not None: return instance return None
@classmethod def get_first_directory_containing_file(cls, cur_dir: str, filename: str) -> str: """ Travel up in the directory structure until a file with the given name is found. """ fq_path_to_filename = os.path.join(cur_dir, filename) if os.path.exists(fq_path_to_filename): return cur_dir parent_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cur_dir, os.pardir)) if parent_dir == cur_dir: raise FileNotFoundError(f"No file with name {filename} exists in any of the parent directories") return cls.get_first_directory_containing_file(parent_dir, filename) def _get_metadata_from_disk(self) -> TMetadata: metadata_file_path = self.get_metadata_file_path() if not os.path.exists(metadata_file_path): raise ModuleMetadataFileNotFound(f"Metadata file {metadata_file_path} does not exist") with open(metadata_file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fd: return self.get_metadata_from_source(source=fd) def get_metadata_from_source(self, source: Union[str, TextIO]) -> TMetadata: """ :param source: Either the yaml content as a string or an input stream from the yaml file """ metadata_type: Type[TMetadata] = self.get_metadata_file_schema_type() return metadata_type.parse(source) @property def path(self) -> str: return self._path @property def metadata(self) -> TMetadata: return self._metadata @property def freeze_recursive(self) -> bool: return self._metadata.freeze_recursive @property def freeze_operator(self) -> str: return self._metadata.freeze_operator @abstractmethod def get_metadata_file_path(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod @abstractmethod def get_metadata_file_schema_type(cls) -> Type[TMetadata]: raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod @abstractmethod def get_name_from_metadata(cls, metadata: TMetadata) -> str: raise NotImplementedError() @abstractmethod def add_module_requirement_persistent(self, requirement: InmantaModuleRequirement, add_as_v1_module: bool) -> None: """ Add a new module requirement to the files that define requirements on other modules. This could include the requirements.txt file next to the metadata file of the project or module. This method updates the files on disk. This operation may make this object invalid or outdated if the persisted metadata has been updated since creating this instance. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abstractmethod def get_module_requirements(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns all requirements this module has on other modules, regardless of module generation. Requirements should be on inmanta module names, not Python package names. """ raise NotImplementedError() def has_module_requirement(self, module_name: str) -> bool: """ :param module_name: The module name in lower cases. :returns: True iff the module defines a dependency on the given module in one of the files that declare dependencies module dependencies. This could include the requirements.txt file next to the metadata file of the project or module. """ return any(module_name == InmantaModuleRequirement.parse(req).key for req in self.get_module_requirements()) def _load_file(self, ns: Namespace, file: str) -> Tuple[List[Statement], BasicBlock]: ns.location = Location(file, 1) statements = [] # type: List[Statement] stmts = plyInmantaParser.parse(ns, file) block = BasicBlock(ns) for s in stmts: if isinstance(s, BiStatement): statements.append(s) block.add(s) elif isinstance(s, DefinitionStatement): statements.append(s) block.add_definition(s) elif isinstance(s, str) or isinstance(s, LocatableString): pass else: assert isinstance(s, DynamicStatement) block.add(s) return (statements, block) def _get_requirements_txt_as_list(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns the contents of the requirements.txt file as a list of requirements, if it exists. """ file = os.path.join(self._path, "requirements.txt") if os.path.exists(file): return RequirementsTxtParser.parse_requirements_as_strs(file) else: return [] @abstractmethod def get_all_python_requirements_as_list(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns all Python requirements specified by this module like, including requirements on V2 modules. """ raise NotImplementedError() def get_strict_python_requirements_as_list(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns the strict python requirements specified by this module like, meaning all Python requirements excluding those on inmanta modules. """ return [req for req in self.get_all_python_requirements_as_list() if not req.startswith(ModuleV2.PKG_NAME_PREFIX)] def get_module_v2_requirements(self) -> List[InmantaModuleRequirement]: """ Returns all requirements this module like has on v2 modules. """ return [ InmantaModuleRequirement.parse(ModuleV2Source.get_inmanta_module_name(req)) for req in self.get_all_python_requirements_as_list() if req.startswith(ModuleV2.PKG_NAME_PREFIX) ]
class ModuleLikeWithYmlMetadataFile(ABC): @abstractmethod def get_metadata_file_path(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError() def add_module_requirement_to_requires_and_write(self, requirement: InmantaModuleRequirement) -> None: """ Updates the metadata file of the given project or V1 module by adding the given requirement the `requires` section. :param requirement: The requirement to add. """ # Parse cfg file content: CommentedMap = PreservativeYamlParser.parse(self.get_metadata_file_path()) # Update requires if "requires" in content: existing_matching_reqs: List[str] = [ r for r in content["requires"] if InmantaModuleRequirement.parse(r).key == requirement.key ] for r in existing_matching_reqs: content["requires"].remove(r) content["requires"].append(str(requirement)) else: content["requires"] = [str(requirement)] # Write file back to disk PreservativeYamlParser.dump(self.get_metadata_file_path(), content) def has_module_requirement_in_requires(self, module_name: str) -> bool: """ Returns true iff the given module is present in the `requires` list of the given project or module metadata file. """ content: CommentedMap = PreservativeYamlParser.parse(self.get_metadata_file_path()) if "requires" not in content: return False return any(r for r in content["requires"] if InmantaModuleRequirement.parse(r).key == module_name) def remove_module_requirement_from_requires_and_write(self, module_name: str) -> None: """ Updates the metadata file of the given project or module by removing the given requirement frm the `requires` section. :param module_name: The Inmanta module name is lower case. """ if not self.has_module_requirement_in_requires(module_name): return content: CommentedMap = PreservativeYamlParser.parse(self.get_metadata_file_path()) content["requires"] = [r for r in content["requires"] if InmantaModuleRequirement.parse(r).key != module_name] PreservativeYamlParser.dump(self.get_metadata_file_path(), content)
[docs]@stable_api class Project(ModuleLike[ProjectMetadata], ModuleLikeWithYmlMetadataFile): """ An inmanta project :ivar modules: The collection of loaded modules for this project. :ivar module_source: The v2 module source for this project. """ PROJECT_FILE = "project.yml" _project = None def __init__( self, path: str, autostd: bool = True, main_file: str = "", venv_path: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Initialize the project, this includes * Loading the project.yaml (into self._metadata) * Setting paths from project.yaml * Loading all modules in the module path (into self.modules) It does not include * verify if project.yml corresponds to the modules in self.modules Instances of this class can be created by in two different ways: 1) Via the Project.get() method 2) Via the constructor: Always call the Project.set() method after the constructor call. Project instances should only be created via the constructor in test cases. :param path: The directory where the project is located :param venv_path: Path to the directory that will contain the Python virtualenv. This can be an existing or a non-existing directory. """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise ProjectNotFoundException(f"Directory {path} doesn't exist") super().__init__(path) self.project_path = path self.main_file = main_file self._metadata.modulepath = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, x)) for x in self._metadata.modulepath] self.module_source: ModuleV2Source = ModuleV2Source( [repo.url for repo in self._metadata.repo if repo.type == ModuleRepoType.package] ) self.module_source_v1: ModuleV1Source = ModuleV1Source( local_repo=CompositeModuleRepo([make_repo(x) for x in self.modulepath]), remote_repo=CompositeModuleRepo( [make_repo(repo.url, root=path) for repo in self._metadata.repo if repo.type == ModuleRepoType.git] ), ) if self._metadata.downloadpath is not None: self._metadata.downloadpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, self._metadata.downloadpath)) if self._metadata.downloadpath not in self._metadata.modulepath: LOGGER.warning("Downloadpath is not in module path! Module install will not work as expected") if not os.path.exists(self._metadata.downloadpath): os.mkdir(self._metadata.downloadpath) self.virtualenv: env.ActiveEnv if venv_path is None: self.virtualenv = env.process_env else: venv_path = os.path.abspath(venv_path) self.virtualenv = env.VirtualEnv(venv_path) self.loaded = False self.modules: Dict[str, Module] = {} self.root_ns = Namespace("__root__") self.autostd = autostd @classmethod def from_path(cls: Type[TProject], path: str) -> Optional[TProject]: return cls(path=path) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, cls.PROJECT_FILE)) else None def install_module(self, module_req: InmantaModuleRequirement, install_as_v1_module: bool) -> None: """ Install the given module. If attempting to as v2, this method implicitly trusts any Python package with the corresponding name. Does not reinstall if the given module requirement is already met. """ installed_module: Optional[Module] if install_as_v1_module: installed_module = self.module_source_v1.install(self, module_spec=[module_req]) else: installed_module = self.module_source.install(self, module_spec=[module_req]) if not installed_module: raise ModuleNotFoundException( f"Failed to install module {module_req} as {'V1' if install_as_v1_module else 'V2'} module" ) self.modules[] = installed_module @classmethod def get_name_from_metadata(cls, metadata: ProjectMetadata) -> str: return @property def install_mode(self) -> InstallMode: return self._metadata.install_mode @property def modulepath(self) -> List[str]: return self._metadata.modulepath @property def downloadpath(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._metadata.downloadpath def get_metadata_file_path(self) -> str: return os.path.join(self._path, Project.PROJECT_FILE) @classmethod def get_metadata_file_schema_type(cls) -> Type[ProjectMetadata]: return ProjectMetadata @classmethod def get_project_dir(cls, cur_dir: str) -> str: """ Find the project directory where we are working in. Traverse up until we find Project.PROJECT_FILE or reach / """ try: return cls.get_first_directory_containing_file(cur_dir, Project.PROJECT_FILE) except FileNotFoundError: raise ProjectNotFoundException("Unable to find an inmanta project (project.yml expected)")
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, main_file: str = "") -> "Project": """ Get the instance of the project """ if cls._project is None: cls._project = Project(cls.get_project_dir(os.curdir), main_file=main_file) return cls._project
[docs] @classmethod def set(cls, project: "Project", *, clean: bool = True) -> None: """ Set the instance of the project. :param clean: Clean up all side effects of any previously loaded projects. Clears the registered plugins and loaded Python plugins packages. """ cls._project = project os.chdir(project._path) if clean: plugins.PluginMeta.clear() loader.unload_inmanta_plugins() loader.PluginModuleFinder.reset()
[docs] def install_modules(self, *, bypass_module_cache: bool = False, update_dependencies: bool = False) -> None: """ Installs all modules, both v1 and v2. :param bypass_module_cache: Fetch the module data from disk even if a cache entry exists. :param update_dependencies: Update all Python dependencies (recursive) to their latest versions. """ self.load_module_recursive(install=True, bypass_module_cache=bypass_module_cache) self.verify() # do python install pyreq = self.collect_python_requirements() if len(pyreq) > 0: # upgrade both direct and transitive module dependencies: eager upgrade strategy self.virtualenv.install_from_list(pyreq, upgrade=update_dependencies, upgrade_strategy=env.PipUpgradeStrategy.EAGER) # installing new dependencies into the virtual environment might introduce new conflicts self.verify_python_environment()
[docs] def load(self, install: bool = False) -> None: """ Load this project's AST and plugins. :param install: Whether to install the project's modules before attempting to load it. """ if not self.loaded: if not self.is_using_virtual_env(): self.use_virtual_env() if install: self.install_modules() self.get_complete_ast() self.loaded = True self.verify() self.load_plugins()
def invalidate_state(self, module: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Invalidate this project's state, forcing a reload next time load is called. :param module: Invalidate the state for a single module. If omitted, invalidates the state for all modules. """ if module is not None: if module in self.modules: del self.modules[module] else: self.modules = {} self.loaded = False @lru_cache() def get_ast(self) -> Tuple[List[Statement], BasicBlock]: return self.__load_ast() def get_imports(self) -> List[DefineImport]: (statements, _) = self.get_ast() imports = [x for x in statements if isinstance(x, DefineImport)] if self.autostd: std_locatable = LocatableString("std", Range("__internal__", 1, 1, 1, 1), -1, self.root_ns) imp = DefineImport(std_locatable, std_locatable) imp.location = std_locatable.location imports.insert(0, imp) return imports def get_complete_ast(self) -> Tuple[List[Statement], List[BasicBlock]]: start = time() # load ast (statements, block) = self.get_ast() blocks = [block] statements = [x for x in statements] for _, nstmt, nb in self.load_module_recursive(): statements.extend(nstmt) blocks.append(nb) end = time() LOGGER.debug("Parsing took %f seconds", end - start) cache_manager.log_stats() return (statements, blocks) def __load_ast(self) -> Tuple[List[Statement], BasicBlock]: main_ns = Namespace("__config__", self.root_ns) return self._load_file(main_ns, os.path.join(self.project_path, self.main_file)) def get_modules(self) -> Dict[str, "Module"]: self.load() return self.modules def get_module( self, full_module_name: str, *, allow_v1: bool = False, install_v1: bool = False, install_v2: bool = False, bypass_module_cache: bool = False, ) -> "Module": """ Get a module instance for a given module name. Caches modules by top level name for later access. The install parameters allow to install the module if it has not been installed yet. If both install parameters are False, the module is expected to be preinstalled. :param full_module_name: The full name of the module. If this is a submodule, the corresponding top level module is used. :param allow_v1: Allow this module to be loaded as v1. :param install_v1: Allow installing this module as v1 if it has not yet been installed. This option is ignored if allow_v1=False. :param install_v2: Allow installing this module as v2 if it has not yet been installed, implicitly trusting any Python package with the corresponding name. :param bypass_module_cache: Fetch the module data from disk even if a cache entry exists. """ parts = full_module_name.split("::") module_name = parts[0] def use_module_cache() -> bool: if bypass_module_cache: return False if module_name not in self.modules: return False if not allow_v1 and not isinstance(self.modules[module_name], ModuleV2): # Reload module because it was loaded as a V1 module, while it should be loaded as a V2 module return False return True if use_module_cache(): return self.modules[module_name] return self.load_module(module_name, allow_v1=allow_v1, install_v1=install_v1, install_v2=install_v2) def load_module_recursive( self, install: bool = False, bypass_module_cache: bool = False ) -> List[Tuple[str, List[Statement], BasicBlock]]: """ Loads this project's modules and submodules by recursively following import statements starting from the project's main file. For each imported submodule, return a triple of name, statements, basicblock :param install: Run in install mode, installing any modules that have not yet been installed. If install is False, all modules are expected to be preinstalled. For security reasons installation of v2 modules is based on explicit Python requirements rather than on imports. :param bypass_module_cache: Fetch the module data from disk even if a cache entry exists. """ ast_by_top_level_mod: Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, List[Statement], BasicBlock]]] = defaultdict(list) # List of imports that still have to be loaded. # get imports: don't use a set because this collection is used to drive control flow and we want to keep control flow as # deterministic as possible imports: List[DefineImport] = [x for x in self.get_imports()] # All imports of the entire project all_imports: Set[DefineImport] = set(imports) v2_modules: Set[str] = set() """ Set of modules that should be loaded as a V2 module. """ set_up: Set[str] = set() """ Set of top level modules that have been set up (setup_module()). """ done: Dict[str, Dict[str, DefineImport]] = defaultdict(dict) """ Submodules, grouped by top level that have been fully loaded: AST has been loaded into ast_by_top_level_mod and its imports have been added to the queue (load_sub_module()). """ def require_v2(module_name: str) -> None: """ Ensure that the module with the given name gets loaded as a V2 module in a next iteration. """ if module_name in v2_modules: # already v2 return v2_modules.add(module_name) if module_name in set_up: set_up.remove(module_name) if module_name in done: # some submodules already loaded as v1 => reload add_imports_to_be_loaded(done[module_name].values()) del done[module_name] if module_name in ast_by_top_level_mod: del ast_by_top_level_mod[module_name] def load_module_v2_requirements(module_like: ModuleLike) -> None: """ Loads all v2 modules explicitly required by the supplied module like instance, installing them if install=True. If any of these requirements have already been loaded as v1, queues them for reload. """ for requirement in module_like.get_module_v2_requirements(): # load module self.get_module( requirement.key, allow_v1=False, install_v2=install, bypass_module_cache=bypass_module_cache, ) # queue AST reload require_v2(requirement.key) def setup_module(module: Module) -> None: """ Sets up a top level module, making sure all its v2 requirements are loaded correctly. V2 modules do not support import-based installation because of security reasons (it would mean we implicitly trust any `inmanta-module-x` package for the module we're trying to load). As a result we need to make sure all required v2 modules are present in a set up stage. """ if in set_up: # already set up return load_module_v2_requirements(module) set_up.add( def load_sub_module(module: Module, submod: str) -> None: """ Loads a submodule's AST and processes its imports. Enforces dependency generation directionality (v1 can depend on v2 but not the other way around). If any modules have already been loaded with an incompatible generation, queues them for reload. Does not install any v2 modules. """ parts: List[str] = submod.split("::") for i in range(1, len(parts) + 1): subs = "::".join(parts[0:i]) if subs in done[module_name]: continue (nstmt, nb) = module.get_ast(subs) done[module_name][subs] = imp ast_by_top_level_mod[module_name].append((subs, nstmt, nb)) # get imports and add to list subs_imports: List[DefineImport] = module.get_imports(subs) add_imports_to_be_loaded(subs_imports) if isinstance(module, ModuleV2): # A V2 module can only depend on V2 modules. Ensure that all dependencies # of this module will be loaded as a V2 module. for dep_module_name in ("::")[0] for subs_imp in subs_imports): require_v2(dep_module_name) def add_imports_to_be_loaded(new_imports: Iterable[DefineImport]) -> None: imports.extend(new_imports) all_imports.update(new_imports) # load this project's v2 requirements load_module_v2_requirements(self) # Loop over imports. For each import: # 1. Load the top level module. For v1, install if install=True, for v2 import-based installation is disabled for # security reasons. v2 modules installation is done in step 2. # 2. Set up top level module if it has not been set up yet, loading v2 requirements and installing them if install=True. # 3. Load AST for imported submodule and its parent modules, queueing any transitive imports. while len(imports) > 0: imp: DefineImport = imports.pop() ns: str = module_name: str = ns.split("::")[0] if ns in done[module_name]: continue try: # get module module: Module = self.get_module( module_name, allow_v1=module_name not in v2_modules, install_v1=install, install_v2=False, bypass_module_cache=bypass_module_cache, ) setup_module(module) load_sub_module(module, ns) except (InvalidModuleException, ModuleNotFoundException) as e: raise ModuleLoadingException(ns, imp, e) # Remove modules from self.modules that were not part of an import statement. # This happens when a module or a project defines a V2 module requirement in # its dependencies, but the requirement is never imported anywhere. loaded_modules: Set[str] = set(self.modules.keys()) imported_modules: Set[str] = set("::")[0] for i in all_imports) for module_to_unload in loaded_modules - imported_modules: self.invalidate_state(module_to_unload) return list(chain.from_iterable(ast_by_top_level_mod.values())) def load_module( self, module_name: str, *, allow_v1: bool = False, install_v1: bool = False, install_v2: bool = False, ) -> "Module": """ Get a module instance for a given module name. The install parameters allow to install the module if it has not been installed yet. If both install parameters are False, the module is expected to be preinstalled. :param module_name: The name of the module. :param allow_v1: Allow this module to be loaded as v1. :param install_v1: Allow installing this module as v1 if it has not yet been installed. This option is ignored if allow_v1=False. :param install_v2: Allow installing this module as v2 if it has not yet been installed, implicitly trusting any Python package with the corresponding name. """ if not self.is_using_virtual_env(): self.use_virtual_env() reqs: Mapping[str, List[InmantaModuleRequirement]] = self.collect_requirements() module_reqs: List[InmantaModuleRequirement] = ( list(reqs[module_name]) if module_name in reqs else [InmantaModuleRequirement.parse(module_name)] ) module: Optional[Union[ModuleV1, ModuleV2]] try: module = self.module_source.get_module(self, module_reqs, install=install_v2) if module is not None and self.module_source_v1.path_for(module_name) is not None: LOGGER.warning("Module %s is installed as a V1 module and a V2 module: V1 will be ignored.", module_name) if module is None and allow_v1: module = self.module_source_v1.get_module(self, module_reqs, install=install_v1) except InvalidModuleException: raise except Exception as e: raise InvalidModuleException(f"Could not load module {module_name}") from e if module is None: raise ModuleNotFoundException( f"Could not find module {module_name}. Please make sure to add any module v2 requirements with" " `inmanta module add --v2` and to install all the project's dependencies with `inmanta project install`." ) self.modules[module_name] = module return module def load_plugins(self) -> None: """ Load all plug-ins """ if not self.loaded: LOGGER.warning("loading plugins on project that has not been loaded completely") # ensure the loader is properly configured loader.PluginModuleFinder.configure_module_finder(self.modulepath) for module in self.modules.values(): module.load_plugins() def verify(self) -> None: """ Verifies the integrity of the loaded project, with respect to both inter-module requirements and the Python environment. """ self.verify_modules_cache() self.verify_module_version_compatibility() self.verify_python_requires() def verify_python_environment(self) -> None: """ Verifies the integrity of the loaded project with respect to the Python environment, over which the project has no direct control. """ self.verify_modules_cache() self.verify_python_requires() def verify_modules_cache(self) -> None: if not self._modules_cache_is_valid(): raise CompilerException( "Not all modules were loaded correctly as a result of transitive dependencies. A recompile should load them" " correctly." ) def verify_module_version_compatibility(self) -> None: if not self._module_versions_compatible(): raise CompilerException("Not all module dependencies have been met. Run `inmanta modules update` to resolve this.") def verify_python_requires(self) -> None: """ Verifies no incompatibilities exist within the Python environment with respect to installed module v2 requirements. """ if not env.ActiveEnv.check(in_scope=re.compile(f"{ModuleV2.PKG_NAME_PREFIX}.*")): raise CompilerException( "Not all installed modules are compatible: requirements conflicts were found. Please resolve any conflicts" " before attempting another compile. Run `pip check` to check for any incompatibilities." ) def _modules_cache_is_valid(self) -> bool: """ Verify the modules cache after changes have been made to the Python environment. Returns False if any modules somehow got installed as another generation or with another version as the one that has been loaded into the AST. When this situation occurs, the compiler state is invalid and the compile needs to either abort or attempt recovery. The modules cache, from which the AST was loaded, is out of date, therefore at least a partial AST regeneration would be required to recover. Scenario's that could trigger this state: 1. - latest v2 mod a is installed - some v1 mod depends on v2 mod b, which depends on a<2 - during loading, after a has been loaded, mod b is installed - Python downgrades transitive dependency a to a<2 2. - latest v2 mod a is installed - some v1 (or even v2 when in install mode) mod depends on a<2 - after loading, during plugin requirements install, `pip install a<2` is run - Python downgrades direct dependency a to a<2 In both cases, a<2 might be a valid version, but since it was installed transitively after the compiler has loaded module a, steps would need to be taken to take this change into account. """ result: bool = True for name, module in self.modules.items(): installed: Optional[ModuleV2] = self.module_source.get_installed_module(self, name) if installed is None: if module.GENERATION == ModuleGeneration.V1: # Loaded module as V1 and no installed V2 module found: no issues with this module continue raise CompilerException( f"Invalid state: compiler has loaded module {name} as v2 but it is nowhere to be found." ) else: if module.GENERATION == ModuleGeneration.V1: LOGGER.warning( "Compiler has loaded module %s as v1 but it has later been installed as v2 as a side effect.", name ) result = False elif installed.version != module.version: LOGGER.warning( "Compiler has loaded module %s==%s but %s==%s has later been installed as a side effect.", name, module.version, name, installed.version, ) result = False return result def _module_versions_compatible(self) -> bool: """ Check if all the required modules for this module have been loaded. Assumes the modules cache is valid and up to date. """"verifying project") good = True requirements: Dict[str, List[InmantaModuleRequirement]] = self.collect_requirements() for name, spec in requirements.items(): if name not in self.modules: # the module is in the project requirements but it is not part of the loaded AST so there is no need to verify # its compatibility LOGGER.warning("Module %s is present in requires but it is not used by the model.", name) continue module = self.modules[name] version = parse_version(str(module.version)) for r in spec: if version not in r: LOGGER.warning("requirement %s on module %s not fulfilled, now at version %s", r, name, version) good = False return good def is_using_virtual_env(self) -> bool: return self.virtualenv.is_using_virtual_env() def use_virtual_env(self) -> None: """ Use the virtual environment. This activates the environment for the current process. """ self.virtualenv.use_virtual_env() def sorted_modules(self) -> List["Module"]: """ Return a list of all modules, sorted on their name """ names = list(self.modules.keys()) names = sorted(names) mod_list = [] for name in names: mod_list.append(self.modules[name]) return mod_list def add_module_requirement_persistent(self, requirement: InmantaModuleRequirement, add_as_v1_module: bool) -> None: # Add requirement to metadata file if add_as_v1_module: self.add_module_requirement_to_requires_and_write(requirement) # Refresh in-memory metadata with open(self.get_metadata_file_path(), "r", encoding="utf-8") as fd: self._metadata = ProjectMetadata.parse(fd) # Update requirements.txt file requirements_txt_file_path = os.path.join(self._path, "requirements.txt") if not add_as_v1_module: requirements_txt_file = RequirementsTxtFile(requirements_txt_file_path, create_file_if_not_exists=True) requirements_txt_file.set_requirement_and_write(ModuleV2Source.get_python_package_requirement(requirement)) elif os.path.exists(requirements_txt_file_path): requirements_txt_file = RequirementsTxtFile(requirements_txt_file_path) requirements_txt_file.remove_requirement_and_write(ModuleV2Source.get_python_package_requirement(requirement).key) def get_module_requirements(self) -> List[str]: return [*self.metadata.requires, *(str(req) for req in self.get_module_v2_requirements())] def requires(self) -> "List[InmantaModuleRequirement]": """ Get the requires for this project """ # filter on import stmt reqs = [] for spec in self._metadata.requires: req = [x for x in parse_requirements(spec)] if len(req) > 1: print("Module file for %s has bad line in requirements specification %s" % (self._path, spec)) reqe = InmantaModuleRequirement(req[0]) reqs.append(reqe) return [*reqs, *self.get_module_v2_requirements()] def collect_requirements(self) -> "Dict[str, List[InmantaModuleRequirement]]": """ Collect the list of all module requirements of all modules in the project. """ specs: Dict[str, List[InmantaModuleRequirement]] = {} merge_specs(specs, self.requires()) for module in self.modules.values(): reqs = module.requires() merge_specs(specs, reqs) return specs def collect_imported_requirements(self) -> "Dict[str, List[InmantaModuleRequirement]]": imports = set(["::")[0] for x in self.get_complete_ast()[0] if isinstance(x, DefineImport)]) if self.autostd: imports.add("std") specs: Dict[str, List[InmantaModuleRequirement]] = self.collect_requirements() def get_spec(name: str) -> "List[InmantaModuleRequirement]": if name in specs: return specs[name] return [InmantaModuleRequirement.parse(name)] return {name: get_spec(name) for name in imports} def collect_python_requirements(self) -> List[str]: """ Collect the list of all python requirements of all modules in this project, excluding those on inmanta modules. """ reqs = chain.from_iterable([mod.get_strict_python_requirements_as_list() for mod in self.modules.values()]) return list(set(reqs)) def get_root_namespace(self) -> Namespace: return self.root_ns def get_freeze(self, mode: str = "==", recursive: bool = False) -> Dict[str, str]: # collect in scope modules if not recursive: modules = { m for m in (self.get_module(, allow_v1=True) for imp in self.get_imports())} else: modules = self.get_modules() out = {} for name, mod in modules.items(): version = str(mod.version) out[name] = mode + " " + version return out def get_all_python_requirements_as_list(self) -> List[str]: return self._get_requirements_txt_as_list() def module_v2_source_configured(self) -> bool: """ Returns True iff this project has one or more module v2 sources configured. """ return any(True for repo in self._metadata.repo if repo.type == ModuleRepoType.package)
class DummyProject(Project): """Placeholder project that does nothing""" def __init__(self, autostd: bool = True) -> None: super().__init__(tempfile.gettempdir(), autostd=autostd) def _get_metadata_from_disk(self) -> ProjectMetadata: return ProjectMetadata(name="DUMMY") @stable_api class ModuleGeneration(enum.Enum): """ The generation of a module. This might affect the on-disk structure of a module as well as how it's distributed. """ V1: int = 1 V2: int = 2
[docs]@stable_api class Module(ModuleLike[TModuleMetadata], ABC): """ This class models an inmanta configuration module """ MODEL_DIR = "model" MODULE_FILE: str GENERATION: ModuleGeneration def __init__(self, project: Optional[Project], path: str) -> None: """ Create a new configuration module :param project: A reference to the project this module belongs to. :param path: Where is the module stored """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise InvalidModuleException(f"Directory {path} doesn't exist") super().__init__(path) self._project: Optional[Project] = project self.ensure_versioned() self.model_dir = os.path.join(self.path, Module.MODEL_DIR)
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def from_path(cls, path: str) -> Optional["Module"]: subs: Tuple[Type[Module], ...] = (ModuleV1, ModuleV2) for sub in subs: instance: Optional[Module] = sub.from_path(path) if instance is not None: return instance return None
def requires(self) -> "List[InmantaModuleRequirement]": """ Return all requirements this module has to other modules as a list of requirements. """ reqs = [] for spec in self.get_module_requirements(): req = [x for x in parse_requirements(spec)] if len(req) > 1: print(f"Module file for {self._path} has bad line in requirements specification {spec}") reqe = InmantaModuleRequirement(req[0]) reqs.append(reqe) return reqs @classmethod def get_module_dir(cls, module_subdirectory: str) -> str: """ Find the top level module from the given subdirectory of a module. """ try: return cls.get_first_directory_containing_file(module_subdirectory, cls.MODULE_FILE) except FileNotFoundError: raise InvalidModuleException(f"Directory {module_subdirectory} is not part of a valid {} module") def rewrite_version(self, new_version: str) -> None: new_version = str(new_version) # make sure it is a string! with open(self.get_metadata_file_path(), "r", encoding="utf-8") as fd: module_def = new_module_def, new_metadata = self.get_metadata_file_schema_type().rewrite_version(module_def, new_version) with open(self.get_metadata_file_path(), "w+", encoding="utf-8") as fd: fd.write(new_module_def) self._metadata = new_metadata def get_version(self) -> version.Version: """ Return the version of this module. This is the actually installed version, which might differ from the version declared in its metadata (e.g. by a .dev0 tag). """ return version.Version(self._metadata.version) version = property(get_version) def ensure_versioned(self) -> None: """ Check if this module is versioned using Git. If not a warning is logged. """ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, ".git")): LOGGER.warning("Module %s is not version controlled, we recommend you do this as soon as possible.", @lru_cache() def get_ast(self, name: str) -> Tuple[List[Statement], BasicBlock]: if self._project is None: raise ValueError("Can only get module's AST in the context of a project.") if name == file = os.path.join(self.model_dir, "") else: parts = name.split("::") parts = parts[1:] if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.model_dir, *parts)): path_elements = [self.model_dir] + parts + [""] else: path_elements = [self.model_dir] + parts[:-1] + [parts[-1] + ".cf"] file = os.path.join(*path_elements) ns = self._project.get_root_namespace().get_ns_or_create(name) try: return self._load_file(ns, file) except FileNotFoundError as e: raise InvalidModuleException("could not locate module with name: %s" % name) from e def get_freeze(self, submodule: str, recursive: bool = False, mode: str = ">=") -> Dict[str, str]: if self._project is None: raise ValueError("Can only get module's freeze in the context of a project.") imports = [ for statement in self.get_imports(submodule)] out: Dict[str, str] = {} todo: List[str] = imports for impor in todo: if impor not in out: v1_mode: bool = self.GENERATION == ModuleGeneration.V1 mainmod = self._project.get_module(impor, install_v1=v1_mode, allow_v1=v1_mode) vers: version.Version = mainmod.version # track submodules for cycle avoidance out[impor] = mode + " " + str(vers) if recursive: todo.extend([ for statement in mainmod.get_imports(impor)]) # drop submodules return {x: v for x, v in out.items() if "::" not in x} @lru_cache() def get_imports(self, name: str) -> List[DefineImport]: if self._project is None: raise ValueError("Can only get module's imports in the context of a project.") (statements, block) = self.get_ast(name) imports = [x for x in statements if isinstance(x, DefineImport)] if != "std" and self._project.autostd: std_locatable = LocatableString("std", Range("__internal__", 1, 1, 1, 1), -1, block.namespace) imp = DefineImport(std_locatable, std_locatable) imp.location = std_locatable.location imports.insert(0, imp) return imports def _get_model_files(self, curdir: str) -> List[str]: files: List[str] = [] init_cf = os.path.join(curdir, "") if not os.path.exists(init_cf): return files for entry in os.listdir(curdir): entry = os.path.join(curdir, entry) if os.path.isdir(entry): files.extend(self._get_model_files(entry)) elif entry[-3:] == ".cf": files.append(entry) return files def get_all_submodules(self) -> List[str]: """ Get all submodules of this module """ modules = [] files = self._get_model_files(self.model_dir) for f in files: name = f[len(self.model_dir) + 1 : -3] parts = name.split("/") if parts[-1] == "_init": parts = parts[:-1] parts.insert(0, name = "::".join(parts) modules.append(name) return modules @abstractmethod def get_plugin_dir(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Return directory containing the python files which define handlers and plugins. If no such directory is defined, this method returns None. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_plugin_files(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[Path, ModuleName]]: """ Returns a tuple (absolute_path, fq_mod_name) of all python files in this module. """ plugin_dir: Optional[str] = self.get_plugin_dir() if plugin_dir is None: return iter(()) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(plugin_dir, "")): raise InvalidModuleException(f"Directory {plugin_dir} should be a valid python package with a file") return ( ( Path(file_name), ModuleName(self._get_fq_mod_name_for_py_file(file_name, plugin_dir,, ) for file_name in glob.iglob(os.path.join(plugin_dir, "**", "*.py"), recursive=True) )
def load_plugins(self) -> None: """ Load all plug-ins from a configuration module """ for path_to_file, fq_mod_name in self.get_plugin_files(): LOGGER.debug("Loading module %s", fq_mod_name) try: importlib.import_module(fq_mod_name) except Exception as e: tb: Optional[types.TracebackType] = sys.exc_info()[2] stack: traceback.StackSummary = traceback.extract_tb(tb) lineno: Optional[int] = more_itertools.first( (frame.lineno for frame in reversed(stack) if frame.filename == path_to_file), None ) raise PluginModuleLoadException(e,, fq_mod_name, path_to_file, lineno).to_compiler_exception() # This method is not part of core's stable API but it is currently used by pytest-inmanta (inmanta/pytest-inmanta#76) def _get_fq_mod_name_for_py_file(self, py_file: str, plugin_dir: str, mod_name: str) -> str: """ Returns the fully qualified Python module name for an inmanta module. :param py_file: The Python file for the module, relative to the plugin directory. :param plugin_dir: The plugin directory relative to the inmanta module's root directory. :param mod_name: The top-level name of this module. """ rel_py_file = os.path.relpath(py_file, start=plugin_dir) return loader.PluginModuleLoader.convert_relative_path_to_module(os.path.join(mod_name, loader.PLUGIN_DIR, rel_py_file)) def execute_command(self, cmd: str) -> None: print("executing %s on %s in %s" % (cmd,, self._path)) print("=" * 10), shell=True, cwd=self._path) print("=" * 10)
[docs] def unload(self) -> None: """ Unloads this module instance from the project, the registered plugins and the loaded Python modules. """ loader.unload_inmanta_plugins( plugins.PluginMeta.clear( if self._project is not None: self._project.invalidate_state(
[docs]@stable_api class ModuleV1(Module[ModuleV1Metadata], ModuleLikeWithYmlMetadataFile): MODULE_FILE = "module.yml" GENERATION = ModuleGeneration.V1 def __init__(self, project: Optional[Project], path: str): try: super(ModuleV1, self).__init__(project, path) except InvalidMetadata as e: raise InvalidModuleException(f"The module found at {path} is not a valid V1 module") from e except ModuleMetadataFileNotFound: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, ModuleV2.MODULE_FILE)): raise ModuleV2InV1PathException( project=project, module=ModuleV2(project, path), msg=f"Module at {path} looks like a v2 module. Please have a look at the documentation on how to use v2" " modules.", ) raise if != os.path.basename(self._path): LOGGER.warning( "The name in the module file (%s) does not match the directory name (%s)",, os.path.basename(self._path), )
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls: Type[TModule], path: str) -> Optional[TModule]: return cls(project=None, path=path) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, cls.MODULE_FILE)) else None
def get_metadata_file_path(self) -> str: return os.path.join(self.path, self.MODULE_FILE) @classmethod def get_name_from_metadata(cls, metadata: ModuleV1Metadata) -> str: return @property def compiler_version(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Get the minimal compiler version required for this module version. Returns none is the compiler version is not constrained. """ return str(self._metadata.compiler_version) def get_all_requires(self) -> List[InmantaModuleRequirement]: """ :return: all modules required by an import from any sub-modules, with all constraints applied """ # get all constraints spec: Dict[str, InmantaModuleRequirement] = {req.project_name: req for req in self.requires()} # find all imports imports = {"::")[0] for subm in sorted(self.get_all_submodules()) for imp in self.get_imports(subm)} return [spec[r] if spec.get(r) else InmantaModuleRequirement.parse(r) for r in imports] @classmethod def update( cls, project: Project, modulename: str, requirements: Iterable[InmantaModuleRequirement], path: Optional[str] = None, fetch: bool = True, install_mode: InstallMode = InstallMode.release, ) -> "ModuleV1": """ Update a module, return module object """ if path is None: mypath = project.module_source_v1.path_for(modulename) assert mypath is not None, f"trying to update module {modulename} not found on disk " else: mypath = path if fetch:"Performing fetch on %s", mypath) gitprovider.fetch(mypath) if install_mode == InstallMode.master:"Checking out master on %s", mypath) gitprovider.checkout_tag(mypath, "master") if fetch:"Pulling master on %s", mypath) gitprovider.pull(mypath) else: release_only = install_mode == InstallMode.release version = cls.get_suitable_version_for(modulename, requirements, mypath, release_only=release_only) if version is None: print("no suitable version found for module %s" % modulename) else:"Checking out %s on %s", str(version), mypath) gitprovider.checkout_tag(mypath, str(version)) return cls(project, mypath) @classmethod def get_suitable_version_for( cls, modulename: str, requirements: Iterable[InmantaModuleRequirement], path: str, release_only: bool = True ) -> "Optional[Version]": versions = gitprovider.get_all_tags(path) def try_parse(x: str) -> "Version": try: return parse_version(x) except Exception: return None versions = [x for x in [try_parse(v) for v in versions] if x is not None] versions = sorted(versions, reverse=True) for r in requirements: versions = [x for x in r.specifier.filter(versions, not release_only)] comp_version_raw = get_compiler_version() comp_version = parse_version(comp_version_raw) return cls.__best_for_compiler_version(modulename, versions, path, comp_version) @classmethod def __best_for_compiler_version( cls, modulename: str, versions: "List[Version]", path: str, comp_version: "Version" ) -> "Optional[Version]": def get_cv_for(best: "Version") -> "Optional[Version]": cfg_text: str = gitprovider.get_file_for_version(path, str(best), cls.MODULE_FILE) metadata: ModuleV1Metadata = cls.get_metadata_file_schema_type().parse(cfg_text) if metadata.compiler_version is None: return None v = metadata.compiler_version if isinstance(v, (int, float)): v = str(v) return parse_version(v) if not versions: return None best = versions[0] atleast = get_cv_for(best) if atleast is None or comp_version >= atleast: return best # binary search hi = len(versions) lo = 1 while lo < hi: mid = (lo + hi) // 2 atleast = get_cv_for(versions[mid]) if atleast is not None and atleast > comp_version: lo = mid + 1 else: hi = mid if hi == len(versions): LOGGER.warning("Could not find version of module %s suitable for this compiler, try a newer compiler" % modulename) return None return versions[lo] @classmethod def get_metadata_file_schema_type(cls) -> Type[ModuleV1Metadata]: return ModuleV1Metadata def get_plugin_dir(self) -> Optional[str]: plugins_dir = os.path.join(self._path, loader.PLUGIN_DIR) if not os.path.exists(plugins_dir): return None return plugins_dir def get_all_python_requirements_as_list(self) -> List[str]: return self._get_requirements_txt_as_list() def get_module_requirements(self) -> List[str]: return [*self.metadata.requires, *(str(req) for req in self.get_module_v2_requirements())] def add_module_requirement_persistent(self, requirement: InmantaModuleRequirement, add_as_v1_module: bool) -> None: requirements_txt_file_path = os.path.join(self._path, "requirements.txt") if add_as_v1_module: # Add requirement to module.yml file self.add_module_requirement_to_requires_and_write(requirement) # Refresh in-memory metadata with open(self.get_metadata_file_path(), "r", encoding="utf-8") as fd: self._metadata = ModuleV1Metadata.parse(fd) # Remove requirement from requirements.txt file if os.path.exists(requirements_txt_file_path): requirements_txt_file = RequirementsTxtFile(requirements_txt_file_path) requirements_txt_file.remove_requirement_and_write( ModuleV2Source.get_python_package_requirement(requirement).key ) else: # Add requirement to requirements.txt requirements_txt_file = RequirementsTxtFile(requirements_txt_file_path, create_file_if_not_exists=True) requirements_txt_file.set_requirement_and_write(ModuleV2Source.get_python_package_requirement(requirement)) # Remove requirement from module.yml file self.remove_module_requirement_from_requires_and_write(requirement.key) def versions(self) -> List["Version"]: """ Provide a list of all versions available in the repository """ versions = gitprovider.get_all_tags(self._path) def try_parse(x: str) -> "Optional[Version]": try: return parse_version(x) except Exception: return None versions = [x for x in [try_parse(v) for v in versions] if x is not None] versions = sorted(versions, reverse=True) return versions def status(self) -> None: """ Run a git status on this module """ try: output = gitprovider.status(self._path) files = [x.strip() for x in output.split("\n") if x != ""] if len(files) > 0: print(f"Module {} ({self._path})") for f in files: print("\t%s" % f) print() else: print(f"Module {} ({self._path}) has no changes") except Exception: print("Failed to get status of module") LOGGER.exception("Failed to get status of module %s") def push(self) -> None: """ Run a git push on this module """ sys.stdout.write("%s (%s) " % (, self._path)) sys.stdout.flush() try: print(gitprovider.push(self._path)) except CalledProcessError: print("Cloud not push module %s" % else: print("done") print()
[docs]@stable_api class ModuleV2(Module[ModuleV2Metadata]): MODULE_FILE = "setup.cfg" GENERATION = ModuleGeneration.V2 PKG_NAME_PREFIX = "inmanta-module-" def __init__( self, project: Optional[Project], path: str, is_editable_install: bool = False, installed_version: Optional[version.Version] = None, ) -> None: self._is_editable_install = is_editable_install self._version: Optional[version.Version] = installed_version try: super(ModuleV2, self).__init__(project, path) except InvalidMetadata as e: raise InvalidModuleException(f"The module found at {path} is not a valid V2 module") from e if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.model_dir, "")): raise InvalidModuleException( f"The module at {path} contains no file. This occurs when you install or build modules from source" " incorrectly. Always use the `inmanta module install` and `inmanta module build` commands to respectively" " install and build modules from source. Make sure to uninstall the broken package first." )
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls: Type[TModule], path: str) -> Optional[TModule]: try: return cls(project=None, path=path) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, cls.MODULE_FILE)) else None except InvalidModuleException: # setup.cfg is a generic Python config file: if the metadata does not match an inmanta module's, return None return None
def get_version(self) -> version.Version: return self._version if self._version is not None else super().get_version() version = property(get_version)
[docs] def is_editable(self) -> bool: """ Returns True iff this module has been installed in editable mode. """ return self._is_editable_install
def ensure_versioned(self) -> None: if self._is_editable_install: super(ModuleV2, self).ensure_versioned() else: # Only editable installs can be checked for versioning pass def get_metadata_file_path(self) -> str: return os.path.join(self.path, ModuleV2.MODULE_FILE) @classmethod def get_name_from_metadata(cls, metadata: ModuleV2Metadata) -> str: return[len(cls.PKG_NAME_PREFIX) :].replace("-", "_") @classmethod def get_metadata_file_schema_type(cls) -> Type[ModuleV2Metadata]: return ModuleV2Metadata def get_plugin_dir(self) -> str: if self._is_editable_install: return os.path.join(self.path, const.PLUGINS_PACKAGE, else: return self.path def get_all_python_requirements_as_list(self) -> List[str]: return list(self.metadata.install_requires) def get_module_requirements(self) -> List[str]: return [str(req) for req in self.get_module_v2_requirements()] def add_module_requirement_persistent(self, requirement: InmantaModuleRequirement, add_as_v1_module: bool) -> None: if add_as_v1_module: raise Exception("Cannot add V1 requirement to a V2 module") # Parse config file config_parser = ConfigParser() python_pkg_requirement: Requirement = ModuleV2Source.get_python_package_requirement(requirement) if config_parser.has_option("options", "install_requires"): new_install_requires = [ r for r in config_parser.get("options", "install_requires").split("\n") if r and Requirement.parse(r).key != python_pkg_requirement.key ] new_install_requires.append(str(python_pkg_requirement)) else: new_install_requires = [str(python_pkg_requirement)] config_parser.set("options", "install_requires", "\n".join(new_install_requires)) # Write config back to disk with open(self.get_metadata_file_path(), "w", encoding="utf-8") as fd: config_parser.write(fd) # Reload in-memory state with open(self.get_metadata_file_path(), "r", encoding="utf-8") as fd: self._metadata = ModuleV2Metadata.parse(fd)