Module ip#


typedef ip::cidr#
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (ip::is_valid_cidr(self) == true)

typedef ip::cidr_v10#
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (ip::is_valid_cidr_v10(self) == true)

typedef ip::cidr_v6#
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (ip::is_valid_cidr_v6(self) == true)

typedef ip::ip#
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (ip::is_valid_ip(self) == true)

typedef ip::ip_v10#
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (ip::is_valid_ip_v10(self) == true)

typedef ip::ip_v6#
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (ip::is_valid_ip_v6(self) == true)

typedef ip::mask#
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (ip::is_valid_netmask(self) == true)

typedef ip::port#
  • Base type number

  • Type constraint ((self >= 0) and (self < 65536))

typedef ip::protocol#
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (((((self == 'tcp') or (self == 'udp')) or (self == 'icmp')) or (self == 'sctp')) or (self == 'all'))


entity ip::Address#

Parents: ip::Alias

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity ip::Alias#

Parents: ip::IP

attribute ip::ip netmask=''#
attribute number alias=0#
attribute bool dhcp=false#
relation ip::services::Server server [0:*]#

other end: ip::services::Server.ips [0:*]

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity ip::DstService#

Parents: ip::Service

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity ip::Host#

Parents: std::Host

A host that has an ip attribute for easy ip address access in the configuration model.

attribute ip::ip ip#

The ipaddress of this node

attribute bool remote_agent=false#

Start the mgmt agent for this node on the server and use remote io (ssh)

attribute string remote_user='root'#

The remote user for the remote agent to login with

attribute ip::port remote_port=22#

The remote port for this remote agent to use.

relation ip::services::Server servers [0:*]#

other end: [1]

relation ip::services::Client clients [0:*]#

other end: [1]

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity ip::IP#

Parents: std::Entity

Base class for all ip addresses

attribute ip::ip v4=''#

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity ip::Network#

Parents: std::Entity

A network in this infrastructure.

attribute string network#
attribute string netmask#
attribute string name#
attribute bool dhcp#

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity ip::Port#

Parents: ip::PortRange

attribute ip::port high=0#

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity ip::PortRange#

Parents: std::Entity

attribute ip::port low#
attribute ip::port high#

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity ip::Service#

Parents: std::Entity

Define a service as a protocol and a source and destination port range

attribute ip::protocol proto#
relation ip::PortRange dst_range [0:*]#
relation ip::PortRange src_range [0:*]#
relation ip::services::BaseServer listening_servers [0:*]#

other end: [0:*]

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity ip::services::BaseClient#

Parents: std::Entity

Base client class that connects to a server

relation ip::services::BaseServer servers [0:*]#

other end: ip::services::BaseServer.clients [0:*]

entity ip::services::BaseServer#

Parents: std::Entity

Base class for servers that accept connections from clients

relation ip::Service services [0:*]#

other end: ip::Service.listening_servers [0:*]

relation ip::services::BaseClient clients [0:*]#

other end: ip::services::BaseClient.servers [0:*]

entity ip::services::Client#

Parents: ip::services::BaseClient

This interface models a client that is linked to a host

relation ip::Host host [1]#

other end: ip::Host.clients [0:*]

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity ip::services::Server#

Parents: ip::services::BaseServer

This interface models a server that accepts connections from a client

relation ip::Host host [1]#

other end: ip::Host.servers [0:*]

relation ip::Alias ips [0:*]#

other end: ip::Alias.server [0:*]

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity ip::services::VirtualClient#

Parents: ip::services::BaseClient, ip::services::VirtualSide

This interface models a virtual client. It can for example represent all clients that exist on the internet.

attribute string name#

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity ip::services::VirtualHost#

Parents: ip::services::VirtualScope

An address represented by a hostname

attribute std::hoststring hostname#

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity ip::services::VirtualIp#

Parents: ip::services::VirtualScope

Only one ip

attribute ip::ip address#
entity ip::services::VirtualNetwork#

Parents: ip::services::VirtualScope

Define a virtual network segment

attribute ip::ip network#
attribute ip::ip netmask#
entity ip::services::VirtualRange#

Parents: ip::services::VirtualScope

A range defined by from/to

attribute ip::ip from#
attribute ip::ip to#

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity ip::services::VirtualScope#

Parents: std::Entity

This interface represents a scope to determine what a virtual client or server is.

relation ip::services::VirtualSide side [0:*]#

other end: ip::services::VirtualSide.scope [0:*]

entity ip::services::VirtualServer#

Parents: ip::services::BaseServer, ip::services::VirtualSide

Same as VirtualClient but then for a server

attribute string name#
entity ip::services::VirtualSide#

Parents: std::Entity

A base class for a virtual server or client

relation ip::services::VirtualScope scope [0:*]#

other end: ip::services::VirtualScope.side [0:*]


implementation ip::agentConfig#


ip.add(addr: ip::ip_v10, n: number) ip::ip_v10#

Add a number to the given ip.

ip.cidr_to_network(cidr: string) string#

Given cidr return the network address

ip.concat(host: std::hoststring, domain: std::hoststring) std::hoststring#

Concat host and domain

ip.hostname(fqdn: string) string#

Return the hostname part of the fqdn

ip.ipindex(addr: ip::cidr_v10, position: number) string#

Return the address at position in the network.

ip.ipnet(addr: ip::cidr_v10, what: string) string#

Return the ip, prefixlen, netmask or network address of the CIDR

  • addr – CIDR

  • what

    The required result:

    • ip: The IP address of addr object.

    • prefixlen: The prefix length of addr object.

    • netmask: The subnet mask of addr object.

    • network: The network address of addr object.

For instance:

std::print(ipnet(“”, “ip”)) –>
std::print(ipnet(“”, “prefixlen”)) –> 24
std::print(ipnet(“”, “netmask”)) –>
std::print(ipnet(“”, “network”)) –>
ip.is_valid_cidr(addr: string) bool#
ip.is_valid_cidr_v10(addr: string) bool#

Validate if the string matches a v6 or a v4 network in CIDR notation

ip.is_valid_cidr_v6(addr: string) bool#
ip.is_valid_ip(addr: string) bool#
ip.is_valid_ip_v10(addr: string) bool#

Validate if the string matches a v6 or v4 address

ip.is_valid_ip_v6(addr: string) bool#
ip.is_valid_netmask(netmask: string) bool#

Validate if the string matches a netmask

ip.net_to_nm(network_addr: string) string#
ip.netmask(cidr: number) ip::ip#

Given the cidr, return the netmask ip::ip, cidr: string) string#

Given the ip and the cidr, return the network address