Upgrading the orchestrator#

Upgrading the orchestrator can be done either in-place or by setting up a new orchestrator next to the old one and migrating the state from the old to the new instance. The sections below describe the upgrade procedure for each of both situations. These procedures can be used for major and non-major version upgrades.


Make sure to read the new version’s changelog for any version specific upgrade notes, before proceeding with any of the upgrade procedures mentioned below.

Upgrading the orchestrator in-place#

This section describes how to upgrade an orchestrator in-place.



  • Before upgrading the orchestrator to a new major version, make sure the old orchestrator is at the latest version available within its major.

  • Upgrades should be done one major version at a time. Upgrading from major version X to major version X+2, should be done by upgrading from X to X+1 and then from X+1 to X+2.

  1. Halt all environments (by pressing the STOP button in the web-console for each environment).

  2. Create a backup of the database:

pg_dump -U <db_user> -W -h <host> <db_name> > <db_dump_file>
  1. Replace the content of the /etc/yum.repos.d/inmanta.repo file with the content for the new ISO version. This information can be obtained from the installation documentation page for the new ISO version.

  2. Upgrade the Inmanta server. The orchestrator will automatically restart when the upgrade has finished. It might take some time before the orchestrator goes up, as some database migrations will be done.

yum update inmanta-service-orchestrator-server
  1. When accessing the web console, all the environments will be visible, and still halted.

  2. One environment at a time:

    a. In the Desired State page of the environment, click Update project & recompile, accessible via the dropdown of the Recompile button. (/console/desiredstate?env=<your-env-id>).

    1. Resume the environment by pressing the green Resume button in the bottom left corner of the console.


    Make sure the compilation has finished and was successful before moving on to the next steps.

Upgrading by migrating from one orchestrator to another orchestrator#

This document describes how to upgrade to a new version of the orchestrator by setting up a new orchestrator next to the existing orchestrator and migrating all the state from the existing to the new orchestrator. This procedure should be followed when an in-place upgrade of the orchestrator is not possible e.g. when the operating system needs to be upgraded alongside the orchestrator.


The procedure below describes how to migrate from one running orchestrator denoted as the ‘old orchestrator’ to another one denoted as the ‘new orchestrator’.




  • Before upgrading the orchestrator to a new major version, make sure the old orchestrator is at the latest version available within its major.

  • Upgrades should be done one major version at a time. Upgrading from major version X to major version X+2, should be done by upgrading from X to X+1 and then from X+1 to X+2.

1. [New Orchestrator]: Make sure the desired version of the orchestrator is installed, by following the installation instructions (see Install Inmanta) and set up a project to validate that the orchestrator is configured correctly (config, credentials, access to packages, etc.).

  1. [Old Orchestrator] Halt all environments (by pressing the STOP button in the web-console for each environment).

  2. [Old Orchestrator] Stop and disable the server:

sudo systemctl disable --now inmanta-server.service
  1. [Old Orchestrator] Make a dump of the server database using pg_dump.

pg_dump -U <db_user> -W -h <host> <db_name> > <db_dump_file>

  1. [New Orchestrator] Make sure the server is stopped:

sudo systemctl stop inmanta-server.service
  1. [New Orchestrator] Drop the inmanta database and recreate it:

# drop the database
$ psql -h <host> -U <db_user> -W
drop database <db_name>;

# re-create it
$ sudo -u postgres -i bash -c "createdb -O <db_user> <db_name>"
  1. [New Orchestrator] Load the dump of the server database using psql.

psql -U <db_user> -W -h <host> -f <db_dump_file> <db_name>
  1. [New Orchestrator] Start the orchestrator service, it might take some time before the orchestrator goes up, as some database migration will be done:

sudo systemctl enable --now inmanta-server.service
  1. [New Orchestrator] When accessing the web console, all the environments will be visible, and still halted.

  2. [New Orchestrator] One environment at a time:

    a. In the Desired State page of the environment, click Update project & recompile, accessible via the dropdown of the Recompile button. (/console/desiredstate?env=<your-env-id>).

    1. Resume the environment by pressing the green Resume button in the bottom left corner of the console.


    Make sure the compilation has finished and was successful before moving on to the next steps.