Juniper LAB Setup

Juniper Image

Please follow the steps here to set up a functioning virtual Juniper router.

From now on, we will expect this image to be tagged as vrnetlab/vr-vmx:18.3R1.9:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                                       TAG        IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
vrnetlab/vr-vmx                                  18.3R1.9   91e0035e6f3b   8 weeks ago    4.75GB

Juniper Base Configuration

At the time of this writing, Containerlab is not able to automatically place a base configuration for Juniper routers and this step has to be done manually:

  • Head to connect-lab/labs/config/juniper directory.

  • Using this section, connect to routers and paste the contents of for instance east.cfg file in in router-east.

Based on the desired topology, you need to paste a specific configuration to its respective router.