
Lifecycle State Labels#

Each state in the lifecycle has a label attribute, which is used by the UI to mark service instances in these states visually, according to the labels.

The possible values are:

  • info: This is the default label, it represents states the instance goes through normally, which don’t require special attention.

  • success: This label should be used for states when there are no problems with the instance, and it’s stable in this state.

  • warning: The warning label should be applied for states where the instance requires attention, because it might have run into some problems.

  • danger: The danger label represents the situation when there are serious problems with the instance.

Lifecycle construction#

When creating a new lifecycle, it is important to know where validation states should be added in order to avoid invalid lifecycles.

Creating/deleting and exporting/not-exporting states#

If services are guaranteed to be independent, the validation states can be ommited. If one service depends on another, they could conflict when creating/exporting. If an Entity Child has an inter_service_relation to another Entity Parent, than the Parent instance should be created first. Otherwise Child will have a dangling reference. Another way they could come into conflict is if they use any kind of identifier: Multiple instances could be created with the same identifier. Conflicts could also arise when deleting/not-exporting: If the Parent instance used in a Child is deleted, Child will have a reference to something that no longer exist, which will result in an invalid desired state (see delete-validating state).