LSM quickstart

This document provides a quickstart for the Inmanta lifecycle service manager (LSM). A high-level overview will be given on how Inmanta LSM can be used to model and provision new services within a certain infrastructure. This quickstart considers a basic service, which creates and updates the IP of a given interface.

Overview setup

The figure shown below, gives an overview of the infrastructure required to execute this quickstart. The infrastructure consists of:

  1. An Inmanta Service Orchestrator with LSM

  2. Three SR Linux routers (spine, leaf1, leaf2)

  3. An internet connection

Overview setup

The SR Linux routers in this guide are setup as a 3-node CLOS network with a spine and two leaf switches. mgmt is the management interface of the SR Linux routers and the Inmanta Service Orchestrator making them reachable over the management network (

The service modelled in the following section manages the association of IP-addresses to any interface of the SR Linux routers.


This guide assumes that you already finished the quickstart, so if you haven’t followed that one, please start with it.

Make sure that you have the necessary license information, namely:

  • Credentials to the package repository;

  • Entitlement file;

  • License file.

System requirements:

  • Python version 3.9 needs to be installed on your machine.

  • Minimal 8GB of RAM.

Setup procedure:

  1. Install Docker.

  2. Install Containerlab.

  3. Prepare a development environment by creating a python virtual environment and installing Inmanta:

$ mkdir -p ~/.virtualenvs
$ python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/lsm-srlinux
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/lsm-srlinux/bin/activate
$ pip install inmanta
  1. Change directory to the LSM SR Linux example of the examples repository:

$ cd examples/lsm-srlinux

This folder contains a project.yml, which looks like this:

 name: LSM SR Linux Example
 description: Provides an example of a LSM use case with SR Linux.
 author: Inmanta
 license: ASL 2.0
 copyright: 2022 Inmanta
 modulepath: libs
 downloadpath: libs
 # This example requires licensed modules,
 # replace <token> with inmanta access token you received with your license


Additional explanation of each field can be found on the quickstart.

  1. Change the <token> in the repo url to the credentials to the package repository (see Prerequisites section).

  2. Go to the containerlab directory.

$ cd containerlab
  1. Create a folder called resources in the containerlab folder and place your license and entitlement files there. The names of the files have to be com.inmanta.jwe for the entitlement file and com.inmanta.license for the license file.

  2. Spin-up the containers.

$ docker login
     Username: containers
     Password: <token>

     Login Succeeded
$ sudo clab deploy -t topology.yml


Additional information about this command and how to connect to these containers can be found on the quickstart.

Orchestration model

The full orchestration model to assign an IP-address to an interface of a SR Linux router, is shown below.

 1import srlinux
 2import srlinux::interface as srinterface
 3import srlinux::interface::subinterface as srsubinterface
 4import srlinux::interface::subinterface::ipv4 as sripv4
 5import yang
 6import lsm
 7import lsm::fsm
 9entity InterfaceIPAssignment extends lsm::ServiceEntity:
10    """
11        Interface details.
13        :attr router_ip: The IP address of the SR linux router that should be configured.
14        :attr router_name: The name of the SR linux router that should be configured.
15        :attr interface_name: The name of the interface of the router that should be configured.
16        :attr address: The IP-address to assign to the given interface.
17    """
19    std::ipv_any_address router_ip
20    string router_name
21    string interface_name
23    std::ipv_any_interface address
24    lsm::attribute_modifier address__modifier="rw+"
28implement InterfaceIPAssignment using parents, interfaceIPAssignment
30implementation interfaceIPAssignment for InterfaceIPAssignment:
32    device = srlinux::GnmiDevice(
33            auto_agent = true,
34            name = self.router_name,
35            mgmt_ip = self.router_ip,
36            yang_credentials = yang::Credentials(
37                username = "admin",
38                password = "NokiaSrl1!",
39            )
40        )
42    resource = srlinux::Resource(
43        device=device,
44        identifier = self.instance_id
45    )
47    self.resources += resource.yang_resource
49    interface = srlinux::Interface(
50        device = device,
51        name = self.interface_name,
52        resource = resource,
53        mtu = 9000,
54        subinterface = srinterface::Subinterface(
55            x_index = 0,
56            ipv4=srsubinterface::Ipv4(
57                address = sripv4::Address(
58                    ip_prefix = self.address
59                ),
60            ),
61        ),
62        comanaged = false
63    )
68binding = lsm::ServiceEntityBinding(
69    service_entity="__config__::InterfaceIPAssignment",
70    lifecycle=lsm::fsm::simple,
71    service_entity_name="interface-ip-assignment",
75for assignment in lsm::all(binding):
76    InterfaceIPAssignment(
77        instance_id=assignment["id"],
78        router_ip=assignment["attributes"]["router_ip"],
79        router_name=assignment["attributes"]["router_name"],
80        interface_name=assignment["attributes"]["interface_name"],
81        address=assignment["attributes"]["address"],
82        entity_binding=binding,
83    )
  • Lines 1 to 7 import several modules required by this configuration model.

  • Lines 9 to 26 define the API of the new service, i.e. the attributes required to instantiate a new instance of the service. The InterfaceIPAssignment entity defines four attributes: router_ip, router_name, interface_name and address. Each attribute has a description defined in the docstring above. The docstring provides documentation on the meaning of a specific service attribute. The “<attribute>__modifier” fields are meta-data fields. They defines whether the attribute can be modified or not. In the above-mentioned orchestration model, the router_ip, router_name and the interface_name attribute can only be set upon instantiation of the model, while the address attribute can be changed during the lifetime of the service. More information on attribute modifiers can be found here.

  • Line 28 defines which implementation should be used to instantiate the InterfaceIPAssignment service entity.

  • Lines 30 to 65 provide the actual implementation for the InterfaceIPAssignment service entity. If an instance is created of the InterfaceIPAssignment service entity, this implementation will make sure that the address specified in the attributes of the service instance, will be configured on the requested interface and SR Linux router.

  • Lines 42 to 47 in particular, is where the resource is instantiated and assigned to the resources field. The resources field should contain the list of resources that need to be deployed before the state of the instance can be moved from creating to up.

  • Lines 68 to 72 create a service entity binding. It associates a name and a lifecycle to the InterfaceIPAssignment service entity and registers it in the Inmanta Service Orchestrator via its northbound API. More information on service lifecycles can be found here.

  • Lines 75 to 83 create an instance of the InterfaceIPAssignment entity for each service instance. The lsm::all() plugin retrieves all the service instances via the Inmanta Service Orchestrator API.

Install the orchestration model onto the Inmanta server

Go back to the previous folder and create an Inmanta project and environment.

# Go back to previous folder
$ cd ..
# Create a project called test
$ inmanta-cli --host project create -n test
# Create an environment called lsm-srlinux
$ inmanta-cli --host environment create -p test -n lsm-srlinux --save

The following command executes a script to copy the required resources to a specific folder inside the container.

$ docker exec -ti -w /code clab-srlinux-inmanta-server  /code/

Afterwards, open the web-console, in this example it is on

interface-ip-assignment service in service catalog

Click on the Update Service Catalog button. This will make the new interface-ip-assignment service known by the Inmanta orchestrator, making it possible to create new instances of this service via the LSM API or via the Inmanta web-console.

Clicking on the button will:

  • Download all required code onto the orchestrator;

  • Install the project;

  • Export the service entity bindings to the service catalog.

After executing these commands, the interface-ip-assignment service will appear in the service catalog of the Inmanta web-console as shown in the figure below.

interface-ip-assignment service in service catalog

Check that the router is empty

Login into the SR Linux router named “spine” using the username “admin” and password “NokiaSrl1!”.

$ ssh admin@clab-srlinux-spine


Additional information on how to connect to these containers can be found on the quickstart. In this guide we will only do certain commands to show the changes.

Check the interface configuration via the following command.

A:spine# list interface
    interface ethernet-1/1 {
    interface ethernet-1/2 {
    interface mgmt0 {
        subinterface 0 {
            ipv4 {
                dhcp-client {
            ipv6 {
                dhcp-client {

Create a new service instance

Now, we will provision a new instance of the interface-ip-assignment service via the Inmanta web-console. Click on the Show inventory button after the vlan-assignment service and click on the Add instance button.

Click on the "Add-instance" button

Fill in the required attributes and click on confirm.

Form to create a new service instance

The service will be deployed automatically after clicking the confirm button. During the deployment, the service instance will move through different states of its lifecycle: start -> acknowledged -> creating -> up. When the service is in the up state, the interface is configured successfully. Verify the configuration on the SR Linux “spine” router.

A:spine# list interface
    interface ethernet-1/1 {
        subinterface 0 {
            ipv4 {
                address {
    interface ethernet-1/2 {
    interface mgmt0 {
        subinterface 0 {
            ipv4 {
                dhcp-client {
            ipv6 {
                dhcp-client {