Module juniper_mx¶
License: Inmanta EULA
Version: 23.1.4
- typedef juniper_mx::access_radius_disconnect_port_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::uint16')) or std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}))
- typedef juniper_mx::chassis_ambient_temperature_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self in ['55C', '40C', '25C', '32C'])
- typedef juniper_mx::chassis_maximum_ecmp_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self in ['16', '32', '64', '96', '128', '160', '192', '224', '256', '288', '320', '352', '384', '416', '448', '480', '512'])
- typedef juniper_mx::chassis_network_services_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self in ['ip', 'ethernet', 'enhanced-ip', 'enhanced-ethernet', 'enhanced-mode', 'lan'])
- typedef juniper_mx::chassis_ppp_subscriber_services_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self in ['disable', 'enable'])
- typedef juniper_mx::diameter_product_name_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
((std::length(self) >= 1) and (std::length(self) <= 255))
- typedef juniper_mx::dynamic_profiles_name_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
((std::length(self) >= 1) and (std::length(self) <= 80))
- typedef juniper_mx::dynamic_profiles_version_alias_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
((std::length(self) >= 1) and (std::length(self) <= 63))
- typedef juniper_mx::event_options_max_policies_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}) or (((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::uint32')) and (int(self) >= 0)) and (int(self) <= 20)))
- typedef juniper_mx::forwarding_options_fast_reroute_priority_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self in ['low', 'medium', 'high'])
- typedef juniper_mx::jsrc_partition_jsrc_partition_name_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
((std::length(self) >= 1) and (std::length(self) <= 63))
- typedef juniper_mx::multicast_snooping_options_nexthop_hold_time_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}) or (((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::uint32')) and (int(self) >= 1)) and (int(self) <= 1000)))
- typedef juniper_mx::poe_guard_band_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}) or (((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::uint32')) and (int(self) >= 0)) and (int(self) <= 19)))
- typedef juniper_mx::poe_management_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self in ['static', 'class', 'high-power'])
- typedef juniper_mx::routing_options_highwatermark_log_interval_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}) or (((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::uint32')) and (int(self) >= 5)) and (int(self) <= 1200)))
- typedef juniper_mx::routing_options_maximum_ecmp_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self in ['16', '32', '64', '96', '128', '160', '192', '224', '256', '288', '320', '352', '384', '416', '448', '480', '512'])
- typedef juniper_mx::routing_options_med_igp_update_interval_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}) or (((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::uint32')) and (int(self) >= 10)) and (int(self) <= 600)))
- typedef juniper_mx::routing_options_nsr_phantom_holdtime_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}) or (((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::uint32')) and (int(self) >= 0)) and (int(self) <= 10000)))
- typedef juniper_mx::routing_options_time_averaged_watermark_interval_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}) or (((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::uint32')) and (int(self) >= 1)) and (int(self) <= 15)))
- typedef juniper_mx::snmp_interface_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(yang::validate_type(self,'juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::interface_name') or std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}))
- typedef juniper_mx::snmp_packet_size_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}) or (((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::uint32')) and (int(self) >= 484)) and (int(self) <= 65535)))
- typedef juniper_mx::switch_options_interface_shutdown_action_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self in ['soft-shutdown', 'hard-shutdown'])
- typedef juniper_mx::switch_options_mac_table_aging_time_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}) or (yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::uint32')))
- typedef juniper_mx::switch_options_service_id_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}) or (((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::uint32')) and (int(self) >= 1)) and (int(self) <= 65535)))
- typedef juniper_mx::system_arp_system_cache_limit_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}) or (((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::int32')) and (int(self) >= 200)) and (int(self) <= 2000000)))
- typedef juniper_mx::system_authentication_order_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self in ['radius', 'tacplus', 'password'])
- typedef juniper_mx::system_domain_name_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
((std::length(self) >= 1) and (std::length(self) <= 255))
- typedef juniper_mx::system_host_name_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
((std::length(self) >= 1) and (std::length(self) <= 255))
- typedef juniper_mx::system_max_cli_sessions_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::uint32')) or std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}))
- typedef juniper_mx::system_max_configurations_on_flash_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}) or (((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::uint32')) and (int(self) >= 0)) and (int(self) <= 49)))
- typedef juniper_mx::system_nd_maxmcast_solicit_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::int32')) or std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}))
- typedef juniper_mx::system_nd_maxucast_retry_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::int32')) or std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}))
- typedef juniper_mx::system_nd_retransmit_timer_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::int32')) or std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}))
- typedef juniper_mx::system_nd_system_cache_limit_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}) or (((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::int32')) and (int(self) >= 200)) and (int(self) <= 2000000)))
- typedef juniper_mx::system_saved_core_files_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}) or (((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::uint32')) and (int(self) >= 1)) and (int(self) <= 10)))
- typedef juniper_mx::virtual_chassis_heartbeat_timeout_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}) or (((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::uint32')) and (int(self) >= 1)) and (int(self) <= 60)))
- typedef juniper_mx::virtual_chassis_heartbeat_tos_t¶
Base type
Type constraint
(std::validate_type('pydantic.constr',self,{'regex': '^(?:<[^\\r\\n]*>|\\$[^\\r\\n]*)$(?!\\n\\Z)'}) or (((yang::is_int(self) and yang::validate_type(int(self),'yang::types::uint32')) and (int(self) >= 0)) and (int(self) <= 255)))
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::areaid¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::atm_vci¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::community¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::esi¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::filename¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::host¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::hostname¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::interface_device¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::interface_device_wildcard¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::interface_name¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::interface_range_wild¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::interface_unit¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::interface_wildcard¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipaddr¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipaddr_or_interface¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipaddr_scoped¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipprefix¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipprefix_mandatory¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipprefix_only¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipprefix_optional¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipv4addr¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipv4addr_or_interface¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipv4prefix¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipv4prefix_mandatory¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipv4prefix_only¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipv6addr¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipv6prefix¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipv6prefix_mandatory¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipv6prefix_only¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::isoaddr¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::isoprefix¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::isosysid¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::mac_addr¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::mac_addr_prefix¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::mac_multicast¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::mac_unicast¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::policy_algebra¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::range¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::regular_expression¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::sysid¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::time¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::time_of_day¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::unreadable¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::unsigned_float¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- typedef juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::vlan_range¶
Base type
Type constraint
(self == self)
- entity juniper_mx::Access¶
Network access configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-access@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- attribute bool? disable_tenant_access=null¶
Disable access to root lsys profiles for tenants
- attribute bool? linked_pool_aggregation=null¶
Enable linked pools aggregation
- attribute juniper_mx::access_radius_disconnect_port_t? radius_disconnect_port=null¶
Server port on which to access disconnect requests from RADIUS client
- attribute bool? report_interface_descriptions=null¶
Support reporting of interface descriptions :rel aaa_options: AAA option configurations WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel accounting_backup_options: Pending accounting backup-options :rel address_assignment: Address assignment configuration :rel address_pool: Address pool WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel address_pool_manager: APM server configuration :rel address_preservation: Enable address preservation :rel address_protection: Initiate Duplicate Address Protection :rel diameter: Diameter server and network-element configuration :rel diameter_profiles: Diameter application configurations :rel domain: Domain map configuration :rel domain_name_server: Default DNS server’s IPv4 address WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel domain_name_server_inet: DNS server’s IPv4 address WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel domain_name_server_inet6: DNS server’s IPv6 address WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel group_profile: Group profile to use for this client WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel gx_plus: GX-PLUS configuration :rel ldap_options: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol options :rel ldap_server: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol server options WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel nas5g: NAS-5G configuration :rel nasreq: Nasreq configuration :rel ocs: OCS configuration :rel pcrf: PCRF configuration :rel ppp_options: Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) specific options :rel profile: Set of attributes that define access WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel protocol_attributes: Protocol specific attribute configuration WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel radius: RADIUS server and network-element configuration :rel radius_disconnect: RADIUS-initiated disconnect configuration for dynamic termination of user sessions by external entity WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel radius_options: RADIUS options :rel radius_server: RADIUS server configuration WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel radius_server_name: RADIUS server FQDN configuration WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel radsec: RADSEC configuration :rel s6a: S6a configuration :rel securid_server: SecurID server configuration WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel terminate_code: Terminate code mapping configuration :rel tunnel_profile: Set of attributes that define tunnel access WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel tunnel_switch_profile: Tunnel switch profile name WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel wins_server: Default WINS server’s IPv4 address WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model.
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::AccessProfile¶
Access profile for this instance Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-access-profile@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- attribute string? access_profile_name=null¶
Profile name
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::AccountingOptions¶
Accounting data configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-accounting-options@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- Rel class_usage_profile:
Class usage profile for accounting data
WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel cleanup_interval: Backup files cleanup interval :rel detailed_transit_interface_stats: Display Layer 3 Transit Statistics :rel file: Accounting data file configuration WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel filter_profile: Filter profile for accounting data WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel flat_file_profile: Flat file profile for accounting data WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel interface_profile: Interface profile for accounting data WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel mib_profile: MIB profile for accounting data WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel periodic_refresh: Toggle periodic statistics collection :rel routing_engine_profile: Routing Engine profile for accounting data WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel selective_aggregate_interface_stats: Toggle selective aggregate interface statistics collection
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::Applications¶
Define applications by protocol characteristics Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-applications@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- Rel application:
Define an application
WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel application_set: Define an application set WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model.
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::Base¶
Base for all entities representing any part of device configuration.
By default the orchestrator manages the full configuration (comanage is false) of the resource represented by the entity. This means that when the configuration is modified outside the orchestrator, the configuration is replaced by the orchestrator on the next deploy or repair. This is achieved by setting the operation on the corresponding yang container to replace. When comanage is set to true, the yang container is set to the default merge behavior. This means that any parameter or container NOT managed by the container is not touched during deploy or repair. However, when modifying key attributes of a container care must be taken to set the old container to purged so that it will be removed, otherwise invalid configurations may be created
- attribute bool comanaged=true¶
True for ‘merge’, False for ‘replace’
- attribute bool purged=false¶
True if should be removed :rel device: The device this entity should deploy to :rel resource: The resource this entity is a part of :rel yang_container:
- relation juniper_mx::BaseDevice device [1]¶
The device this entity should deploy to Peer relation:
- relation juniper_mx::Resource resource [0:1]¶
The resource this entity is a part of Peer relation:
other end:
juniper_mx::Resource.entities [0:*]
- relation yang::Container yang_container [1]¶
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::BaseDevice¶
Entity representing a device a config should be deployed to
- attribute string[] models=List()¶
List of the model names this module uses
- dict juniper_mx::BaseDevice.module_mapping={'ietf-yang-metadata': 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-metadata', 'junos-common-ddl-extensions': '', 'junos-common-odl-extensions': '', 'junos-common-types': '', 'junos-conf-access': '', 'junos-conf-access-profile': '', 'junos-conf-accounting-options': '', 'junos-conf-applications': '', 'junos-conf-bridge-domains': '', 'junos-conf-chassis': '', 'junos-conf-class-of-service': '', 'junos-conf-diameter': '', 'junos-conf-dynamic-profiles': '', 'junos-conf-event-options': '', 'junos-conf-fabric': '', 'junos-conf-firewall': '', 'junos-conf-forwarding-options': '', 'junos-conf-interfaces': '', 'junos-conf-logical-systems': '', 'junos-conf-multi-chassis': '', 'junos-conf-multicast-snooping-options': '', 'junos-conf-poe': '', 'junos-conf-policy-options': '', 'junos-conf-protocols': '', 'junos-conf-root': '', 'junos-conf-routing-instances': '', 'junos-conf-routing-options': '', 'junos-conf-security': '', 'junos-conf-services': '', 'junos-conf-snmp': '', 'junos-conf-switch-options': '', 'junos-conf-system': '', 'junos-conf-unified-edge': '', 'junos-conf-virtual-chassis': '', 'junos-conf-vlans': '', 'junos-conf-vmhost': '', 'junos-configuration-metadata': ''}
Dictionary contraing namespaces definitions. Key - module name. Value - namespace URI. :rel _configuration_yang_container:
- relation yang::Container _configuration_yang_container [1]¶
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::BridgeDomains¶
Bridge domain configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-bridge-domains@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- Rel domain:
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::Chassis¶
Chassis configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-chassis@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- attribute juniper_mx::chassis_ambient_temperature_t? ambient_temperature=null¶
Chassis ambient-temperature value in degree celsius
- attribute bool? auto_image_upgrade=null¶
Auto image upgrade using DHCP
- attribute bool? auto_satellite_conversion=null¶
Enable remote conversion to satellite device-mode
- attribute bool? craft_lockout=null¶
Disable craft interface input
- attribute bool? disable_power_management=null¶
Disable Power Management in this chassis
- attribute bool? effective_shaping_rate=null¶
Report effective shaping rate
- attribute bool? enhanced_policer=null¶
Enhanced Policer Counters
- attribute bool? epacl_firewall_optimization=null¶
Maximizes Egress Port ACLs TCAM use and restarts PFE
- attribute bool? extended_statistics=null¶
Enable extended system statistics
- attribute bool? fpc_resync=null¶
Send and receive Nchip cells for newly onlined FPC
- attribute bool? fru_local_storage_disable=null¶
Disable and erase local storage on FPC.(FPC reboot required)
- attribute string? fru_poweron_sequence=null¶
FRUs power on sequence like 0 1 2 3 … within double quotes
- attribute bool? input_firewall_optimized_profile=null¶
Optimal default filter usage when IFA/FCoe/FIPsnooping is not used; restarts PFE
- attribute bool? ipvacl_firewall_l2_profile=null¶
Only Src/Dst MAC,VLAN,EtherType match is needed for IPACL/IVACL filters; restarts PFE
- attribute bool? iracl_firewall_ipv4_profile=null¶
IPv6 address match is not needed for IRACL filters; restarts PFE
- attribute bool? ivacl_firewall_no_portrange_profile=null¶
L4 Src/Dst Port range optimize is not needed; restarts PFE
- attribute bool? limited_ifl_scaling=null¶
Configured to limit IFL scaling to 64k
- attribute juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::mac_unicast? local_station_mac=null¶
Local station mac address configuration
- attribute bool? loopback_firewall_optimization=null¶
Optimal TCAM use,restarts PFE(for IP rsrved multicast dest & IP ttl=0/1,config explicitly)
- attribute bool? loopback_firewallv6_optimization=null¶
Increase ACL scale for loopback IPv6 filters; restarts PFE
- attribute juniper_mx::chassis_maximum_ecmp_t? maximum_ecmp=null¶
Maximum ECMP limit for nexthops
- attribute bool? monitor_pem_inputs=null¶
Enable low current usage monitoring
- attribute juniper_mx::chassis_network_services_t? network_services=null¶
Chassis network services configuration
- attribute bool? no_packet_scheduling=null¶
Don’t enable DX2.0 packet scheduling
- attribute bool? no_power_budget=null¶
Disable Chassis Power Budget
- attribute bool? packet_scheduling=null¶
Enable DX2.0 packet scheduling
- attribute bool? per_logical_interface_firewall=null¶
Ingress port firewall can be supported per logical interface, restarts PFE
- attribute bool? policer_drop_probability_low=null¶
Set policer probabilistic drop probability to Minimum
- attribute bool? policer_limit=null¶
Limit the policer tick unit to 32 bytes
- attribute juniper_mx::chassis_ppp_subscriber_services_t? ppp_subscriber_services=null¶
Select PPP subscriber services
- attribute bool? preserve_fpc_poweron_sequence=null¶
Preserve MPC poweron sequence for consistency across reboot
- attribute bool? routing_engine_power_off_button_disable=null¶
Disable RE power off button
- attribute bool? slow_pfe_alarm=null¶
Enable slow (potential) PFE alarm
- attribute bool? turbotx_disable=null¶
Disable turbotx processing
- attribute bool? vrf_mtu_check=null¶
Enable Internet Processor II-based MTU check :rel afeb: Forwarding Engine Board parameters :rel aggregated_devices: Aggregated devices configuration :rel alarm: Global alarm settings :rel cb: Control Board parameters :rel config_button: Config button behavior settings :rel container_devices: Container devices configuration :rel copy_tos_to_outer: Copy TOS from inner to outer header :rel disk_partition: Chassis disk monitor configuration WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel ecmp_alb: Enable adaptive load balancing for ECMP nexthops :rel error: Error level configuration for all FPC :rel fabric: Switch fabric settings :rel feb: Forwarding Engine Board parameters :rel forwarding_options: Configure options to control packet forwarding :rel fpc: Flexible PIC Concentrator parameters :rel fpc_down_on_repeated_conn_drops: Bring FPC down if connection drops repeatedly :rel fpc_feb_connectivity: Connectivity between Flexible PIC Concentrators and Forwarding Engine Boards :rel host_outbound: Host-out bound options :rel icmp: ICMP protocol :rel icmp6: ICMP version 6 protocol :rel jnu_management: JNU Management configuration :rel lcc: Line-card chassis configuration :rel lcc_mode: Line card chassis mode T4000/T1600/EMPTY configuration :rel lcd_menu: Chassis LCD menu :rel license: Set license :rel member: Member chassis configuration :rel memory_enhanced: Enhance memory allocation :rel mode: Set FRU mode :rel network_slices: Network slices configuration :rel nssu: Nonstop Software Upgrade settings :rel oss_map: Translate Operation Supported System’s requirements :rel pem: Power supply (PEM) parameters :rel periodic: Chassisd periodic options :rel power_off_ports_on_no_master_re: Power off line card ports at once in the absence of any master RE :rel provider_instance_devices: Provider instance devices configuration :rel pseudowire_service: Pseudowire L3 termination device configuration :rel psm: Power supply module :rel psu: Power Supply Unit redundancy configuration :rel redundancy: Redundancy settings :rel redundancy_group: Redundancy group configuration :rel route_localization: Route-Localization settings :rel routing_engine: Routing Engine settings :rel routing_performance: Alter routing performance :rel satellite: List of available satellite configurations WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel satellite_management: Satellite management configuration :rel serdes: Serdes test mode for link training :rel sfm: Switching and Forwarding Module parameters :rel sib: Switch Interface Board parameters :rel state: Set SFB upgrade state. :rel synchronization: Clock synchronization options :rel system_domains: Root and protected system domain configuration :rel tfeb: Taz Forwarding Engine Board parameters :rel thermal_health_check: Enable Thermal Health check of the chassis :rel usb: USB control flags
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::ClassOfService¶
Class-of-service configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-class-of-service@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- attribute bool? copy_plp_all=null¶
Turn on loss-precedence copying including IP multicast
- attribute bool? non_strict_priority_scheduling=null¶
Enable non-strict-priority scheduling
- attribute bool? tri_color=null¶
Enable tricolor marking :rel adaptive_shapers: Define the list of trigger types and associated rates :rel adjustment_control_profiles: Adjustment control profiles :rel classifiers: Classify incoming packets based on code point value :rel code_point_aliases: Mapping of code point aliases to bit strings :rel congestion_notification_profile: Congestion notification profile :rel drop_profiles: Random Early Drop (RED) data point map :rel dynamic_class_of_service_options: Dynamic class-of-service options :rel fabric: Define CoS parameters of switch fabric :rel forwarding_class_map: Map forwarding class to queue number for interfaces :rel forwarding_class_sets: Forwarding class sets :rel forwarding_classes: One or more mappings of forwarding class to queue number :rel forwarding_policy: Class-of-service forwarding policy :rel fragmentation_maps: Mapping of forwarding class to fragmentation options :rel host_outbound_traffic: Classify and mark host traffic to forwarding engine :rel interfaces: Apply class-of-service options to interfaces :rel loss_priority_maps: Map loss priority of incoming packets based on code point value :rel loss_priority_rewrites: Rewrite code point of outgoing packet based on loss priority :rel monitoring_profile: Monitoring profile :rel policy_map: Policy-map describing the packet marking rule :rel restricted_queues: Map forwarding classes to restricted queues :rel rewrite_rules: Write code point value of outgoing packets :rel routing_instances: Apply CoS options to routing instances with VRF table label :rel scheduler_maps: Mapping of forwarding classes to packet schedulers :rel schedulers: Packet schedulers :rel shared_buffer: Shared buffer configuration :rel system_defaults: System defaults :rel traceoptions: Trace options for class-of-service process :rel traffic_class_map: Packet input priority map based on incoming packets code point :rel traffic_control_profiles: Traffic shaping and scheduling profiles :rel translation_table: Translation table :rel virtual_channel_groups: Define list of virtual channel groups :rel virtual_channels: Define the list of virtual channels
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::Diameter¶
Diameter protocol layer Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-diameter@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- attribute juniper_mx::diameter_product_name_t? product_name=null¶
Product name to advertise in capability-exchange :rel network_element: Network element of this diameter instance WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel origin: Origin attributes of this diameter instance :rel peer: Diameter peer configuration WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel transport: Diameter transport configuration WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model.
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::DynamicProfiles¶
Dynamic profiles configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-dynamic-profiles@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- attribute juniper_mx::dynamic_profiles_name_t name¶
Name for dynamic profile
- attribute juniper_mx::dynamic_profiles_version_alias_t? version_alias=null¶
Dynamic profile version alias, transmitted to RADIUS during authentication :rel access_cac: Access ucac configuration :rel class_of_service: Class-of-service configuration :rel extensible_subscriber_services: Extensible subscriber services :rel firewall: Define a firewall configuration :rel interfaces: Interface configuration :rel logical_systems: Logical systems WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel policy_options: Routing policy option configuration :rel predefined_variable_defaults: Assign default values to predefined variables :rel profile_type: Profile type :rel profile_variable_set: Dynamic profiles variable configuration WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel protocols: Routing protocol configuration :rel routing_instances: Routing instance configuration :rel routing_options: Protocol-independent routing option configuration :rel services: Service PIC applications settings :rel telemetry: Telemetry configuration :rel variables: Dynamic variable configuration WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model.
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::EventOptions¶
Event processing configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-event-options@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- attribute juniper_mx::event_options_max_policies_t? max_policies=null¶
Number of policies that can be executed simultaneously :rel destinations: List of destinations referred to in ‘then’ clause WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel event_script: Configure event-scripts :rel generate_event: Generate an internal event WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel policy: Event policy for event policy manager WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel redundancy_event: Events for policies to take action on WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel traceoptions: Trace options for the event processing daemon
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::Fabric¶
Fabric configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-fabric@2023-01-01.yang:L42
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::Firewall¶
Define a firewall configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-firewall@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- Rel atm_policer:
Atm policer
- Rel family:
Protocol family
- Rel filter:
Define an IPv4 firewall filter
- Rel flexible_match:
Flexible packet match template definition
- Rel hierarchical_policer:
Hierarchical policer template definition
- Rel interface_set:
Interface set definition
- Rel load_balance_group:
Load-balance group definition
WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel no_next_header_to_payload_protocol_mapping: To enable next-header matching first extension header :rel policer: Policer template definition :rel three_color_policer: Three-color policer :rel tunnel_end_point: Tunnel end-point template definition
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::ForwardingOptions¶
Configure options to control packet forwarding Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-forwarding-options@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- attribute juniper_mx::forwarding_options_fast_reroute_priority_t? fast_reroute_priority=null¶
Fast-reroute repair priority
- attribute bool? hyper_mode=null¶
Enable hyper mode
- attribute bool? l2circuit_control_passthrough=null¶
Configure passthrough for control protocol packets on L2 Circuit
- attribute bool? link_layer_broadcast_inet_check=null¶
Enable destination mac and destination ip address check
- attribute bool? load_balance_label_capability=null¶
Load balance label capability
- attribute bool? no_hyper_mode=null¶
Don’t enable hyper mode
- attribute bool? no_load_balance_label_capability=null¶
Don’t load balance label capability
- attribute bool? port_mac_in_tcam=null¶
Enable Port+mac knob in my_station_tcam. This will restart PFE
- attribute bool? suppress_interface_leaf_nodes=null¶
Enable suppression of exporting leaf nodes under interfaces
- attribute bool? tunnel_termination=null¶
Enable tunnel termination for all interfaces
- attribute bool? vxlan_flexflow=null¶
Enable VxLAN flexflow. This will restart PFE :rel access_security: Access security configuration :rel accounting: Configure accounting of traffic :rel analyzer: Analyzer options :rel dhcp_relay: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol relay configuration :rel enhanced_hash_key: Select data used in the hash key for Enhanced IP Forwarding Engines :rel evpn_vxlan: EVPN VXLAN configurations :rel explicit_null_cos: Configure to use MPLS explicit null exp for COS classification :rel family: Protocol family :rel forwarding_sandbox: Create forwarding sandbox :rel hash_key: Select data used in the hash key :rel helpers: Port forwarding configuration :rel ip_options_protocol_queue: IP Options protocol logical queue parameters WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel load_balance: Configure load-balancing attributes on the forwarding path :rel local_bias: Turn on local bias functionality :rel monitoring: Configure lawful interception of traffic :rel multicast: Multicast resolve and mismatch rate :rel multicast_replication: Set mode of multicast replication :rel next_hop: Next hop throttle :rel next_hop_group: Next hop group forwarding option :rel packet_capture: Packet capture options :rel packet_capture_telemetry: Packet capture telemetry options :rel pfe_sensor: Enable sensor for pfe resources :rel port_mirroring: Configure port mirroring of traffic :rel rpf_loose_mode_discard: Configure rpf loose mode behavior :rel sampling: Statistical traffic sampling options :rel satellite: Satellite forwarding options :rel sflow: Sflow related :rel storm_control_profiles: Storm control profile for this instance :rel tunnels: Tunnel port profile :rel vxlan_routing: VXLAN Routing forwarding options
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::Interfaces¶
Interface configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-interfaces@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- Rel interface:
- Rel interface_range:
Interface ranges configuration
WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel interface_set: Logical interface set configuration :rel stacked_interface_set: Stacked interface set configuration :rel traceoptions: Interface trace options
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::Jsrc¶
JSRC partition configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-root@2023-01-01.yang:L73
- Rel partition:
JSRC partition definition
WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model.
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::JsrcPartition¶
JSRC partition configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-root@2023-01-01.yang:L60
- attribute juniper_mx::jsrc_partition_jsrc_partition_name_t? jsrc_partition_name=null¶
JSRC partition name
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::LogicalSystems¶
Logical systems Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-logical-systems@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- attribute string name¶
Logical system name :rel access: Network access configuration :rel access_profile: Access profile for this instance :rel bridge_domains: Bridge domain configuration :rel firewall: Define a firewall configuration :rel forwarding_options: Configure options to control packet forwarding :rel interfaces: Interface configuration :rel multicast_snooping_options: Multicast snooping option configuration :rel policy_options: Policy option configuration :rel protocols: Routing protocol configuration :rel routing_instances: Routing instance configuration :rel routing_options: Protocol-independent routing option configuration :rel services: Service PIC daemon configuration :rel switch_options: Options for default routing-instance of type virtual-switch :rel system: System parameters :rel vlans: VLAN configuration
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::MultiChassis¶
Multi-chassis configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-multi-chassis@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- Rel mc_lag:
Multi-chassis Lag configuration
- Rel multi_chassis_protection:
Inter-Chassis protection configuration
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::MulticastSnoopingOptions¶
Multicast snooping option configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-multicast-snooping-options@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- attribute juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipaddr[]? flood_groups=null¶
Groups for which the traffic will be flooded
- attribute bool? ignore_stp_topology_change=null¶
Don’t process stp topology change
- attribute juniper_mx::multicast_snooping_options_nexthop_hold_time_t? nexthop_hold_time=null¶
Nexthop hold time in milliseconds :rel forwarding_cache: Multicast forwarding cache :rel graceful_restart: Configure graceful restart attributes :rel host_outbound_traffic: Host generated protocol packets :rel multichassis_lag_replicate_state: Enable multichassis lag replication :rel oism: Optimized inter subnet multicast options :rel options: Miscellaneous options :rel traceoptions: Multicast snooping trace options
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::NetconfDevice¶
Entity representing a device that should be configured using netconf as backend
- attribute bool persist=false¶
Whether the config should be persisted to a permanent data store on update.
- attribute string persist_target='startup'¶
The target datastore where the config should be persisted (when persist is enabled).
- attribute bool use_get_schema_invalid_namespaces_workaround=false¶
If true get-schema RPC reply processing code of ncclient will be patched for scanning and loading YANG models to accept response with invalid or malformed namespaces. It must be enabled for Juniper devices to avoid failure.
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::Poe¶
Power over Ethernet options Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-poe@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- attribute juniper_mx::poe_guard_band_t? guard_band=null¶
Guard band for Power over Ethernet
- attribute bool? lldp_priority=null¶
PoE controller LLDP priority
- attribute juniper_mx::poe_management_t? management=null¶
Power management mode for Power over Ethernet :rel interface: Interface configuration for Power over Ethernet WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel notification_control: Notification control for Power over Ethernet traps
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::PolicyOptions¶
Policy option configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-policy-options@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- attribute bool? skip_then_actions=null¶
Skip ‘then’ actions and allow route actions in ‘from’ :rel application_maps: Define application maps WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel as_list: BGP as range list information :rel as_list_group: Group a set of as-list :rel as_path: BGP autonomous system path regular expression WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel as_path_group: Group a set of AS paths WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel community: BGP community information :rel condition: Define a route advertisement condition :rel damping: BGP route flap damping properties WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel defaults: Policy default behaviour :rel mac_list: Define a named set of mac addresses WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel policy_statement: Routing policy :rel prefix_list: Define a named set of address prefixes :rel redundancy_policy: :rel resolution_map: Define a set of PNH resolution modes WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel rib_list: Define a named set of RIB names or wildcards WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel route_distinguisher: Route-distinguisher information :rel route_filter_list: Define a named set of route-filter address prefixes :rel rtf_prefix_list: Define a named set of family route target prefixes :rel satellite_policies: Satellite Policy configuration :rel source_address_filter_list: Define a named set of source address filter address prefixes :rel tunnel_attribute: BGP tunnel attributes definition WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel vsi_policy: Define a named set of VSI policies WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model.
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::Protocols¶
Routing protocol configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-protocols@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- Rel amt:
AMT configuration
- Rel ancp:
Access Node Control Protocol options
- Rel bfd:
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) options
- Rel bgp:
BGP options
- Rel bgpmcast:
BGP multicast options
- Rel centralized_timing:
Configuring centralized timing options
- Rel clock_synchronization:
Configuring parameters common to SyncE and PTP
- Rel connections:
Circuit cross-connect configuration
- Rel dcbx:
- Rel dot1x:
802.1X options
- Rel esis:
End system-intermediate system options
- Rel evpn:
Configuration EVPN default routing instance
- Rel express_segments:
Configuration for Express Segments
- Rel iccp:
ICCP options
- Rel igmp:
IGMP options
- Rel igmp_snooping:
IGMP snooping configuration
- Rel ilmi:
Interim Local Management Interface Protocol configuration
- Rel isis:
IS-IS options
- Rel isis_instance:
Multi-instance IS-IS configuration
WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel l2_learning: Layer 2 forwarding configuration :rel l2circuit: Configuration for Layer 2 circuits over MPLS :rel l2iw: Configuration for Layer 2 interworking :rel l2vpn: Configuration for Layer 2 VPN circuits over MPLS :rel lacp: Link Aggregation Control Protocol configuration :rel layer2_control: Global options for layer 2 protocols :rel ldp: LDP options :rel link_management: LMP options :rel lldp: Link Layer Detection Protocol :rel lldp_med: LLDP Media Endpoint Discovery :rel loop_detect: Layer2 Loop Detect on interface with non-IP L2 Multicast mac as destination mac :rel mld: MLD options :rel mld_snooping: MLD snooping configuration :rel mpls: Multiprotocol Label Switching options :rel msdp: MSDP configuration :rel mstp: Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol options :rel mvpn: BGP-MVPN configuration :rel mvrp: MVRP configuration :rel neighbor_discovery: IPv6 neighbor discovery :rel network_isolation: Network isolation configuration :rel oam: Operation, Administration, and Management configuration :rel openflow: OpenFlow protocol :rel ospf: OSPF configuration :rel ospf3: OSPFv3 configuration :rel ovsdb: OVSDB protocol :rel pcep: Path computation client configuration :rel pim: PIM configuration :rel ppp: Configure PPP process :rel ppp_service: Configure PPP service :rel pppoe: Configure PPPoE process :rel protection_group: Protection group :rel ptp: Precision Time Protocol v2 options :rel r2cp: Radio-to-Router Control Protocol configuration :rel rip: RIP options :rel ripng: RIPng options :rel router_advertisement: IPv6 router advertisement options :rel router_discovery: ICMP router discovery options :rel rstp: Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol options :rel rsvp: RSVP options :rel sap: Session Advertisement Protocol options :rel sflow: SFLOW protocol :rel source_packet_routing: Enable source packet routing (SPRING) :rel vpls: Configuration for global vpls module :rel vrrp: VRRP options :rel vstp: VLAN Spanning Tree Protocol options
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::Resource¶
All entities modelled in this module are translated to the correct yang model. Each device creates a global yang resource that collects all containers in the model.
When an entity that inherits from Base is associated with this resource, it will be added to a different yang resource. This can be used to create a distinction between global configuration and service specific configuration and put them in their own failure domain.
- Rel entities:
- relation juniper_mx::Base entities [0:*]¶
The resource this entity is a part of Peer relation:
other end:
juniper_mx::Base.resource [0:1]
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::RoutingInstances¶
Routing instance configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-routing-instances@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- Rel instance:
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::RoutingOptions¶
Protocol-independent routing option configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-routing-options@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- attribute bool? bgp_orf_cisco_mode=null¶
Using BGP ORF capability code 130 and Prefix ORF type 128
- attribute bool? enable_sensors=null¶
Enable Sensor for MX/PTX/QFX/EX/ACX
- attribute juniper_mx::routing_options_highwatermark_log_interval_t? highwatermark_log_interval=null¶
High watermark log interval (default 30 seconds)
- attribute juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::policy_algebra[]? instance_export=null¶
Export policy for instance RIBs
- attribute juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::policy_algebra[]? instance_import=null¶
Import policy for instance RIBs
- attribute string? ipv6_router_id=null¶
IPv6 router identifier
- attribute bool? loopback_strict_disable=null¶
Completely disable lo0 host prefix when in admin-down state
- attribute bool? lsp_telemetry=null¶
Turn on Jvision LSP telemetry
- attribute juniper_mx::routing_options_maximum_ecmp_t? maximum_ecmp=null¶
Maximum ECMP limit for nexthops
- attribute juniper_mx::routing_options_med_igp_update_interval_t? med_igp_update_interval=null¶
Delay (in minutes) in updating MED IGP for bgp groups with ‘delay-med-update’
- attribute bool? no_bfd_triggered_local_repair=null¶
Disable bfd triggered local repair
- attribute bool? no_soft_core=null¶
Disable soft assert to generate core and just log the event
- attribute bool? nonstop_routing=null¶
Enable nonstop routing
- attribute juniper_mx::routing_options_nsr_phantom_holdtime_t? nsr_phantom_holdtime=null¶
Set NSR phantom route hold time
- attribute juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipv4addr? route_distinguisher_id=null¶
Identifier used in route distinguishers for routing instances
- attribute bool? route_record=null¶
Enable route recording
- attribute juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipv4addr? router_id=null¶
Router identifier
- attribute juniper_mx::routing_options_time_averaged_watermark_interval_t? time_averaged_watermark_interval=null¶
For calculating average watermark
- attribute bool? warm_standby=null¶
Enable warm-standby :rel access: Access routes :rel access_internal: Access-internal routes :rel admin_groups_extended: Extended administrative groups WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel admin_groups_extended_range: Extended administrative groups range :rel aggregate: Coalesced routes :rel auto_bandwidth: Auto bandwidth :rel auto_export: Export routes between routing instances :rel autonomous_system: Autonomous system number :rel backup_selection: Backup selection options :rel bgp_static: Routes for BGP static advertisements :rel bmp: BGP Monitoring Protocol (BMP) configuration :rel confederation: Confederation autonomous system number :rel domain_path_id: VRF domain id path configuration WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel dynamic_tunnels: Dynamic tunnel definitions :rel fate_sharing: Fate-sharing links or nodes database :rel flex_algorithm: Configure flex-algorithms supported by this node. :rel flow: Locally defined flow routing information :rel forwarding_table: :rel generate: Route of last resort :rel graceful_restart: Graceful or hitless routing restart options :rel host_fast_reroute: Host Fast Re-route global values. Applies to all host FRR profiles. :rel interface: Direct/Host route FRR protection WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel interface_routes: Define routing table groups for interface routes :rel label: Label processing :rel localized_fib: Localize vrf routing-instance routes to specific FPC hardware :rel logical_system_mux: Logical system control daemon information :rel martians: Invalid routes WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel maximum_paths: Maximum number of paths :rel maximum_prefixes: Maximum number of prefixes :rel multicast: Global multicast options :rel multipath: Protocol-independent load balancing :rel nonstop_routing_options: Nonstop routing options :rel options: Miscellaneous options :rel policy_multipath: Policy based multipath :rel ppm: Set periodic packet management properties :rel programmable_rpd: RPD Server module management options :rel protect: Protocol-independent protection :rel resolution: Route next-hop resolution options :rel rib: Routing table options :rel rib_groups: Group of routing tables WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel rpm_tracking: RPM static route tracking options :rel source_packet_routing: Source packet routing (SPRING) :rel source_routing: Source-routing options :rel srlg: SRLG configuration WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel static: Static routes :rel topologies: Define routing topologies :rel traceoptions: Global routing protocol trace options :rel transport_class: Transport layer options :rel validation: Define Route validation
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::Security¶
Security configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-security@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- Rel alarms:
Configure security alarms
- Rel authentication_key_chains:
Authentication key chain configuration
- Rel certificates:
X.509 certificate configuration
- Rel idp:
IDP configuration
- Rel log:
Configure auditable security logs
- Rel pki:
PKI service configuration
- Rel ssh_known_hosts:
SSH known host list
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::Services¶
System services Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-services@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- Rel aacl:
Application Aware Access List services configuration
- Rel adaptive_services_pics:
Adaptive Services PIC daemon configuration
- Rel agf:
Configuration for access gateway function
- Rel analytics:
Traffic analytics configuration options
- Rel app_engine:
- Rel application_identification:
Application identification configuration
- Rel border_signaling_gateway:
Border signaling service configuration
- Rel captive_portal:
Captive Portal options
- Rel captive_portal_content_delivery:
Configuration for captive portal and content delivery service
- Rel cos:
Class of Service services configuration
- Rel dynamic_flow_capture:
Configure Dynamic Flow Capture parameters
- Rel evpn:
Auto-configuration for various layer2 features
- Rel fixed_wireless_access:
Configuration for fixed wireless access service
- Rel flow_collector:
Configure options to control flow collector
- Rel flow_monitoring:
Configure flow monitoring
- Rel flow_tap:
Configure flow-tap parameters
- Rel hcm:
Http Content Management services configuration
- Rel hosted_services:
Configuration for services performed in the remote server
- Rel ids:
Configure the intrusion detection system
- Rel inband_flow_telemetry:
Inband telemetry services
- Rel inline_monitoring:
Inline packet monitoring service
- Rel ip_reassembly:
Configure ip-reassembly services
- Rel jdaf:
Juniper distributed application framework (JDAF)
- Rel jflow_log:
Configure jflow-logging parameters for services
- Rel jinsightd:
Health Monitoring services
- Rel l2tp:
Configure Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol service
- Rel license_management:
Configure license management server
- Rel logging:
Bulk logging configuration
- Rel lrf:
Logging and reporting service configuration
- Rel mobile_edge:
Mobile edge configuration
- Rel mobile_flow_tap:
Configure mobile triggered flow-tap parameters
- Rel nat:
Configure Network Address Translation
- Rel network_monitoring:
Network monitoring probe configuration
- Rel network_slicing:
Configure network wide slicing parameters
- Rel pcef:
Policy and Charging Enforcement Function(PCEF) configuration
- Rel pcp:
Configure Port Control Protocol
- Rel pgcp:
Packet Gateway Control Protocol services configuration
- Rel radius_flow_tap:
Configure radius triggered flow-tap parameters
- Rel redundancy_set:
Redundancy-set settings
- Rel rpm:
Real-time performance monitoring
- Rel rtlog:
Secure log daemon options
- Rel service_device_pools:
Configure service device pools
- Rel service_interface_pools:
Configure service interface pools
- Rel service_set:
Define a service set
WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel soft_gre: Soft GRE tunnel definitions :rel softwire: Configure softwire services :rel ssl: Configuration for Secure Socket Layer support service :rel stateful_firewall: Configure stateful firewall services :rel traffic_load_balance: Traffic load balance configuration :rel video_monitoring: Video monitoring service :rel web_filter: Web Filtering service configuration
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::Snmp¶
Simple Network Management Protocol configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-snmp@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- attribute string? contact=null¶
Contact information for administrator
- attribute string? description=null¶
System description
- attribute bool? filter_duplicates=null¶
Filter requests with duplicate source address/port and request ID
- attribute bool? if_count_with_filter_interfaces=null¶
Filter interfaces config for ifNumber and ipv6Interfaces
- attribute juniper_mx::snmp_interface_t[]? interface=null¶
Restrict SNMP requests to interfaces
- attribute string? location=null¶
Physical location of system
- attribute bool? logical_system_trap_filter=null¶
Allow only logical-system specific traps
- attribute juniper_mx::snmp_packet_size_t? packet_size=null¶
Maximum SNMP send message size
- attribute string? system_name=null¶
System name override :rel alarm_management: Alarm management :rel arp: JVision ARP settings :rel client_list: Client list WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel community: Configure a community string WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel customization: Customize SNMP behaviour based on knob :rel engine_id: SNMPv3 engine ID :rel filter_interfaces: List of interfaces that needs to be filtered :rel health_monitor: Health monitoring configuration :rel nonvolatile: Configure the handling of nonvolatile SNMP Set requests :rel proxy: SNMP proxy configuration WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel rmon: Remote Monitoring configuration :rel routing_instance_access: SNMP routing-instance options :rel subagent: SNMP subagent configuration :rel traceoptions: Trace options for SNMP :rel trap_group: Configure traps and notifications WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel trap_options: SNMP trap options :rel v3: SNMPv3 configuration information :rel view: Define MIB views WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model.
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::SwitchOptions¶
Options for default routing-instance of type virtual-switch Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-switch-options@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- attribute juniper_mx::switch_options_interface_shutdown_action_t? interface_shutdown_action=null¶
Interface shutdown mode for Storm-Control/Mac-Limit/Mac-Move-limit scenario
- attribute bool? mac_statistics=null¶
Enable MAC address statistics
- attribute juniper_mx::switch_options_mac_table_aging_time_t? mac_table_aging_time=null¶
Delay for discarding MAC address if no updates are received
- attribute bool? no_mac_learning=null¶
Disable dynamic MAC address learning
- attribute bool? no_normalization=null¶
Disable vlan id normalization for interfaces
- attribute bool? ovsdb_managed=null¶
All vxlan bridge domains in routing instance are remote managed
- attribute juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipaddr[]? remote_vtep_list=null¶
Configure static remote VXLAN tunnel endpoints
- attribute juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipv6addr[]? remote_vtep_v6_list=null¶
Configurate static IPv6 remote VXLAN tunnel endpoints
- attribute juniper_mx::switch_options_service_id_t? service_id=null¶
Service ID required if multi-chassis AE is part of a bridge-domain
- attribute juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::policy_algebra[]? vrf_export=null¶
Export policy for VRF instance RIBs
- attribute juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::policy_algebra[]? vrf_import=null¶
Import policy for VRF instance RIBs :rel authentication_whitelist: MAC authentication-whitelist configuration needed to bypass Authentication WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel interface: Interface for configuring bridge-options WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel interface_mac_ip_limit: Maximum MAC+IP bindings learned per interface :rel interface_mac_limit: Maximum MAC address learned per interface :rel mac_ip_table_size: Size of MAC+IP bindings table :rel mac_notification: MAC notification options :rel mac_table_size: Size of MAC address forwarding table :rel mib: Snmp mib options :rel network_isolation_profile: Network isolation configuration :rel redundant_trunk_group: Redundant trunk group :rel route_distinguisher: Route distinguisher for this instance :rel static_rvtep_mac: Configure Static MAC and remote VxLAN tunnel endpoint entries :rel unknown_unicast_forwarding: Set interface for forwarding of unknown unicast packets :rel voip: Voice-over-IP configuration :rel vrf_target: VRF target community configuration :rel vtep_remote_interface: Remote VTEP interface :rel vtep_source_interface: Source layer-3 IFL for VXLAN
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::System¶
System parameters Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-system@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- attribute bool? allow_6pe_traceroute=null¶
Allow IPv4-mapped v6 address in tag icmp6 TTL expired packet
- attribute bool? allow_6vpe_traceroute_src_select=null¶
Select best src addr for icmp6 ttl expiry error in case 6vpe
- attribute bool? allow_icmp4_extension=null¶
Allow icmp4 to add additional data structures in the extension
- attribute bool? allow_icmp6_extension=null¶
Allow icmp6 to add additional data structures in the extension
- attribute bool? allow_l3vpn_traceroute_src_select=null¶
Select best src addr for icmp ttl expiry error in case l3vpn
- attribute bool? allow_v4mapped_packets=null¶
Allow processing for packets with V4 mapped address
- attribute bool? arp_enhanced_scale=null¶
Support enhanced ARP/ND scale
- attribute juniper_mx::system_arp_system_cache_limit_t? arp_system_cache_limit=null¶
Set max system cache size for ARP nexthops
- attribute juniper_mx::system_authentication_order_t[]? authentication_order=null¶
- attribute bool? auto_snapshot=null¶
Enable auto-snapshot when boots from alternate slice
- attribute bool? compress_configuration_files=null¶
Compress the router configuration files
- attribute bool? default_address_selection=null¶
Use system address for locally originated traffic
- attribute bool? dgasp_int=null¶
Enable Dying Gasp Interrupt
- attribute bool? dgasp_usb=null¶
Enable USB reset in Dying Gasp Interrupt
- attribute juniper_mx::system_domain_name_t? domain_name=null¶
Domain name for this router
- attribute string[]? domain_search=null¶
List of domain names to search
- attribute bool? donot_disable_ip6op_ondad=null¶
Do not disable IP operation on interface, if DAD fails on EUI-64 link local address
- attribute string? dump_device=null¶
Device to record memory snapshots on operating system failure
- attribute bool? encrypt_configuration_files=null¶
Encrypt the router configuration files
- attribute bool? extended_echo=null¶
Enable ICMP extended echo processing
- attribute juniper_mx::system_host_name_t? host_name=null¶
Hostname for this router
- attribute bool? jdos=null¶
Enable Juniper Diagnostics Operating System
- attribute bool? management_instance=null¶
Enable Management VRF Instance
- attribute juniper_mx::system_max_cli_sessions_t? max_cli_sessions=null¶
Maximum number of cli sessions
- attribute juniper_mx::system_max_configurations_on_flash_t? max_configurations_on_flash=null¶
Number of configuration files stored on flash
- attribute juniper_mx::system_nd_maxmcast_solicit_t? nd_maxmcast_solicit=null¶
Set Maximum multicast solicit
- attribute juniper_mx::system_nd_maxucast_retry_t? nd_maxucast_retry=null¶
Set Maximum unicast retry count
- attribute bool? nd_override_preferred_src=null¶
Do not use preferred source address for unnumbered interface as the source of NA/NS
- attribute juniper_mx::system_nd_retransmit_timer_t? nd_retransmit_timer=null¶
Set retransmit timer
- attribute juniper_mx::system_nd_system_cache_limit_t? nd_system_cache_limit=null¶
Set max system cache size for IPv6 nexthops
- attribute bool? ndcpp_compliant=null¶
Enable NDcPP compliance
- attribute bool? netlink_async_mode=null¶
Enable async mode in nlsd
- attribute bool? no_compress_configuration_files=null¶
Don’t compress the router configuration files
Deny hidden commands for all users except root
- attribute bool? no_multicast_echo=null¶
Disable ICMP echo on multicast addresses
- attribute bool? no_neighbor_learn=null¶
Disable neighbor address learning
- attribute bool? no_ping_record_route=null¶
Do not insert IP address in ping replies
- attribute bool? no_ping_time_stamp=null¶
Do not insert time stamp in ping replies
- attribute bool? no_redirects=null¶
Disable ICMP redirects
- attribute bool? no_redirects_ipv6=null¶
Disable IPV6 ICMP redirects
- attribute bool? no_saved_core_context=null¶
Don’t save context information for core files
- attribute string[]? personality_file_list_of_directories=null¶
List of Optional directories for personality-tarball of device
- attribute bool? regex_additive_logic=null¶
Set regex-additive-logic
- attribute bool? saved_core_context=null¶
Save context information for core files
- attribute juniper_mx::system_saved_core_files_t? saved_core_files=null¶
Number of saved core files per executable
- attribute bool? switchover_on_routing_crash=null¶
On failure, switch mastership to other Routing Engine
- attribute string? time_zone=null¶
Time zone name or POSIX-compliant time zone string
- attribute bool? unattended_boot=null¶
Enable Unattended Boot mode
- attribute bool? use_imported_time_zones=null¶
Use locally generated time-zone database :rel access_line: Access Node Control Protocol options :rel accounting: System accounting configuration :rel archival: System archival management :rel arp: ARP settings :rel autoinstallation: Autoinstallation configuration :rel backup_router: IPv4 router to use while booting :rel boot_loader_authentication: Authentication for the boot loader :rel commit: Configuration commit management :rel configuration: Set the configuration processing related parameters :rel configuration_database: Configuration database parameters :rel ddos_protection: Configure DDOS process :rel demux_options: Tunable options for demux link local address generation :rel diag_port_authentication: Authentication for the diagnostic port :rel dynamic_profile_options: Dynamic profile options :rel export_format: Setting the properties related to exporting the data :rel extensions: Configuration for extensions to JUNOS :rel fib_streaming: Launch Fib Streaming Daemon :rel fips: FIPS configuration :rel health_monitor: Kernel health monitoring system :rel icmp: ICMP :rel inet6_backup_router: IPv6 router to use while booting :rel internet_options: Tunable options for Internet operation :rel kernel_options: Kernel options: selectively enable few knobs :rel kernel_replication: Kernel replication :rel ldap_server: LDAP server configuration :rel license: License information for the router :rel location: Location of the system, in various forms :rel login: Names, login classes, and passwords for users :rel management_traffic: Management-traffic mapping with priority :rel master_password: Master password for $8$ password-encryption :rel monitor: Monitoring system for system and daemons :rel name_resolution: Configure hostname resolution behaviour :rel name_server: DNS name servers WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel node_health_monitor: Node Health Monitoring Configuration :rel ntp: Network Time Protocol services :rel packet_forwarding_options: Packet Forwarding engine options :rel password_options: Local password options, password should be configured at [system authentication-order] :rel pic_console_authentication: Authentication for the console port on PICs :rel ports: Craft interface RS-232 ports :rel processes: Process control :rel proxy: Proxy information for the router :rel radius_options: RADIUS options :rel radius_server: RADIUS server configuration WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel rng: Configure system CSPRNG :rel root_authentication: Authentication information for the root login :rel schema: System schema :rel scripts: Scripting mechanisms :rel services: System services :rel static_host_mapping: Static hostname database mapping WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel statistics_timeout: Statistics - Configurable Timeout :rel syslog: System logging facility :rel tacplus_options: TACACS+ options :rel tacplus_server: TACACS+ server configuration WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel tpm_secure_bind: :rel tracing: System wide option for remote tracing
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::UnifiedEdge¶
Unified edge configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-unified-edge@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- Rel aaa:
AAA configuration
- Rel diameter_profiles:
Unified Edge Diameter application configurations
- Rel gateways:
Gateways configuration
- Rel mobile_options:
Mobile options
- Rel pcef:
PCEF configuration
- Rel resource_management:
Configure Resource Mangement Packet Steering Daemon
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::VirtualChassis¶
Virtual chassis configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-virtual-chassis@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- attribute bool? auto_provisioned=null¶
Add and configure new line-card members automatically
- attribute juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::ipaddr? heartbeat_address=null¶
Peer member’s IP address for sending heartbeat packet
- attribute juniper_mx::virtual_chassis_heartbeat_timeout_t? heartbeat_timeout=null¶
Member’s timeout period for receiving a heartbeat packet
- attribute juniper_mx::virtual_chassis_heartbeat_tos_t? heartbeat_tos=null¶
IPv4 TOS/DS or IPv6 TC octet for heartbeat packet
- attribute juniper_mx::types::junos_common_types::isosysid? id=null¶
Virtual chassis identifier, of type ISO system-id
- attribute bool? locality_bias=null¶
Bias transit packets to egress local chassis of Virtual-Chassis
- attribute bool? no_auto_conversion=null¶
Disable automatic VC port conversion
- attribute bool? no_split_detection=null¶
Disable split detection. This command is recommended to only be enabled in a 2 member setup
- attribute bool? preprovisioned=null¶
Only accept preprovisioned members
- attribute bool? vcp_no_hold_time=null¶
Set no hold time for vcp interfaces :rel aliases: Aliases for serial numbers :rel auto_sw_update: Auto software update :rel fast_failover: Fast failover mechanism :rel graceful_restart: Configure graceful restart attributes :rel mac_persistence_timer: How long to retain MAC address when member leaves virtual chassis :rel member: Member of virtual chassis configuration WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel traceoptions: Trace options for virtual chassis
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::Vlans¶
VLAN configuration Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-vlans@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- Rel vlan:
Virtual LAN
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- entity juniper_mx::Vmhost¶
VM Host configurations Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-vmhost@2023-01-01.yang:L42
- attribute bool? no_auto_recovery=null¶
Disable Guest auto recovery by the host :rel interfaces: Interface configuration WARNING: The model specifies that the order of the elements in this relation matters. This is not currently supported by this model. :rel management_if: Configuration for the host’s side management interface :rel resize: Resize the resource allocation of guest VM :rel services: System services :rel syslog: VMhost logging facility
The following implementations are defined for this entity:
The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:
- implementation juniper_mx::setupAccessProfileYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupAccessYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupAccountingOptionsYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupApplicationsYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupBridgeDomainsYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupChassisYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupClassOfServiceYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupConfigurationYangContainer¶
Yang definition can be found here: junos-conf-root@2023-01-01.yang:L30
- implementation juniper_mx::setupDiameterYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupDynamicProfilesYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupEventOptionsYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupFabricYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupFirewallYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupForwardingOptionsYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupInterfacesYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupJsrcPartitionYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupJsrcYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupLogicalSystemsYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupMultiChassisYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupMulticastSnoopingOptionsYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupPoeYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupPolicyOptionsYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupProtocolsYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupRoutingInstancesYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupRoutingOptionsYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupSecurityYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupServicesYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupSnmpYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupSwitchOptionsYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupSystemYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupUnifiedEdgeYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupVirtualChassisYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupVlansYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::setupVmhostYangContainer¶
- implementation juniper_mx::yangBaseEntity¶
- implementation juniper_mx::yangDevice¶
Setup the device root container and the agent.