Module aws_dc

  • License: Inmanta EULA

  • Version: 2.0.1


typedef aws_dc::aws_connection_state
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (self in ['unknown', 'down', 'ordering', 'pending', 'available', 'deleting', 'deleted', 'rejected'])

typedef aws_dc::bandwidth_t
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint (self in ['50Mbps', '100Mbps', '200Mbps', '300Mbps', '400Mbps', '500Mbps', '1Gbps', '2Gbps', '5Gbps', '10Gbps'])

typedef aws_dc::owner_id_t
  • Base type string

  • Type constraint /^\d{12}$/

typedef aws_dc::vlan_id
  • Base type int

  • Type constraint ((self >= 0) and (self < 4096))


entity aws_dc::HostedConnection

Parents: aws_dc::ResourceABC

Creates a hosted connection on an interconnect or a link aggregation group (LAG).

Provides facts: - connection_state, - id: the id of this connection

attribute string connection_id

The ID of the interconnect or LAG on which the connection will be provisioned. Not to be confused with the connection_id of this HostedConnection itself.

attribute aws_dc::owner_id_t owner_account

The AWS account that will own the new private virtual interface.

attribute string name

The name of the provisioned connection. It is only set at initial creation. Afterwards, only the owner_account user can change it. As such, it will not show up in dryrun.

attribute aws_dc::vlan_id vlan


attribute aws_dc::bandwidth_t bandwidth

The bandwidth of the connection.

attribute bool purge_on_delete=false
attribute bool fail_on_update=false

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity aws_dc::HostedConnectionState

Parents: aws_dc::ResourceABC

Monitors the status of the created connection

attribute aws_dc::vlan_id vlan


attribute string connection_id

The ID of the interconnect or LAG on which the connection will be provisioned. Not to be confused with the connectionId of this HostedConnection itself.

attribute string alias=''

A string alias used to identify the resource (with the connection_id and vlan). It can be set to any value, and allows to have multiple state check on the same connection in one model.

attribute aws_dc::aws_connection_state[] desired=List()

List with desired states (states that report SUCCESS by the handler)

attribute aws_dc::aws_connection_state[] failed=List()

List with failed states (states that report FAILURE by the handler)

attribute aws_dc::aws_connection_state[] skipped=List()

List with skipped states (states that report SKIPPED by the handler)

attribute bool send_event=true
attribute bool purge_on_delete=false

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity aws_dc::Provider

Parents: std::Entity

The configuration to access Amazon Web Services

attribute string name

The name of the provider, this will be used to pick a name for the agent.

attribute string region

The region that this provider can deploy resources on.

attribute string availability_zone
attribute string? access_key=null

An optional access key that can be given and should be used for authentication. If no access key is given, it tries to resolve it from the environment variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.

attribute string? secret_key=null

An optional secret key that can be given and should be used for authentication. If no secret key is given, it tries to resolve it from the environment variable AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.

attribute bool auto_agent=true

Whether to automatically configure the agent for this provider’s resources.

The following implementations are defined for this entity:

The following implements statements select implementations for this entity:

entity aws_dc::ResourceABC

Parents: std::PurgeableResource, std::ManagedResource

Base entity for all resources the provider can deploy.

relation aws_dc::Provider provider [1]

Relation to the provider that can deploy the resource.


implementation aws_dc::agentConfig
implementation aws_dc::std_hosted_connection_state


aws_dc.validate_aws_state_set(desired: 'list', skipped: 'list', failed: 'list', allstates: 'list')

Validates the correctness of defining: desired, skipped and failed states lists.:

  1. They are disjoint

  2. They union into allstates list

  • desired – “desired” state list

  • skipped – “skipped” state list

  • failed – “failed” state list

  • allstates – All possible states


class aws_dc.HostedConnection

Amazon Hosted Connection

class aws_dc.HostedConnectionState


class aws_dc.HostedConnectionHandler
class aws_dc.HostedConnectionStateHandler