Command Reference

All inmanta commands and services are started by the inmanta command. This page provides an overview of all subcommands available:


usage: inmanta [-h] [-p] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [--config-dir CONFIG_DIR]
               [--log-file LOG_FILE]
               [--log-file-level {0,1,2,3,4,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG,TRACE}]
               [--timed-logs] [-v] [--warnings {warn,ignore,error}] [-X]
               [--version] [--keep-logger-names]

Named Arguments


Profile this run of the program

Default: False

-c, --config

Use this config file


The directory containing the Inmanta configuration files

Default: '/etc/inmanta/inmanta.d'


Path to the logfile


Possible choices: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE

Log level for messages going to the logfile: 0=ERROR, 1=WARNING, 2=INFO, 3=DEBUG

Default: 'INFO'


Add timestamps to logs

Default: False

-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace

Default: 0


Possible choices: warn, ignore, error

The warning behaviour. Must be one of ‘warn’, ‘ignore’, ‘error’

Default: 'warn'

-X, --extended-errors

Show stack traces for errors

Default: False


Show the version of the installed Inmanta product and the version of its subcomponents

Default: False


Display the log messages using the name of the logger that created the log messages.

Default: False



Start the inmanta server

inmanta server [-h] [-v] [--db-wait-time DB_WAIT_TIME]
Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace


Maximum time in seconds the server will wait for the database to be up before starting. A value of 0 means the server will not wait. If set to a negative value, the server will wait indefinitely.


Start the inmanta agent

inmanta agent [-h] [-v]
Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace


Compile the project to a configuration model

inmanta compile [-h] [-v] [-e ENVIRONMENT] [-X] [--server_address SERVER]
                [--server_port PORT] [--username USER] [--password PASSWORD]
                [--ssl] [--ssl-ca-cert CA_CERT] [--export-compile-data]
                [--export-compile-data-file EXPORT_COMPILE_DATA_FILE]
                [--no-cache] [--experimental-data-trace]
                [--experimental-dataflow-graphic] [-f MAIN_FILE]
                [--no-strict-deps-check] [--strict-deps-check]
Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace


The environment to compile this model for

-X, --extended-errors

Show stack traces for compile errors


The address of the server hosting the environment


The port of the server hosting the environment


The username of the server


The password of the server


Enable SSL

Default: False


Certificate authority for SSL


Export structured json containing compile data such as occurred errors.

Default: False


File to export compile data to. If omitted compile_data.json is used.


Disable caching of compiled CF files

Default: True


Experimental data trace tool useful for debugging

Default: False


Experimental graphic data flow visualization

Default: False


Main file

Default: ''


When this option is enabled, only version conflicts in the direct dependencies will result in an error. All other version conflicts will result in a warning. This option is mutually exclusive with the --strict-deps-check option.

Default: False


When this option is enabled, a version conflict in any (transitive) dependency will results in an error. This option is mutually exclusive with the --no-strict-deps-check option.

Default: False


Print out an overview of all commands

inmanta list-commands [-h]


show a help message and exit

inmanta help [-h] [subcommand]
Positional Arguments

Output help for a particular subcommand

modules (module)

Subcommand to manage modules

inmanta modules [-h] [-v] [-m [MODULE]]
Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace

-m, --module

Module to apply this command to


Possible choices: add, list, do, install, status, push, verify, commit, create, freeze, build, v1tov2, release


Add a module dependency to an Inmanta module or project. When executed on a project, the module is installed as well. Either --v1 or --v2 has to be set.

inmanta modules add [-h] [-v] [--v1] [--v2] [--override] module_req
Positional Arguments

The name of the module, optionally with a version constraint.

Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace


Add the given module as a v1 module

Default: False


Add the given module as a V2 module

Default: False


Override the version constraint when the given module dependency already exists.

Default: False


List all modules used in this project in a table

inmanta modules list [-h] [-v]
Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace


Execute a command on all loaded modules

inmanta modules do [-h] [-v] command
Positional Arguments

the command to execute

Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace


The ‘inmanta module install’ command is no longer supported. Instead, use one of the following approaches:

  1. To install a module in editable mode, use ‘pip install -e .’.

  2. For a non-editable installation, first run ‘inmanta module build’ followed by ‘pip install ./dist/<dist-package>’.

inmanta modules install [-h] [-v] [-e] [path]
Positional Arguments

The path to the module.

Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace

-e, --editable

Install in editable mode.

Default: False


Run a git status on all modules and report

inmanta modules status [-h] [-v]
Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace


Run a git push on all modules and report

inmanta modules push [-h] [-v]
Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace


Verify dependencies and frozen module versions

inmanta modules verify [-h] [-v]
Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace


Commit all changes in the current module.

inmanta modules commit [-h] -m MESSAGE [-r] [--major] [--minor] [--patch]
                       [-v VERSION] [-a] [-t] [-n]
Named Arguments
-m, --message

Commit message

-r, --release

make a release

Default: True


make a major release

Default: False


make a major release

Default: False


make a major release

Default: False

-v, --version

Version to use on tag

-a, --all

Use commit -a

Default: False

-t, --tag

Create a tag for the commit.Tags are not created for dev releases by default, if you want to tag it, specify this flag explicitly

Default: False

-n, --no-tag

Don’t create a tag for the commit

Default: False


Create a new module

inmanta modules create [-h] [-v] [--v1] name
Positional Arguments

The name of the module

Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace


Create a v1 module. By default a v2 module is created.

Default: False


Freeze all version numbers in module.yml. This command is only supported on v1 modules. On v2 modules use the pip freeze command instead.

inmanta modules freeze [-h] [-v] [-o OUTFILE] [-r] [--operator {==,~=,>=}]
Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace

-o, --outfile

File in which to put the new module.yml, default is the existing module.yml. Use - to write to stdout.

-r, --recursive

Freeze dependencies recursively. If not set, freeze_recursive option in module.yml is used, which defaults to False


Possible choices: ==, ~=, >=

Comparison operator used to freeze versions, If not set, the freeze_operator option in module.yml is used which defaults to ~=


Build a Python package from a V2 module.

inmanta modules build [-h] [-v] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [--dev] [-b] [path]
Positional Arguments

The path to the module that should be built. By default, the current working directory is used.

Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace

-o, --output-dir

The directory where the Python package will be stored. Default: <module_root>/dist


Perform a development build of the module. This adds the build tag .dev<timestamp> to the package name. The timestamp has the form %Y%m%d%H%M%S.

Default: False

-b, --byte-code

Produce a module wheel that contains only python bytecode for the plugins.

Default: False


Convert a V1 module to a V2 module in place

inmanta modules v1tov2 [-h] [-v]
Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace


When a stable release is done, this command:

  • Does a commit that changes the current version to a stable version.

  • Adds Git release tag.

  • Does a commit that changes the current version to a development version that is one patch increment ahead of the released version.

When a development release is done using the --dev option, this command:

  • Does a commit that updates the current version of the module to a development version that is a patch, minor or major version ahead of the previous stable release. The size of the increment is determined by the --revision, --patch, --minor or --major argument (--patch is the default). When a file is present in the root of the module directory then the version number in the changelog is also updated accordingly. The changelog file is always populated with the associated stable version and not a development version.

inmanta modules release [-h] [-v] [--dev] [--major] [--minor] [--patch]
                        [--revision] [-m MESSAGE] [-c CHANGELOG_MESSAGE] [-a]
Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace


Create a development version. The new version number will have the .dev0 build tag.

Default: False


Do a major version bump compared to the previous stable release.

Default: False


Do a minor version bump compared to the previous stable release.

Default: False


Do a patch version bump compared to the previous stable release.

Default: False


Do a revision version bump compared to the previous stable release (only with 4 digits version).

Default: False

-m, --message

Commit message

-c, --changelog-message

This changelog message will be written to the changelog file. If the -m option is not provided, this message will also be used as the commit message.

-a, --all

Use commit -a

Default: False


Subcommand to manage the project

inmanta project [-h] [-v] {freeze,init,install,update} ...
Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace


Possible choices: freeze, init, install, update


Set all version numbers in project.yml

inmanta project freeze [-h] [-v] [-o OUTFILE] [-r] [--operator {==,~=,>=}]
Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace

-o, --outfile

File in which to put the new project.yml, default is the existing project.yml. Use - to write to stdout.

-r, --recursive

Freeze dependencies recursively. If not set, freeze_recursive option in project.yml is used,which defaults to False


Possible choices: ==, ~=, >=

Comparison operator used to freeze versions, If not set, the freeze_operator option in project.yml is used which defaults to ~=


Initialize directory structure for a project

inmanta project init [-h] [-v] --name NAME [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR]
Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace

--name, -n

The name of the new project

--output-dir, -o

Output directory path

Default: './'


Use default parameters for the project generation

Default: False


Install all modules required for this project.

This command installs missing modules in the development venv, but doesn’t update already installed modules if that’s not required to satisfy the module version constraints. Use inmanta project update instead if the already installed modules need to be updated to the latest compatible version.

This command might reinstall Python packages in the development venv if the currently installed versions are not compatible with the dependencies specified by the different Inmanta modules.

inmanta project install [-h] [-v] [--no-strict-deps-check]
Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace


When this option is enabled, only version conflicts in the direct dependencies will result in an error. All other version conflicts will result in a warning. This option is mutually exclusive with the --strict-deps-check option.

Default: False


When this option is enabled, a version conflict in any (transitive) dependency will results in an error. This option is mutually exclusive with the --no-strict-deps-check option.

Default: False


Update all modules to the latest version compatible with the module version constraints and install missing modules.

This command might reinstall Python packages in the development venv if the currently installed versions are not the latest compatible with the dependencies specified by the updated modules.

inmanta project update [-h] [-v] [--no-strict-deps-check]
Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace


When this option is enabled, only version conflicts in the direct dependencies will result in an error. All other version conflicts will result in a warning. This option is mutually exclusive with the --strict-deps-check option.

Default: False


When this option is enabled, a version conflict in any (transitive) dependency will results in an error. This option is mutually exclusive with the --no-strict-deps-check option.

Default: False


Deploy with a inmanta all-in-one setup

inmanta deploy [-h] [-v] [--dry-run] [-f MAIN_FILE]
Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace


Only report changes

Default: False


Main file

Default: ''


Export the configuration

inmanta export [-h] [-v] [-g] [-j JSON] [-e ENVIRONMENT] [-d] [--full] [-m]
               [--server_address SERVER] [--server_port PORT] [--token TOKEN]
               [--ssl | --no-ssl] [--ssl-ca-cert CA_CERT] [-X] [-f MAIN_FILE]
               [--metadata METADATA] [--model-export]
               [--export-plugin EXPORT_PLUGIN] [--export-compile-data]
               [--export-compile-data-file EXPORT_COMPILE_DATA_FILE]
               [--no-cache] [--partial]
               [--delete-resource-set DELETE_RESOURCE_SET] [--soft-delete]
               [--no-strict-deps-check] [--strict-deps-check]
Named Arguments
-v, --verbose

Log level for messages going to the console. Default is warnings,-v warning, -vv info, -vvv debug and -vvvv trace


Dump the dependency graph

Default: False


Do not submit to the server but only store the json that would have been submitted in the supplied file


The environment to compile this model for


Trigger a deploy for the exported version

Default: False


Make the agents execute a full deploy instead of an incremental deploy. Should be used together with the -d option

Default: False


Also export the complete model

Default: False


The address of the server to submit the model to


The port of the server to submit the model to


The token to auth to the server

--ssl, --no-ssl

Enable SSL


Certificate authority for SSL

-X, --extended-errors

Show stack traces for compile errors


Main file

Default: ''


JSON metadata why this compile happened. If a non-json string is passed it is used as the ‘message’ attribute in the metadata.


Export the configuration model to the server as metadata.

Default: False


Only use this export plugin. This option also disables the execution of the plugins listed in the configuration file in the export setting.


Export structured json containing compile data such as occurred errors.

Default: False


File to export compile data to. If omitted compile_data.json is used.


Disable caching of compiled CF files

Default: True


Execute a partial export. Does not upload new Python code to the server: it is assumed to be unchanged since the last full export. Multiple partial exports for disjunct resource sets may be performed concurrently but not concurrent with a full export. When used in combination with the --json option, 0 is used as a placeholder for the model version.

Default: False


Remove a resource set as part of a partial compile. This option can be provided multiple times and should always be used together with the –partial option. Sets can also be marked for deletion via the INMANTA_REMOVED_SET_ID env variable as a space separated list of set ids to remove.


This flag prevents the deletion of resource sets (marked for deletion via the --delete-resource-set clioption or the INMANTA_REMOVED_SET_ID env variable) that contain resources that are currently being exported.

Default: False


When this option is enabled, only version conflicts in the direct dependencies will result in an error. All other version conflicts will result in a warning. This option is mutually exclusive with the --strict-deps-check option.

Default: False


When this option is enabled, a version conflict in any (transitive) dependency will results in an error. This option is mutually exclusive with the --no-strict-deps-check option.

Default: False


The inmanta-cli command can be used to interact with the inmanta server and agents, including managing projects, environments, parameters and more. The following reference explains the available subcommands.


Base command

inmanta-cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


--host <host>

The server hostname to connect to

--port <port>

The server port to connect to


Subcommand to view the resource action log

inmanta-cli action-log [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

List the resource action log for a specific Resource.

inmanta-cli action-log list [OPTIONS]


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The ID or name of the environment to use

--rvid <rvid>

Required The resource version ID of the resource

--action <action>

Only list this resource action


store | push | pull | deploy | dryrun | getfact | other


Show the log messages for a specific entry in the resource action log.

inmanta-cli action-log show-messages [OPTIONS]


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The ID or name of the environment to use

--rvid <rvid>

Required The resource version ID of the resource

--action-id <action_id>

Required The ID of the resource action record


Subcommand to manage agents

inmanta-cli agent [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

List agents in an environment

inmanta-cli agent list [OPTIONS]


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The environment to use


Pause a specific agent or all agents in a given environment. A paused agent cannot execute deploy operations.

inmanta-cli agent pause [OPTIONS]


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The environment to use

--agent <agent>

The name of the agent to pause.


Pause all agents in the given environment


Unpause a specific agent or all agents in a given environment. A unpaused agent will be able to execute deploy operations.

inmanta-cli agent unpause [OPTIONS]


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The environment to use

--agent <agent>

The name of the agent to unpause.


Unpause all agents in the given environment


Subcommand to manage environments

inmanta-cli environment [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Create a new environment

inmanta-cli environment create [OPTIONS]


-n, --name <name>

Required The name of the new environment. The name should be unique for each project.

-p, --project <project>

Required The id of the project this environment belongs to

-r, --repo-url <repo_url>

The url of the repository that contains the configuration model

-b, --branch <branch>

The branch in the repository that contains the configuration model

-s, --save

Save the ID of the environment and the server to the .inmanta config file


Delete an existing environment

ENVIRONMENT: ID or name of the environment to delete

inmanta-cli environment delete [OPTIONS] ENVIRONMENT



Required argument


List all environments

inmanta-cli environment list [OPTIONS]

Modify an existing environment

ENVIRONMENT: ID or name of the environment to modify

inmanta-cli environment modify [OPTIONS] ENVIRONMENT


-n, --name <name>

Required The name of the new environment

-r, --repo-url <repo_url>

The url of the repository that contains the configuration model

-b, --branch <branch>

The branch in the repository that contains the configuration model



Required argument


Request the server to recompile the model of this environment.

ENVIRONMENT: ID or name of the environment to trigger the recompile for

inmanta-cli environment recompile [OPTIONS] ENVIRONMENT


-u, --update

Update the model and its dependencies before recompiling





Required argument


Save the ID of the environment and the server to the .inmanta config file

ENVIRONMENT: ID or name of the environment to write the config for

inmanta-cli environment save [OPTIONS] ENVIRONMENT



Required argument


Subcommand to manage environment settings

inmanta-cli environment setting [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Delete an environment setting

inmanta-cli environment setting delete [OPTIONS]


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The environment to use

-k, --key <key>

Required The key to delete


Get an environment setting

inmanta-cli environment setting get [OPTIONS]


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The environment to use

-k, --key <key>

Required The key to get


List settings of an environment

inmanta-cli environment setting list [OPTIONS]


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The environment to use


Adjust an environment setting

inmanta-cli environment setting set [OPTIONS]


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The environment to use

-k, --key <key>

Required The key to set

-o, --value <value>

Required The value to set


Show details of an environment

ENVIRONMENT: ID or name of the environment to show

inmanta-cli environment show [OPTIONS] ENVIRONMENT


--format <format_string>

Instead of outputting a table, use the supplied format string. Accepts Python format syntax. Supported fields are ‘id’, ‘name’, ‘project’, ‘repo_url’, ‘repo_branch’



Required argument


Command to execute action on Inmanta lsm

inmanta-cli lsm [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


--host <host>

The server hostname to connect to

--port <port>

The server port to connect to


Subcommand to manage resources

inmanta-cli lsm resources [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

List resources associated with a service instance

inmanta-cli lsm resources list [OPTIONS]


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The environment to use

-s, --service-entity <service_entity>

Required The name of the entity the instance belongs to

-i, --instance <instance>

Required The instance id

-v, --version <version>

Required Current version of the instance


Subcommand to manage service entities

inmanta-cli lsm service-entities [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

List all entities

inmanta-cli lsm service-entities list [OPTIONS]


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The environment to use


Subcommand to manage service instances

inmanta-cli lsm service-instances [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

List all instances of an entity

inmanta-cli lsm service-instances list [OPTIONS]


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The environment to use

-s, --service-entity <service_entity>

Required The name of the entity to list instances of


Monitor the deployment process of the configuration model in an environment, receiving continuous updates on the deployment status

inmanta-cli monitor [OPTIONS]


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The environment to use


Subcommand to manage parameters

inmanta-cli param [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Get a parameter from an environment

inmanta-cli param get [OPTIONS]


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The environment to use

--name <name>

Required The name of the parameter

--resource <resource>

The resource id of the parameter


List parameters in an environment

inmanta-cli param list [OPTIONS]


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The environment to use


Set a parameter in an environment

inmanta-cli param set [OPTIONS]


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The environment to use

--name <name>

Required The name of the parameter

--value <value>

Required The value of the parameter


Subcommand to manage projects

inmanta-cli project [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Create a new project on the server

inmanta-cli project create [OPTIONS]


-n, --name <name>

Required The name of the new project


Delete an existing project.

PROJECT: The id or name of the project to delete

inmanta-cli project delete [OPTIONS] PROJECT



Required argument


List all projects

inmanta-cli project list [OPTIONS]

Modify an existing project.

PROJECT: The id or name of the project to modify

inmanta-cli project modify [OPTIONS] PROJECT


-n, --name <name>

Required The new name of the project



Required argument


Show the details of a single project

PROJECT: The id or name of the project to show

inmanta-cli project show [OPTIONS] PROJECT



Required argument


Subcommand to manage access tokens

inmanta-cli token [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Generate a bootstrap token that provides access to everything. This token is only valid for 3600 seconds.

inmanta-cli token bootstrap [OPTIONS]

Create a new token for an environment for the specified client types

inmanta-cli token create [OPTIONS]


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The environment to use.


Add client_type api to the token.


Add client_type compiler to the token.


Add client_type agent to the token.


Subcommand to manage versions

inmanta-cli version [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

List versions in an environment

inmanta-cli version list [OPTIONS]


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The environment to use


Release the specified version of the configuration model for deployment.

VERSION: Version of the model to release

inmanta-cli version release [OPTIONS] VERSION


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The environment to use

-p, --push

Push the version to the deployment agents


Make the agents execute a full deploy instead of an incremental deploy. Should be used together with the –push option



Required argument


Get a report about a version, describing the involved resources, agents and actions

inmanta-cli version report [OPTIONS]


-e, --environment <environment>

Required The environment to use

-i, --version <version>

Required The version to create a report from


Show a detailed version of the report