mitogen base module

This module isn’t an adapter, it serves as a base for many other modules which need to interact with remote hosts. It uses the mitogen library to easily setup a python environment on any remote host and execute the requested code on them.

Environment variables

The behavior of the module can be influenced by setting some environment variables.

Env var name

Default value




When executing any function on a remote host, the mitogen Proxy helper will log the arguments and returned values in resource actions. To avoid filling up these logs too easily, we set a limit on the amount of characters that the representation of each of these values can take in the log. This environment variable allows to configure this maximum value. When a value exceeds this length, it is truncated and a truncated suffix is added to it.



If a logged value is truncated because it is too long to be logged completely (cf. INMANTA_MITOGEN_LOGGED_VALUE_MAX_LEN env var), a suffix is added to it, this option allows to change the content of that suffix.


  1. inmanta_plugins.mitogen.PythonNotFoundError: This exception is raised when the python interpreter provided to mitogen can not be found on the host where mitogen is instantiating a context. The path of this python interpreter can be provided in two ways:

    • If you are constructing the mitogen::Context entities in the model, you can change the value of the python_path attribute of your entity to match a python path that exists on the host.

    • If you are using the implicit context that comes with the std::Host entity (that the resource attaches itself to using the host relation), then you can update the python_cmd attribute of the std::OS entity attached to that host, as it will be what determines the python path.

    Knowing which python path to use is not always straightforward. The mitogen module always expects a python3.9+ binary, which on most linux distributions can be found using python3 as a python path. Here is a list of distributions which will require you to use a different path:



    RHEL/Rocky/Alma 8
