Inmanta Service Orchestrator Documentation

Welcome to the Inmanta Service Orchestrator documentation!

Inmanta empowers telecom operators and service providers to speed up service delivery and reduce the total cost of ownership through efficient, end-to-end automation. No longer is automation limited to silos and vendor-specific solutions – you can now integrate with various domains and best-in-class components from any vendor.

Inmanta Service Orchestrator is an automation and orchestration tool to efficiently deploy and manage your end-to-end services across physical and virtual domains and multi-vendor environments. Inmanta’s open and extensible micro-services architecture combined with powerful, intent-based service modelling provides the flexibility and efficiency to rapidly create, customize and roll-out new services, while eliminating costly operational errors.

The key characteristics of Inmanta Service Orchestrator are:

  • End-to-end: Inmanta Service Orchestrator ensures end-to-end consistency, higher flexibility and a shorter time to cash by enabling end-to-end automation of all service delivery aspects:

    • Multi-domain: designed to interact across physical and virtual domains, such as WAN, edge, access network, NFV, cloud, containers, and datacenter.

    • Holistic: A single, unifying automation solution, providing service orchestration, network orchestration, NFV orchestration (NFVO), as well as generic VNF management (gVNFM), cloud orchestration and configuration management. No other automation tools required.

    • Full lifecyle: Manage advanced service lifecycle, covering creation, on-boarding, provisioning, modification, scaling, upgrading and decommissioning.

  • Intent-based programmability: Inmanta optimizes service development and maintenance for telecom operators and service providers through its unifying, model-driven methodology for intent-based orchestration.

    • Inmanta’s powerful domain-specific language (DSL) simplifies service creation and management, and is based on infrastructure as code (IaC) principles to provide a unified way to automate multi-domain and multi-vendor services. The embedded DSL enables the development of modular building blocks that make abstraction of low-level details, enabling re-usability across use cases.

    • Inmanta’s intent-based programmability provides out-of-the-box self-healing, safe roll-back, detailed dry run and seamless service upgrades for enhanced stability and resilience.

  • Vendor agnostic: Inmanta Service Orchestrator is truly open and vendor agnostic for all network layers, domains and OSS/BSS. Service providers can integrate with 3rd party solutions as well as a wide range of open-source technologies to build a best-in-class, all-encompassing solution.

    • Interoperability through pluggable adapters and open APIs

    • API-ification of orchestrated services to easily plug services into the OSS/BSS environment

    • Support for brownfield environments by fine-grained roll-out

The Inmanta Service Orchestrator product is based on mature technology backed by 15+ years of research and interaction with companies offering telecom and cloud services.