Source code for inmanta.plugins

    Copyright 2017 Inmanta

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.


import asyncio
import inspect
import numbers
import os
import subprocess
import typing
import warnings
from collections import abc
from import Mapping, Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Literal, Optional, Type, TypeVar

import typing_inspect

import inmanta.ast.type as inmanta_type
from inmanta import const, protocol, util
from inmanta.ast import (
from inmanta.ast.type import NamedType
from inmanta.config import Config
from inmanta.execute.proxy import DynamicProxy
from inmanta.execute.runtime import QueueScheduler, Resolver, ResultVariable
from inmanta.execute.util import NoneValue, Unknown
from inmanta.stable_api import stable_api
from inmanta.warnings import InmantaWarning

T = TypeVar("T")
T_FUNC = TypeVar("T_FUNC", bound=Callable[..., object])

    from inmanta.ast.statements import DynamicStatement
    from import FunctionCall
    from inmanta.compiler import Compiler

class PluginDeprecationWarning(InmantaWarning):

[docs] @stable_api class Context: """ An instance of this class is used to pass context to the plugin """ __client: Optional["protocol.Client"] = None __sync_client = None @classmethod def __get_client(cls) -> "protocol.Client": if cls.__client is None: cls.__client = protocol.Client("compiler") return cls.__client def __init__( self, resolver: Resolver, queue: QueueScheduler, owner: "FunctionCall", plugin: "Plugin", result: ResultVariable ) -> None: self.resolver = resolver self.queue = queue self.owner = owner self.plugin = plugin self.result = result self.compiler = queue.get_compiler()
[docs] def get_resolver(self) -> Resolver: return self.resolver
[docs] def get_type(self, name: LocatableString) -> inmanta_type.Type: """ Get a type from the configuration model. """ try: return self.queue.get_types()[str(name)] except KeyError: raise TypeNotFoundException(name, self.owner.namespace)
[docs] def get_queue_scheduler(self) -> QueueScheduler: return self.queue
[docs] def get_environment_id(self) -> str: env = str(Config.get("config", "environment", None)) if env is None: raise Exception("The environment of the model should be configured in config>environment") return env
[docs] def get_compiler(self) -> "Compiler": return self.queue.get_compiler()
[docs] def get_data_dir(self) -> str: """ Get the path to the data dir (and create if it does not exist yet """ data_dir = os.path.join("data", self.plugin.namespace.get_full_name()) if not os.path.exists(data_dir): os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True) return data_dir
[docs] def get_client(self) -> "protocol.Client": return self.__class__.__get_client()
[docs] def get_sync_client(self) -> "protocol.SyncClient": if self.__class__.__sync_client is None: self.__class__.__sync_client = protocol.SyncClient("compiler") return self.__class__.__sync_client
[docs] def run_sync(self, function: Callable[[], abc.Awaitable[T]], timeout: int = 5) -> T: """ Execute the async function and return its result. This method uses this thread's current (not running) event loop if there is one, otherwise it creates a new one. The main use for this function is to use the inmanta internal rpc to communicate with the server. :param function: The async function to execute. This function should return a yieldable object. :param timeout: A timeout for the async function. :return: The result of the async call. :raises ConnectionRefusedError: When the function timeouts this exception is raised. """ with_timeout: abc.Awaitable[T] = asyncio.wait_for(function(), timeout) try: return util.ensure_event_loop().run_until_complete(with_timeout) except TimeoutError: raise ConnectionRefusedError()
[docs] @stable_api class PluginMeta(type): """ A metaclass that keeps track of concrete plugin subclasses. This class is responsible for all plugin registration. """ def __new__(cls, name: str, bases: tuple[type, ...], dct: dict[str, object]) -> type: subclass = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct) if hasattr(subclass, "__function_name__"): cls.add_function(subclass) return subclass __functions: dict[str, type["Plugin"]] = {}
[docs] @classmethod def add_function(cls, plugin_class: type["Plugin"]) -> None: """ Add a function plugin class """ cls.__functions[plugin_class.__fq_plugin_name__] = plugin_class
[docs] @classmethod def get_functions(cls) -> dict[str, "Type[Plugin]"]: """ Get all functions that are registered """ return dict(cls.__functions)
[docs] @classmethod def clear(cls, inmanta_module: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Clears registered plugin functions. :param inmanta_module: Clear plugin functions for a specific inmanta module. If omitted, clears all registered plugin functions. """ if inmanta_module is not None: top_level: str = f"{const.PLUGINS_PACKAGE}.{inmanta_module}" cls.__functions = { fq_name: plugin_class for fq_name, plugin_class in cls.__functions.items() if plugin_class.__module__ != top_level and not plugin_class.__module__.startswith(f"{top_level}.") } else: cls.__functions = {}
class Null(inmanta_type.Type): """ This custom type is used for the validation of plugins which only accept null as an argument or return value. """ def validate(self, value: Optional[object]) -> bool: if isinstance(value, NoneValue): return True raise RuntimeException(None, f"Invalid value '{value}', expected {self.type_string()}") def type_string(self) -> str: return "null" def type_string_internal(self) -> str: return self.type_string() def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return type(self) == type(other) # noqa: E721 # Define some types which are used in the context of plugins. PLUGIN_TYPES = { "any": inmanta_type.Type(), # Any value will pass validation "expression": inmanta_type.Type(), # Any value will pass validation "null": Null(), # Only NoneValue will pass validation None: Null(), # Only NoneValue will pass validation } python_to_model = { str: inmanta_type.String(), float: inmanta_type.Float(), numbers.Number: inmanta_type.Number(), int: inmanta_type.Integer(), bool: inmanta_type.Bool(), dict: inmanta_type.TypedDict(inmanta_type.Type()), typing.Mapping: inmanta_type.TypedDict(inmanta_type.Type()), Mapping: inmanta_type.TypedDict(inmanta_type.Type()), list: inmanta_type.List(), typing.Sequence: inmanta_type.List(), Sequence: inmanta_type.List(), object: inmanta_type.Type(), } def to_dsl_type(python_type: type[object]) -> inmanta_type.Type: """ Convert a python type annotation to an Inmanta DSL type annotation. :param python_type: The evaluated python type as provided in the Python type annotation. """ # Any to any if python_type is typing.Any: return inmanta_type.Type() # None to None if python_type is type(None) or python_type is None: return Null() # Unions and optionals if typing_inspect.is_union_type(python_type): # Optional type if typing_inspect.is_optional_type(python_type): other_types = [tt for tt in typing.get_args(python_type) if not typing_inspect.is_optional_type(tt)] if len(other_types) == 0: # Probably not possible return Null() if len(other_types) == 1: return inmanta_type.NullableType(to_dsl_type(other_types[0])) # TODO: optional unions return inmanta_type.Type() else: # TODO: unions return inmanta_type.Type() # bases: Sequence[inmanta.ast.type.Type] = [to_dsl_type(arg) for arg in typing.get_args(python_type)] # return inmanta.ast.type.Union(bases) # Lists and dicts if typing_inspect.is_generic_type(python_type): origin = typing.get_origin(python_type) # dict if issubclass(origin, Mapping): if origin in [, dict, typing.Mapping]: args = typing_inspect.get_args(python_type) if not args: return inmanta_type.TypedDict(inmanta_type.Type()) if not issubclass(args[0], str): raise TypingException( None, f"invalid type {python_type}, the keys of any dict should be 'str', got {args[0]} instead" ) if len(args) == 1: return inmanta_type.TypedDict(inmanta_type.Type()) return inmanta_type.TypedDict(to_dsl_type(args[1])) else: raise TypingException(None, f"invalid type {python_type}, dictionary types should be Mapping or dict") # List if issubclass(origin, Sequence): if origin in [, list, typing.Sequence]: args = typing.get_args(python_type) if not args: return inmanta_type.List() return inmanta_type.TypedList(to_dsl_type(args[0])) else: raise TypingException(None, f"invalid type {python_type}, list types should be Sequence or list") # Set if issubclass(origin, raise TypingException(None, f"invalid type {python_type}, set is not supported on the plugin boundary") # TODO annotated types # if typing.get_origin(t) is typing.Annotated: # args: Sequence[object] = typing.get_args(python_type) # inmanta_types: Sequence[plugin_typing.InmantaType] = # [arg if isinstance(arg, plugin_typing.InmantaType) for arg in args] # if inmanta_types: # if len(inmanta_types) > 1: # # TODO # raise Exception() # # TODO # return parse_dsl_type(inmanta_types[0].dsl_type) # # the annotation doesn't concern us => use base type # return to_dsl_type(args[0]) if python_type in python_to_model: return python_to_model[python_type] return inmanta_type.Type() class PluginValue: """ Base class for all values that go in and out of a plugin: arguments and return value. The class has two class attributes that should be set in the different subclasses: :attr VALUE_TYPE: The type of io value it is, argument or return value :attr VALUE_NAME: The name of the io value, the argument name or "return value" These attributes are only used for better error reporting. """ VALUE_TYPE: str = "" VALUE_NAME: str = "" def __init__(self, type_expression: object) -> None: self.type_expression = type_expression self._resolved_type: Optional[inmanta_type.Type] = None @property def resolved_type(self) -> inmanta_type.Type: """ Get the resolved type of this plugin io. The resolved type can only be accessed once this object has been normalized (which happens during the plugin normalization). """ if self._resolved_type is None: raise RuntimeException( stmt=None, msg=f"{type(self).__name__} {self.VALUE_NAME} ({repr(self.type_expression)}) has not been normalized, " "its resolved type can't be accessed.", ) return self._resolved_type def resolve_type(self, plugin: "Plugin", resolver: Namespace) -> inmanta_type.Type: """ Convert the string representation of this argument's type to a type. If no type annotation is present or if the type annotation allows any type to be passed as argument, then None is returned. :param plugin: The plugin that this argument is part of. :param resolver: The namespace that can be used to resolve the type annotation of this argument. """ if self.type_expression in PLUGIN_TYPES: self._resolved_type = PLUGIN_TYPES[self.type_expression] return self._resolved_type if not isinstance(self.type_expression, str): if isinstance(self.type_expression, type) or typing.get_origin(self.type_expression) is not None: self._resolved_type = to_dsl_type(self.type_expression) else: raise RuntimeException( stmt=None, msg="Bad annotation in plugin %s for %s, expected str or python type but got %s (%s)" % (plugin.get_full_name(), self.VALUE_NAME, type(self.type_expression).__name__, self.type_expression), ) else: plugin_line: Range = Range(plugin.location.file, plugin.location.lnr, 1, plugin.location.lnr + 1, 1) locatable_type: LocatableString = LocatableString(self.type_expression, plugin_line, 0, resolver) self._resolved_type = inmanta_type.resolve_type(locatable_type, resolver) return self._resolved_type def validate(self, value: object) -> bool: """ Validate that the given value can be passed to this argument. Returns True if the value is known and valid, False if the value is unknown, and raises a ValueError is the value is not of the expected type. :param value: The value to validate """ if isinstance(value, Unknown): # Value is not known, it can not be validated return False # Validate the value, use custom validate method of the type if it exists return self.resolved_type.validate(value) class PluginArgument(PluginValue): """ Represents the argument of an Inmanta plugin. """ VALUE_TYPE = "argument value" # Marker used to indicate that a plugin argument has no default value. NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_SET = object() def __init__( self, arg_name: str, arg_type: object, arg_position: Optional[int] = None, default_value: object = NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_SET, ) -> None: super().__init__(arg_type) self.arg_name = arg_name self.arg_type = self.type_expression self.arg_position = arg_position self.is_kw_only_argument = arg_position is None self._default_value = default_value self.VALUE_NAME = self.arg_name @property def default_value(self) -> Optional[object]: if not self.has_default_value(): raise Exception("PluginArgument doesn't have a default value") return self._default_value def has_default_value(self) -> bool: """ Return True iff this plugin argument has a default value set. """ return self._default_value is not self.NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_SET def __str__(self) -> str: if self.has_default_value(): return "%s: %s = %s" % (self.arg_name, repr(self.arg_type), str(self.default_value)) else: return "%s: %s" % (self.arg_name, repr(self.arg_type)) class PluginReturn(PluginValue): """ Represent the return type of an Inmanta plugin. """ VALUE_TYPE = "returned value" VALUE_NAME = "return value" class Plugin(NamedType, WithComment, metaclass=PluginMeta): """ This class models a plugin that can be called from the language. """ deprecated: bool = False replaced_by: Optional[str] = None def __init__(self, namespace: Namespace) -> None: self.ns = namespace self.namespace = namespace # The index of the Context attribute. self._context: int = -1 # Load the signature and build all the PluginArgument objects corresponding to it self.args: list[PluginArgument] = list() self.var_args: Optional[PluginArgument] = None self.kwargs: dict[str, PluginArgument] = dict() self.var_kwargs: Optional[PluginArgument] = None self.all_args: dict[str, PluginArgument] = dict() self.return_type: PluginReturn = PluginReturn("null") if hasattr(self.__class__, "__function__"): self._load_signature(self.__class__.__function__) self.new_statement = None filename: Optional[str] = inspect.getsourcefile(self.__class__.__function__) assert filename is not None try: line: int = inspect.getsourcelines(self.__class__.__function__)[1] + 1 except OSError: # In case of bytecompiled code there is no source line line = 1 if self.__class__.__function__.__doc__: self.comment = self.__class__.__function__.__doc__ self.location = Location(filename, line) def normalize(self) -> None: self.resolver = self.namespace # Resolve all the types that we expect to receive as input of our plugin for arg in self.all_args.values(): arg.resolve_type(self, self.resolver) if self.var_args is not None: self.var_args.resolve_type(self, self.resolver) if self.var_kwargs is not None: self.var_kwargs.resolve_type(self, self.resolver) self.return_type.resolve_type(self, self.resolver) def _load_signature(self, function: Callable[..., object]) -> None: """ Load the signature from the given python function, and update the relevant attributes of this object. """ # Reset relevant object attributes self.args = list() self.var_args = None self.kwargs = dict() self.var_kwargs = None self.all_args = dict() # Inspect the function to get its arguments and annotations arg_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(function) # Load the return annotation. If not return annotation is provided, the returned # type is "any". if "return" not in arg_spec.annotations: self.return_type = PluginReturn("any") else: self.return_type = PluginReturn(arg_spec.annotations["return"]) def get_annotation(arg: str) -> object: """ Get the annotation for a specific argument, and if none exists, raise an exception """ if arg not in arg_spec.annotations: raise RuntimeException( stmt=None, msg=f"All arguments of plugin {repr(self.get_full_name())} should be annotated: " f"{repr(arg)} has no annotation", ) return arg_spec.annotations[arg] if arg_spec.varargs is not None: # We have a catch-all positional arguments self.var_args = PluginArgument( arg_name=arg_spec.varargs, arg_type=get_annotation(arg_spec.varargs), ) if arg_spec.varkw is not None: # We have a catch-all keyword arguments self.var_kwargs = PluginArgument( arg_name=arg_spec.varkw, arg_type=get_annotation(arg_spec.varkw), ) # Save all positional arguments defaults_start_at = len(arg_spec.args) - len(arg_spec.defaults or []) for position, arg in enumerate(arg_spec.args): annotation = get_annotation(arg) if annotation == Context: self._context = position continue # Resolve the default before changing the position because # of the context presence, as the defaults list definitely # takes into account the context presence. default = ( arg_spec.defaults[position - defaults_start_at] if position >= defaults_start_at else PluginArgument.NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_SET ) if self._context != -1: # If we have a context argument, the position index # needs to be adapted as this context object can never be passed # from the model. position -= 1 argument = PluginArgument( arg_name=arg, arg_type=annotation, arg_position=position, default_value=default, ) # This is a positional argument, we register it now self.args.append(argument) self.all_args[arg] = argument # Save all key-word arguments for arg in arg_spec.kwonlyargs: argument = PluginArgument( arg_name=arg, arg_type=get_annotation(arg), default_value=( arg_spec.kwonlydefaults[arg] if arg_spec.kwonlydefaults is not None and arg in arg_spec.kwonlydefaults else PluginArgument.NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_SET ), ) self.kwargs[arg] = argument self.all_args[arg] = argument def get_signature(self) -> str: """ Generate the signature of this plugin. The signature is a string representing the the function as it can be called as a plugin in the model. """ # Start the list with all positional arguments arg_list = [str(arg) for arg in self.args] # Filter all positional arguments out of the kwargs list kwargs = [str(arg) for _, arg in self.kwargs.items() if arg.is_kw_only_argument] if self.var_args is not None: arg_list.append("*" + str(self.var_args)) elif kwargs: # For keyword only arguments, we need a marker if we don't have a catch-all # positional argument arg_list.append("*") # Add all keyword-only arguments to the list arg_list.extend(kwargs) if self.var_kwargs is not None: arg_list.append("**" + str(self.var_kwargs)) # Join all arguments, separated by a comma args_string = ", ".join(arg_list) if self.return_type.type_expression is None: return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__function_name__, args_string) return "%s(%s) -> %s" % (self.__class__.__function_name__, args_string, repr(self.return_type.type_expression)) def get_arg(self, position: int) -> PluginArgument: """ Get the argument at a given position, raise a RuntimeException if it doesn't exists.. If a catch-all positional argument is defined, it will never raise a RuntimeException. :param position: The position of the argument (excluding any Context argument) """ if position < len(self.args): return self.args[position] elif self.var_args is not None: return self.var_args else: raise RuntimeException(None, f"{self.get_full_name()}() got an unexpected positional argument: {position}") def get_kwarg(self, name: str) -> PluginArgument: """ Get the argument with a given name, raise a RuntimeException if it doesn't exists. If a catch-all keyword argument is defined, it will never raise a RuntimeException. We currently don't support positional-only parameters, so we can simply look for any parameter named this way, positional or not. :param name: The name of the argument """ if name in self.all_args: return self.all_args[name] elif self.var_kwargs is not None: return self.var_kwargs else: # Trying to provide a keyword argument which doesn't exist # The exception raised here tries to match as closely as possible what python # would have raised as exception raise RuntimeException(None, f"{self.get_full_name()}() got an unexpected keyword argument: '{name}'") def report_missing_arguments( self, missing_args:[str], args_sort: Literal["positional", "keyword-only"] ) -> None: """ Helper method to raise an exception specifying that the given arguments are missing. We try here to stick as much as possible to the error that python would have raised, only changing its type. The type of the exception raised is RuntimeException. If the list of missing_args is empty, we don't report any exception. :param missing_args: The missing arguments we should report :param args_sort: The sort of argument we are checking (positional or kw) """ func = self.get_full_name() if len(missing_args) == 1: # The exception raised here tries to match as closely as possible what python # would have raised as exception raise RuntimeException(None, f"{func}() missing 1 required {args_sort} argument: '{missing_args[0]}'") if len(missing_args) > 1: arg_names = " and ".join( ( ", ".join(repr(arg) for arg in missing_args[:-1]), repr(missing_args[-1]), ) ) # The exception raised here tries to match as closely as possible what python # would have raised as exception raise RuntimeException(None, f"{func}() missing {len(missing_args)} required {args_sort} arguments: {arg_names}") def check_args(self, args: Sequence[object], kwargs: Mapping[str, object]) -> bool: """ Check if the arguments of the call match the function signature. 1. Check if we have too many arguments 2. Check if we have too few arguments 3. Check if we have any duplicate arguments (provided as positional and keyword) 4. Validate the type of each of the provided arguments :param args: All the positional arguments to pass on to the plugin function :param kwargs: All the keyword arguments to pass on to the plugin function """ if self.var_args is None and len(args) > len(self.args): # (1) We got too many positional arguments # The exception raised here tries to match as closely as possible what python # would have raised as exception raise RuntimeException( None, f"{self.get_full_name()}() takes {len(self.args)} positional arguments but {len(args)} were given" ) # (2) Check that all positional arguments without a default are provided missing_positional_arguments = [ arg.arg_name for position, arg in enumerate(self.args) if ( position >= len(args) # No input from user in positional args and arg.arg_name not in kwargs # No input from user in keyword args and not arg.has_default_value() # No default value in plugin definition ) ] self.report_missing_arguments(missing_positional_arguments, "positional") # (2) Check that all keyword arguments without a default are provided missing_keyword_arguments = [ name for name, arg in self.kwargs.items() if ( arg.is_kw_only_argument # The argument was not yet checked as positional arg and name not in kwargs # No input from user in keyword args and not arg.has_default_value() # No default value in plugin definition ) ] self.report_missing_arguments(missing_keyword_arguments, "keyword-only") # Validate all positional arguments for position, value in enumerate(args): # (1) Get the corresponding argument, fails if we don't have one arg = self.get_arg(position) # (4) Validate the input value if not arg.validate(value): return False # Validate all kw arguments for name, value in kwargs.items(): # (1) Get the corresponding kwarg, fails if we don't have one kwarg = self.get_kwarg(name) # (3) Make sure that our argument is not provided twice if kwarg.arg_position is not None and kwarg.arg_position < len(args): # The exception raised here tries to match as closely as possible what python # would have raised as exception raise RuntimeException(None, f"{self.get_full_name()}() got multiple values for argument '{name}'") # (4) Validate the input value if not kwarg.validate(value): return False return True def emit_statement(self) -> "DynamicStatement": """ This method is called to determine if the plugin call pushes a new statement """ return self.new_statement def is_accept_unknowns(self) -> bool: return self.opts["allow_unknown"] def check_requirements(self) -> None: """ Check if the plug-in has all it requires """ if "bin" in self.opts and self.opts["bin"] is not None: for _bin in self.opts["bin"]: p = subprocess.Popen(["bash", "-c", "type -p %s" % _bin], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) result = p.communicate() if len(result[0]) == 0: raise Exception(f"{self.__function_name__} requires {_bin} to be available in $PATH") @classmethod def deprecate_function(cls, replaced_by: Optional[str] = None) -> None: cls.deprecated = True cls.replaced_by = replaced_by def __call__(self, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> object: """ The function call itself """ if self.deprecated: msg: str = f"Plugin '{self.get_full_name()}' is deprecated." if self.replaced_by: msg += f" It should be replaced by '{self.replaced_by}'." warnings.warn(PluginDeprecationWarning(msg)) self.check_requirements() def new_arg(arg: object) -> object: if isinstance(arg, Context): return arg elif isinstance(arg, Unknown) and self.is_accept_unknowns(): return arg else: return DynamicProxy.return_value(arg) new_args = [new_arg(arg) for arg in args] new_kwargs = {k: new_arg(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()} value =*new_args, **new_kwargs) value = DynamicProxy.unwrap(value) # Validate the returned value self.return_type.validate(value) return value def get_full_name(self) -> str: return f"{self.ns.get_full_name()}::{self.__class__.__function_name__}" def type_string(self) -> str: return self.get_full_name()
[docs] @stable_api class PluginException(Exception): """ Base class for custom exceptions raised from a plugin. """ def __init__(self, message: str) -> None: self.message = message
@typing.overload def plugin( function: str | None = None, commands: Optional[list[str]] = None, emits_statements: bool = False, allow_unknown: bool = False, ) -> Callable[[T_FUNC], T_FUNC]: ... @typing.overload def plugin( function: T_FUNC, commands: Optional[list[str]] = None, emits_statements: bool = False, allow_unknown: bool = False, ) -> T_FUNC: ...
[docs] @stable_api def plugin( function: T_FUNC | str | None = None, commands: Optional[list[str]] = None, emits_statements: bool = False, allow_unknown: bool = False, ) -> T_FUNC | Callable[[T_FUNC], T_FUNC]: """ Python decorator to register functions with inmanta as plugin :param function: The function to register with inmanta. This is the first argument when it is used as decorator. :param commands: A list of command paths that need to be available. Inmanta raises an exception when the command is not available. :param emits_statements: Set to true if this plugin emits new statements that the compiler should execute. This is only required for complex plugins such as integrating a template engine. :param allow_unknown: Set to true if this plugin accepts Unknown values as valid input. """ def curry_name( name: Optional[str] = None, commands: Optional[list[str]] = None, emits_statements: bool = False, allow_unknown: bool = False, ) -> Callable[[T_FUNC], T_FUNC]: """ Function to curry the name of the function """ def call(fnc: T_FUNC) -> T_FUNC: """ Create class to register the function and return the function itself """ def wrapper(self, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> Any: """ Python will bind the function as method into the class """ return fnc(*args, **kwargs) nonlocal name, commands, emits_statements if name is None: name = fnc.__name__ ns_parts = str(fnc.__module__).split(".") ns_parts.append(name) if ns_parts[0] != const.PLUGINS_PACKAGE: raise Exception("All plugin modules should be loaded in the %s package" % const.PLUGINS_PACKAGE) fq_plugin_name = "::".join(ns_parts[1:]) dictionary: dict[str, object] = {} dictionary["__module__"] = fnc.__module__ dictionary["__function_name__"] = name dictionary["__fq_plugin_name__"] = fq_plugin_name dictionary["opts"] = {"bin": commands, "emits_statements": emits_statements, "allow_unknown": allow_unknown} dictionary["call"] = wrapper dictionary["__function__"] = fnc bases = (Plugin,) fnc.__plugin__ = PluginMeta.__new__(PluginMeta, name, bases, dictionary) # type: ignore[attr-defined] return fnc return call if function is None: return curry_name(commands=commands, emits_statements=emits_statements, allow_unknown=allow_unknown) elif isinstance(function, str): return curry_name(function, commands=commands, emits_statements=emits_statements, allow_unknown=allow_unknown) elif function is not None: fnc = curry_name(commands=commands, emits_statements=emits_statements, allow_unknown=allow_unknown) return fnc(function)
@stable_api def deprecated( function: Optional[Callable] = None, *, replaced_by: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: abc.Mapping[str, object] ) -> Callable: """ the kwargs are currently ignored but where added in case we want to add something later on. """ def inner(fnc: Callable): if hasattr(fnc, "__plugin__"): fnc.__plugin__.deprecate_function(replaced_by) else: raise Exception( f"Can not deprecate '{fnc.__name__}': The '@deprecated' decorator should be used in combination with the " f"'@plugin' decorator and should be placed at the top." ) return fnc if function is not None: return inner(function) return inner