On Disk Layout

The server stores
  • all data below the state directory, as configured by config.state-dir, which defaults to /var/lib/inmanta

  • all logs below the log directory, as configured by config.log-dir, which defaults to /var/log/inmanta

   ├─ server/
       ├─ .inmanta_disk_layout_version   # version of the disk layout
       ├─ env_uuid_1/                    # uuid for this environment
       │   ├─ executors/                 # storage for all executors
       │   │   ├─ venvs/                 # python virtual envs for all executors
       │   │   │  ├─ venv_blueprint_hash_1/
       │   │   │  ├─ venv_blueprint_hash_2/
       │   │   │  ├─ ...
       │   │   ├─ code/                  # Handler code for all executors
       │   │      ├─ executor_blueprint_hash_1/
       │   │      ├─ executor_blueprint_hash_2/
       │   │      ├─ ...
       │   ├─ scheduler.cfg              # Configuration for the scheduler for this environment
       │   ├─ compiler/                  # Folder for the compiler, containing a checkout of the project for this environment
       │   │  ├─ .env                    # symlink to .env-py3.12, updated by the server when required
       │   │  ├─ .env-py3.12             # Virtual env for the compiler to use, with python version
       ├─ env_uuid_2/
       │   ├─ ( ... )
   ├─ server.log                         # server main log file
   ├─ resource-actions-env_uuid_1.log    # deploy audit log for environment env_uuid_1, also available via API
   ├─ callback.log                       # log of all http callbacks performed by lsm
   ├─ agent-env_uuid_1.log               # scheduler log for environment env_uuid_1
   ├─ agent-env_uuid_1.out               # stdout for scheduler for environment env_uuid_1, expected to be empty
   ├─ agent-env_uuid_1.err               # stderr for scheduler for environment env_uuid_1, expected to be empty

Cleanup and usage policy

Most of these files can be safely removed and they will be re-constructed when needed.

In detail, the creation and cleanup policy for every file:


Safe to remove when


Automatic cleanup



At server start


When environment is cleared or deleted


Server is down or environment is halted

At environment or server start


Server is down or environment is halted

When used

controlled by agent.executor-venv-retention-time


Server is down or environment is halted

When used


Server is down or environment is halted

When used


When not compiling

When performing a recompile


When not compiling

When performing a recompile


When no longer targeted by .env

When performing a recompile