The inmanta standard library.

How to run the tests in docker

Some of the tests run against systemd, which testing against on developers own systems would not be ideal. Instead this module has a docker file to run the tests in, so that they are nice and isolated:

docker build . -t test-module-std
docker run -d --rm --privileged -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro --name std-tests test-module-std
docker exec std-tests env/bin/pytest tests -v

Stopping the container (docker stop std-tests) will also clean up the volumes.

Using pytest to set up the container

It is also possible to set up the container and run the tests in it via pytest. This is controlled by the INMANTA_TEST_INFRA_SETUP environment variable. When it’s set to true, the container is started, and torn down automatically after the tests. In this case, the test driver (which is the test case in is the only one executed outside the container, while the rest of the test cases are executed inside the container. The test results can be found in the junit_docker.xml file (outside the container).

The python version used to run the tests determines which dockerfile is used:

  • Python 3.6: Use the centos7.Dockerfile dockerfile

  • Python 3.9: Use the rocky8.Dockerfile dockerfile

Other python version are not supported at the moment with INMANTA_TEST_INFRA_SETUP=True.

The cleanup behavior can be changed by the INMANTA_NO_CLEAN environment variable, when set to true, the container is not stopped after the tests.