Source code for inmanta.export

    Copyright 2017 Inmanta

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.


import argparse
import base64
import logging
import time
import uuid
from import Sequence
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Union

import pydantic

from inmanta import const, loader, protocol
from inmanta.agent.handler import Commander
from inmanta.ast import CompilerException, Namespace, UnknownException
from inmanta.ast.entity import Entity
from inmanta.config import Option, is_list, is_uuid_opt
from inmanta.const import ResourceState
from import PipConfig
from inmanta.execute.proxy import DynamicProxy
from inmanta.execute.runtime import Instance
from inmanta.module import Project
from inmanta.protocol import Result
from inmanta.resources import Id, IgnoreResourceException, Resource, resource, to_id
from inmanta.stable_api import stable_api
from inmanta.types import ResourceVersionIdStr
from inmanta.util import get_compiler_version, hash_file

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

unknown_parameters: list[dict[str, str]] = []

cfg_env = Option("config", "environment", None, "The environment this model is associated with", is_uuid_opt)
cfg_export = Option(
    "The list of exporters to use. This option is ignored when the --export-plugin option is used.",

ModelDict = dict[str, Entity]
ResourceDict = dict[Id, Resource]
ProxiedType = dict[str, Sequence[Union[str, tuple, int, float, bool, "DynamicProxy"]]]

class DependencyCycleException(Exception):
    def __init__(self, start: Resource) -> None:
        self.start = start
        self.cycle = [start]
        self.running = True

    def add_to_cycle(self, node: Resource) -> None:
        if node == self.start:
            self.running = False
        elif self.running:

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return "Cycle in dependencies: %s" % self.cycle

def upload_code(conn: protocol.SyncClient, tid: uuid.UUID, version: int, code_manager: loader.CodeManager) -> None:
    res = conn.stat_files(list(code_manager.get_file_hashes()))
    if res is None or res.code != 200:
        raise Exception("Unable to upload handler plugin code to the server (msg: %s)" % res.result)

    for file in res.result["files"]:
        content = code_manager.get_file_content(file)
        res = conn.upload_file(id=file, content=base64.b64encode(content).decode("ascii"))
        if res is None or res.code != 200:
            raise Exception("Unable to upload handler plugin code to the server (msg: %s)" % res.result)

    # Example of what a source_map may look like:
    # Type Name: mymodule::Mytype"
    # Source Files:
    #   /path/to/ (hash: 'abc123', module: 'inmanta_plugins.mymodule.Mytype')
    #   /path/to/ (hash: 'def456', module: 'inmanta_plugins.mymodule.Mytype')
    # source_map = {
    #    "mymodule::Mytype": {
    #      'abc123': ('/path/to/', 'inmanta_plugins.mymodule.Mytype', <requirements if any>),
    #      'def456': ('/path/to/', 'inmanta_plugins.mymodule.Mytype', <requirements if any>)
    #    },
    # ...other types would be included as well
    # }
    source_map = {
        resource_name: {source.hash: (source.path, source.module_name, source.requires) for source in sources}
        for resource_name, sources in code_manager.get_types()

    res = conn.upload_code_batched(tid=tid, id=version, resources=source_map)
    if res is None or res.code != 200:
        raise Exception("Unable to upload handler plugin code to the server (msg: %s)" % res.result)

class Exporter:
    This class handles exporting the compiled configuration model

    # instance vars
    types: Optional[dict[str, Entity]]
    scopes: Optional[Namespace]
    failed: bool  # did the compile fail?

    # class vars
    __export_functions: dict[str, tuple[list[str], Callable[["Exporter", ProxiedType], None]]] = {}
    # type is not entirely right, ProxiedType argument can be absent
    __dep_manager: list[Callable[[ModelDict, ResourceDict], None]] = []

    def clear(cls) -> None:
        cls.types = None
        cls.scopes = None
        cls.__export_functions = {}
        cls.__dep_manager = []

    def add(cls, name: str, types: list[str], function: Callable[["Exporter", ProxiedType], None]) -> None:
        Add a new export function
        cls.__export_functions[name] = (types, function)

    def add_dependency_manager(cls, function: Callable[[ModelDict, ResourceDict], None]) -> None:
        Register a new dependency manager

    def __init__(self, options: Optional[argparse.Namespace] = None) -> None:
        self.options = options

        self._resources: ResourceDict = {}
        self._resource_sets: dict[str, Optional[str]] = {}
        self._removed_resource_sets: set[str] = set()
        self._resource_state: dict[str, ResourceState] = {}
        self._unknown_objects: set[str] = set()
        # Actual version (placeholder for partial export) is set as soon as export starts.
        self._version: Optional[int] = None
        self._scope = None
        self.failed = False

        self._file_store: dict[str, bytes] = {}

    def _get_instance_proxies_of_types(self, types: list[str]) -> dict[str, Sequence[ProxiedType]]:
        """Returns a dict of instances for the given types"""
        proxies: dict[str, Sequence[ProxiedType]] = {}
        for t in types:
            if self.types is not None and t in self.types:
                proxies[t] = [DynamicProxy.return_value(i) for i in self.types[t].get_all_instances()]
                proxies[t] = []

        return proxies

    def _load_resources(self, types: dict[str, Entity]) -> None:
        Load all registered resources and resource_sets

        :param types: All Inmanta types present in the model. Maps the name of the type to the corresponding entity.
        resource_types = resource.get_entity_resources()
        resource_mapping: dict[Instance, Resource] = {}
        ignored_set = set()

        for resource_type in resource_types:
            if resource_type not in types:
            instances = types[resource_type].get_all_instances()
            if len(instances) > 0:
                for instance in instances:
                        res = Resource.create_from_model(self, resource_type, DynamicProxy.return_value(instance))
                        resource_mapping[instance] = res
                    except UnknownException:
                        # We get this exception when the attribute that is used to create the object id contains an unknown.
                        # We can safely ignore this resource == prune it
                            "Skipped resource of type %s because its id contains an unknown (location: %s)",

                    except IgnoreResourceException:
                            "Ignoring resource of type %s because it requested to ignore it. (location: %s)",

        self._load_resource_sets(types, resource_mapping)
        Resource.convert_requires(resource_mapping, ignored_set)

    def _load_resource_sets(self, types: dict[str, Entity], resource_mapping: dict["Instance", "Resource"]) -> None:
        load the resource_sets in a dict with as keys resource_ids and as values the name of the resource_set
        the resource belongs to.
        This method should only be called after all resources have been extracted from the model.

        :param types: All Inmanta types present in the model. Maps the name of the type to the corresponding entity.
        :param resource_mapping: Maps in-model instances of resources to their deserialized Resource representation.
        resource_sets: dict[str, Optional[str]] = {}
        resource_set_instances: list["Instance"] = (
            types["std::ResourceSet"].get_all_instances() if "std::ResourceSet" in types else []
        for resource_set_instance in resource_set_instances:
            name: str = resource_set_instance.get_attribute("name").get_value()
            empty_set: bool = True
            resources_in_set: list[Instance] = resource_set_instance.get_attribute("resources").get_value()
            for resource_in_set in resources_in_set:
                if resource_in_set in resource_mapping:
                    resource_id: str = resource_mapping[resource_in_set].id.resource_str()
                    if resource_id in resource_sets and resource_sets[resource_id] != name:
                        raise CompilerException(
                            f"resource '{resource_id}' can not be part of multiple ResourceSets: "
                            f"{resource_sets[resource_id]} and {name}"
                    resource_sets[resource_id] = name
                    empty_set = False
                        "resource %s is part of ResourceSet %s but will not be exported.",
            if empty_set:
                # Implicit deletion of empty sets
                # When soft_delete option is set, un-mark resource sets with exporting resources from deletion
                if self.options and self.options.soft_delete:

        self._resource_sets = resource_sets

    def _run_export_plugins_specified_in_config_file(self) -> None:
        Run any additional export plug-ins
        export = []
        for pl in cfg_export.get():

        for name in export:
            if name.strip() == "":

    def run_export_plugin(self, name: str) -> None:
        if name not in Exporter.__export_functions:
            raise Exception("Export function %s does not exist." % name)

        types, function = Exporter.__export_functions[name]
        if len(types) > 0:
            function(self, types=self._get_instance_proxies_of_types(types))

    def _call_dep_manager(self, types: ModelDict) -> None:
        Call all dep managers and let them add dependencies
        for fnc in self.__class__.__dep_manager:
                fnc(types, self._resources)
            except UnknownException:
                LOGGER.debug("Dependency manager %s caused an unknown exception", fnc)

        # Because dependency managers are only semi-trusted code, we can not assume they respect the proper typing
        # There are already many dependency manager who are somewhat liberal in what they put into the requires set

        def cleanup(requires: Union[ResourceVersionIdStr, Resource, Id]) -> Id:
            Main type cleanup

            :param requires: a requirement, can be a string, resource, Id
            :return: the same requirement, but as an Id
            :raises Exception: the requirement can not be converted

            if isinstance(requires, str):
                myid = Id.parse_id(requires)
                if myid.version == 0:
                    raise Exception(
                        f"A dependency manager inserted a resource id without version this is not allowed {requires}"
                return myid
            if isinstance(requires, Resource):
            if isinstance(requires, Id):
                return requires
            raise Exception(
                f"A dependency manager inserted the object {repr(requires)} of type {type(requires)} "
                "into a requires relation. However, only string, Resource or Id are allowable types "

        # Clean up requires and resource_requires
        for res in self._resources.values():
            res.requires = {cleanup(r) for r in res.requires}
            res.resource_requires = {self._resources[r] for r in res.requires}

    def _validate_graph(self) -> None:
        Validate the graph and if requested by the user, dump it
        done: set[Resource] = set()

        def find_cycle(current: Resource, working: set[Resource]) -> None:
            if current in done:
            if current in working:
                raise DependencyCycleException(current)
            for dep in current.resource_requires:
                    find_cycle(dep, working)
                except DependencyCycleException as e:
                    raise e

        for res in self._resources.values():
            if res not in done:
                find_cycle(res, set())

        if self.options and self.options.depgraph:
            dot = "digraph G {\n"
            for res in self._resources.values():
                res_id =
                dot += '\t"%s";\n' % res_id

                for req in res.resource_requires:
                    dot += f'\t"{res_id}" -> "{req}";\n'

            dot += "}\n"

            with open("", "wb+") as fd:

    def get_version(self, no_commit: bool = False, partial_compile: bool = False) -> int:
        if no_commit or partial_compile:
            return 0
        tid = cfg_env.get()
        if tid is None:
            LOGGER.warning("The environment for this model should be set for export to server!")
            return 0
            conn = protocol.SyncClient("compiler")
            result = conn.reserve_version(tid)
            if result.code != 200:
                raise Exception(f"Unable to reserve version number from server (msg: {result.result})")
            return result.result["data"]

    def run(
        types: Optional[dict[str, Entity]],
        scopes: Optional[Namespace],
        metadata: dict[str, str] = {},
        no_commit: bool = False,
        include_status: bool = False,
        model_export: bool = False,
        export_plugin: Optional[str] = None,
        partial_compile: bool = False,
        resource_sets_to_remove: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
    ) -> Union[tuple[int, ResourceDict], tuple[int, ResourceDict, dict[str, ResourceState]]]:
        Run the export functions. Return value for partial json export uses 0 as version placeholder.
        start = time.time()
        if not partial_compile and resource_sets_to_remove:
            raise Exception("Cannot remove resource sets when a full compile was done")
        self._removed_resource_sets = set(resource_sets_to_remove) if resource_sets_to_remove is not None else set()

        self.types = types
        self.scopes = scopes

        self._version = self.get_version(no_commit, partial_compile)

        if types is not None:
            # then process the configuration model to submit it to the mgmt server
            # This is the actual export : convert entities to resources.
            # call dependency managers
            metadata[const.META_DATA_COMPILE_STATE] = const.Compilestate.success
            self.failed = False
            metadata[const.META_DATA_COMPILE_STATE] = const.Compilestate.failed
            self.failed = True
            LOGGER.warning("Compilation of model failed.")

        if not self.failed:
            if export_plugin is not None:
                # Run export plugin specified on CLI

        # validate the dependency graph

        resources = self.resources_to_list()

        export_done = time.time()
        LOGGER.debug("Generating resources from the compiled model took %0.03f seconds", export_done - start)

        if len(self._resources) == 0:
            LOGGER.warning("Empty deployment model.")

        if self.options and self.options.json:
            with open(self.options.json, "wb+") as fd:
        elif (not self.failed or len(self._resources) > 0) and not no_commit:
            self._version = self.commit_resources(
  "Committed resources with version %d" % self._version)

        exported_version: int = self._version
        if include_status:
            return exported_version, self._resources, self._resource_state

        LOGGER.debug("Committing resources took %0.03f seconds", time.time() - export_done)

        return exported_version, self._resources

    def add_resource(self, resource: Resource) -> None:
        Add a new resource to the list of exported resources. When
        commit_resources is called, the entire list of resources is sent
        to the server.

        A resource is a map of attributes. This method validates the id
        of the resource and will add a version (if it is not set already)
        if resource.version > 0:
            raise Exception("Versions should not be added to resources during model compilation.")


        if in self._resources:
            raise CompilerException("Resource %s exists more than once in the configuration model" %

        is_undefined = False
        for unknown in resource.unknowns:
            is_undefined = True
            value = getattr(resource, unknown)
            if value.source is not None and hasattr(value.source, "_type"):
                resource_id = to_id(value.source)
                if resource_id:

        if is_undefined:
            self._resource_state[] = const.ResourceState.undefined
            self._resource_state[] = const.ResourceState.available

        self._resources[] = resource

    def resources_to_list(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
        Convert the resource list to a json representation
        resources = []

        for res in self._resources.values():

        return resources

    def deploy_code(self, conn: protocol.SyncClient, tid: uuid.UUID, version: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
        """Deploy code to the server"""
        if version is None:
            version = int(time.time())

        code_manager = loader.CodeManager()"Sending resources and handler source to server")

        # Load both resource definition and handlers
        for type_name, resource_definition in resource.get_resources():
            code_manager.register_code(type_name, resource_definition)

        for type_name, handler_definition in Commander.get_providers():
            code_manager.register_code(type_name, handler_definition)"Uploading source files")

        upload_code(conn, tid, version, code_manager)

    def commit_resources(
        version: Optional[int],
        resources: list[dict[str, str]],
        metadata: dict[str, str],
        partial_compile: bool,
        resource_sets_to_remove: list[str],
        pip_config: PipConfig,
    ) -> int:
        Commit the entire list of resources to the configuration server.

        :return: The version for which resources were committed.
        tid = cfg_env.get()
        if tid is None:
            LOGGER.error("The environment for this model should be set!")
            raise Exception("The environment for this model should be set!")

        if version is None and not partial_compile:
            raise Exception("Full export requires version to be set")

        conn = protocol.SyncClient("compiler")

        # partial exports use the same code as the version they're based on
        if not partial_compile:
            self.deploy_code(conn, tid, version)"Uploading %d files" % len(self._file_store))

        # collect all hashes and send them at once to the server to check
        # if they are already uploaded
        hashes = list(self._file_store.keys())

        result = conn.stat_files(files=hashes)

        if result.code != 200:
            raise Exception("Unable to check status of files at server")

        to_upload = result.result["files"]"Only %d files are new and need to be uploaded" % len(to_upload))
        for hash_id in to_upload:
            content = self._file_store[hash_id]

            result = conn.upload_file(id=hash_id, content=base64.b64encode(content).decode("ascii"))

            if result.code != 200:
                LOGGER.error("Unable to upload file with hash %s" % hash_id)
                LOGGER.debug("Uploaded file with hash %s" % hash_id)

        # Collecting version information
        version_info = {const.EXPORT_META_DATA: metadata}"Sending resource updates to server")
        if LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            for res in resources:
                rid = res["id"]
                resource_set: Optional[str] = self._resource_sets.get(Id.parse_id(rid).resource_str(), None)
                if resource_set is not None:
                    LOGGER.debug("  %s in resource set %s", rid, resource_set)
                    LOGGER.debug("  %s not in any resource set", rid)

        def do_put(**kwargs: object) -> Result:
            if partial_compile:
                result = conn.put_partial(
                result = conn.put_version(
            return result

        # Backward compatibility with ISO6 servers
        result = do_put(pip_config=pip_config)
        if (
            result.code == 400
            and isinstance(result.result, dict)
            and "Invalid request: request contains fields {'pip_config'}" in result.result.get("message", "")
                "Pip config will not be correctly picked up by the agent: "
                "the orchestrator we are exporting to does not support this!"
            result = do_put()

        if result.code != 200:
            LOGGER.error("Failed to commit resource updates (%s)", result.result["message"])
            raise Exception("Failed to commit resource updates (%s)" % result.result["message"])

        if version == 0:
            assert result.result is not None
            return pydantic.TypeAdapter(int).validate_python(result.result["data"])
            return version

    def upload_file(self, content: Union[str, bytes]) -> str:
        Upload a file to the configuration server. This operation is not
        executed in the transaction.
        bcontent: bytes

        if not isinstance(content, bytes):
            bcontent = content.encode("utf-8")
            bcontent = content

        hash_id = hash_file(bcontent)
        self._file_store[hash_id] = bcontent

        return hash_id

    def get_environment_id(self) -> str:
        env = str(cfg_env.get())

        if env is None:
            raise Exception("The environment of the model should be configured in config>environment")

        return env

[docs] @stable_api class dependency_manager: # noqa: N801 """ Register a function that manages dependencies in the configuration model that will be deployed. """ def __init__(self, function: Callable[[ModelDict, ResourceDict], None]) -> None: Exporter.add_dependency_manager(function)
class code_manager: # noqa: N801 """Register a function that will be invoked after all resource and handler code is collected. A code manager can add or modify code before it is uploaded to the server. """ def __init__(self, function: Callable[[], None]) -> None: pass class export: # noqa: N801 """ A decorator that registers an export function """ def __init__(self, name: str, *args: str) -> None: = name self.types = args def __call__(self, function: Callable[["Exporter", ProxiedType], None]) -> Callable[["Exporter", ProxiedType], None]: """ The wrapping """ Exporter.add(, self.types, function) return function